View Full Version : Trish Stratus Is On Board For A Dream Match Against Sasha Banks

12-28-2020, 08:15 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus is the latest guest on the Women’s Wrestling Talk podcast. During the appearance, Stratus commented on main eventing WWE Raw with Lita in 2004, the possibility of working for WWE as a backstage producer and much more. There was a lot of ground covered during the hour-long discussion.

Trish Stratus and Sasha Banks have repeatedly expressed interest in working together. During a recent interview, Sasha Banks named Trish Stratus as her dream opponent. Stratus once again discussed the possibility of working with Sasha Banks, solidifying that this seems more about “when” they will wrestle than “if.” She respects Sasha Banks, loves her in-ring work and thinks they have the chemistry to execute a match that lives up to the hype.

“Prime or even not prime, I feel like Sasha and I have this thing that I think fans want to see, and I think deep down, I would like to see,” she said. “I love her so much. I respect her as a person, as an athlete, as a performer, and as a friend. I love what she does in the ring.”

Trish Stratus and Sasha Banks had a memorable face-to-face confrontation at the 2018 Royal Rumble. Fans recognized the chemistry they had. Trish compares it to the chemistry between The Rock and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

“Sometimes you get in the ring and you notice it. When you get in the ring sometimes, you just have this thing. That’s the thing [Lita] and I had. Mickie and I had it, Victoria and I had it. It’s just something that when you get in there, it’s like, ‘Something is gonna happen.’ The Rock-Austin, that kind of thing. We had a simple face-off at the Royal Rumble, and we’re still buzzing about it and talking about it like it’s a dream match.”

Trish Stratus retired from active competition in 2006. Since then, she has made a handful of in-ring appearances.

“I have always said ever since I retired was that if there was an opportunity for me to go back, it would be for something that was challenging and stimulating and something that fans wanted. Something that is exciting and it does something for both parties involved. So, she kind of fits the bill in that regard.”

You can watch Trish Stratus’ appearance on Women’s Wrestling Talk in the player embedded below:
