View Full Version : WWE Legend Marty Jannetty Potentially Admitted To Murder In Facebook Post

08-05-2020, 06:58 PM
Professional wrestler Marty Jannetty, best known for his time in WWE as a member of the legendary tag team “The Rockers” with Shawn Michaels, confessed to committing murder when he was 13 years old in a rambling, bizarre Facebook post.

The 60-year-old wrestler alleges that he was targeted by a man when he was 13 years old, who he believed was going to sexually assault him. At which point he killed the man, and dumped his body in the Chattahoochie River, presumably in, or near Columbus, Georgia — where Jannetty grew up. It’s also where Victory Lanes, the bowling alley mentioned in the post is located.

Perhaps most chilling is that Jannetty is using the story as a warning for his longtime girlfriend, saying “I promised myself way back then, nobody would hurt me again .. that includes you.” Jannetty also indicates that he killed more people over his life, saying “that was the very first time I made a man disappear,” indicating there could be more.

It’s unclear if Jannetty is being honest in this story. The wrestler has had numerous problematic posts in the past, including in 2018 when Jannetty’s account suggested he wanted to have sex with a woman he raised as a daughter, which he later said was posted by hackers. Jannetty has also struggled with substance abuse issues throughout the course of his career, and was recently involved in a lawsuit against WWE claiming he suffers from Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) as a result of wrestling without adequate protection during the 1980s and 1990s.

Jannetty has since deleted the post in question, and has not made a statement about the alleged murder he admitted to.

Columbus Police Dept. in Georgia said, "We are going to look into this."

In fact, a spokesperson from the homicide/cold case division says, "The first step will be seeing if we have any missing persons or unidentified remains cases that match the limited information in the post."

The CPD notes that they have "several current active homicide investigations underway and they will have to remain the priority" -- so, it won't be an all hands on deck situation right now.

