View Full Version : AJ Styles Talks Reports Of WWE Taking Over Talent’s Third Party Accounts

10-08-2020, 03:32 PM
AJ Styles decided to discuss WWE’s stance on talent having third party accounts such as Camo and Twitch.

The latest reports came out stating that WWE had issued a memo to all talent to inform them that WWE will officially be taking ownership of third party accounts in four weeks.

While wrestlers will still “receive a portion” of the revenue, it will count against their downside guarantee in their individual contracts.

Styles talked about this during a recent Twitch live stream. He started out by stating that he doesn’t know what’s going to happen or what they expect from talent using these platforms.

“I don’t know if it’s something that they’re like, ‘We just want you guys under an umbrella like a WWE Twitch and have a set lineup and here is who is on when’. If that’s the case – great! Then fans would know where and when to find us.”

He stated that he found out about the news on the internet and he thinks that it would be better than that as he thinks communication should be more open. He pointed out how you’d think that the wrestlers would know more than someone outside of the company.

Styles noted that no one is making millions on Twitch and fans use the platform to interact with their favorite wrestlers while the wrestlers use it to interact with fans as they can no longer do so due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I don’t know what they’re hoping to get out of this. The communication has not been as great as we’d like. There’s a lot of us who are all on the same page – we’ve talked to each other. We’re facing the same thing. It’s all doom and gloom or, ‘Oh, that’s all they want.’ I feel like this is an opportunity for me and my channel to say, ‘This is what’s really going on’ and debunk some stupid rumors that are going on.”

He said that WWE is a great place to work despite what fans think or what’s going on with this new edict.

“There just needs to be better communication and direction – lines in the sand, I guess you could say. Like, ‘You don’t cross this; You can’t do this’ because there is that crazy thing about us being an independent contractor.”

He pointed out that they’re independent contractors and there are a bunch of rules, but he would rather keep it that way because he knows what is to be expected of him.