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Dangerous Incorporated
10-18-2006, 06:50 AM
Chavo Rips Bischoff, Bischoff Talks TNA, Bischoff On Radio Show

There is a new subsite on WWE.com promoting Eric Bischoff's new book. Within the subsite, there is a page featuring comments regarding Bischoff and his book from current WWE stars who used to be WCW stars under his watch. One WWE star in particular had some very harsh words to say about Bischoff, and that person is Chavo Guerrero. Here is what Chavo said:

Chavo Guerrero on Bischoff and Controversy Creates Cash…

"Controversy creates an asshole. That’s what he is. He kissed all the top guys asses in WCW, while all the workhorses, guys like Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Rey Mysterio and myself were treated like shit. We were the ones busting our asses and having the best matches in WCW while the top guys couldn’t have a good match to save their lives… Basically, what Eric did was steal all the top guys from WWE and make another WWE. The difference was, in WWE, all their top guys could go for 45 minutes and have great matches on every night, but in WCW none of the top guys could go.

On the book…
"Bischoff did a lot of bad things while he was on top. He was on a power trip and I don't think he has the balls to come clean and admit it in the book."

William Regal, Booker T, Big Show, Finlay, Gregory Helms and Torrie Wilson also commented on Bischoff and his new book. They were all positive for the most part. Click here for their comments (http://www.wwe.com/inside/controversycreatescash/exclusives/3442162)

Eric Bischoff has posted another blog entry on his official website, EricBischoff.com (http://www.ericbischoff.com/) The most notable subject he talks about in his latest blog entry regards his personal thoughts on TNA. He wishes TNA well, but he doesn't seem to think too highly of them judging by his vague words. Here is what he said about TNA:

Many of the questions I have been getting are of a similar nature-so I will give you my thoughts on TNA here. First off, if you’ve read my book you know that I believe competition is very good for any business and especially for sports entertainment. For this reason alone, I wish TNA well. TNA’s success in the long run would be good for everyone. That said, my personal opinion is that I have not seen anything yet that suggests to me that there is a vision for TNA that gives the organization a USP, or “unique selling proposition”. Other than the shape of the ring (which doesn’t really translate to a unique in ring product in and of itself) TNA currently comes off as “less than” WWE. That is not meant to be a criticism. They are a young company with limited resources. They can’t possibly compete with a monster media brand like WWE.

Unless they find a way to be “different than”. But that’s easier said than done.

There. Now you know my thoughts on TNA. Please understand if I don't respond to similar questions.

Eric Bischoff will be appearing on the Bubba The Love Sponge Show on Thursday October 19th at 4:30 pm eastern on Sirius Radio.