View Full Version : Peyton Royce Opens Up About Her Battle With Depression

07-31-2020, 09:19 PM
Peyton Royce took to social media recently to open up about her experience with depression. The 27-year-old posted a photo from last year taken just weeks before her wedding to Shawn Spears. Royce said that even though on the outside everything was going great in her life, inside she was dealing with depression.

“I was dealing with the lowest low I’ve ever experienced. My mental health was suffering more than I had ever dealt with & I felt like I could not get myself together. I felt like I was letting so many people down including myself & I just couldn’t pick myself up,” Royce said in the post. She would continue to say that many people who suffer from mental illness look fine on the outside.

“Everyone is going through something. Be kind & know that everyone is dealing with whatever it is, the best they can. The more love, support & kindness we can show each other might help someone feel less alone. Even if they seem happy & confident like they’ve got it all together… They could be a fantastic fibber.”

Royce’s post can be viewed below:

"❗️Vulnerable post ahead. Pls be kind ❗️

This photo was taken about a year ago. I was so excited because I was a few weeks away from getting married, I was half of the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions. Everything seemed to be incredible from the outside. But inside, I was dealing with the lowest low I’ve ever experienced. My mental health was suffering more than I had ever dealt with & I felt like I could not get myself together. I felt like I was letting so many people down including myself & I just couldn’t pick myself up.
I look at this photo & see someone faking confidence on her face because she knew the rest could be edited. The girl in this photo is a stranger to me now, thank goodness. She pops her head in every now & then to see if she can bring me back down but I do my best to politely ask her to 🤬 off!

Everyone is going through something. Be kind & know that everyone is dealing with whatever it is, the best they can. The more love, support & kindness we can show each other might help someone feel less alone. Even if they seem happy & confident like they’ve got it all together... They could be a fantastic fibber."

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