View Full Version : Triple H conference call with reporters regarding Sunday’s Takeover Vengeance Day PPV

02-11-2021, 09:13 PM

Paul Levesque (Triple H) met with reporters via conference call this morning to talk about Sunday’s Takeover Vengeance Day PPV/Network Event. After running down the card and talking about the talents, Paul took questions from reporters.

The first question came from came from the Daily Star. He asked about Edge being on NXT last week. Is it realistic he will challenge for the NXT Title? Paul said that Edge’s return has been done really, really well. He is in a place in his mind where he wants to build young talent and getting them rolling. He has been talked to Paul since before his return last year about coming to NXT and both helping the young talent and also would like to work with talents on the brand. He said that Edge is excited to work with the young talent. He loves being there and talking to the young talent. He said nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. Last year Charlotte chose Rhea Ripley. Everything is on the table. No matter what happens at Mania, he could see Edge come to NXT at some point, writing some of the final chapters that he wants to write of his career.

The next question came from Comicbooks.com. He asked about whether NXT should have a more consistent appearance on WrestleMania every year. Paul said it’s great to be there. There are such big rosters that you have to decide how long they want the show to be. Everyone wants a spot at Mania and there are only so many. It’s a battle and a balance. He loves NXT being a part of the biggest show of the year. It helps drive the brand forward. It’s just a matter of how much you can fit into the show vs. what you can fit on a show on the weekend (when there is a Takeover).

Sportskeeda asked about someone from India getting fast tracked to NXT or the main roster (I think).

Paul then figured out it was Parker Bordeaux and said he looks like Brock Lesnar. We will see what he can do and whether he is ready to be a performer. He said that a lot of international talents need seasoning and to learn the WWE way. He said it’s up to them to learn and get seasoned. They need to show the desire and drive. He mentioned a names of people he was excited were at the cusp, including Rick Steiner’s son Bronson. The future is bright. He again said the look is one thing, but the performer needs to step up.

Miguel from Marker asked about NXT being in the Elimination Chamber. He wouldn’t be opposed to it but he also likes that the brands has their own gimmicks. They have the Chamber, he has War Games. UK has the Heritage Cup. Keeping them separate is a good thing.

The Miami Herald asked about adding more Women’s Titles, like an extra belt or tag titles. H said you weight it and see if it makes sense. He is not a big fan of having a ton of Titles (me either). They will see where it goes. With the Women’s division getting so large, it may warrant adding a Title.

Mike Johnson asked the changing landscape, with Peacock and Hockey probably coming to USA, what do you see as successful ratings at this point?

H said Nick Khan said it best when he said you are talking about eyeballs and consumption. How are people consuming the product? People are watching more content, just not only on TV as it used to be. Phones, apps, etc. are getting eyeballs. He said Khan watched Smackdown on the app for months and that didn’t count in ratings. He said that in today’s world to say only one platform matters is naive. You have to have take into account how people are watching and when. It’s changed over 15 years. He is happy where they are but he is never content. He always wants to grow and get more eyeballs. Peacock will help with that. It’s all part of their engagement strategy.

He was asked about the amount of women in the Rumble match and how much input he had in booking it. He said he was there day of and in on the conversations, but not involved before that. He said with the Rumble, they look at people they think are the right fit. Sometimes they are looking for a holy crap moment, sometimes a surprise, etc. It’s never as simple as saying we will take X amount from each brand. It’s not cookie cutter. It evolves as the plan does. And, you need to have backups ready if needed. It comes down to who is the right fit.

Jason Powell asked for status updates on Velveteen Dream and Pat McAfee.

There is nothing to add with Dream. He is still training, had a physical thing but still there and training. Pat is a busy guy. He’s successful guy and it basically comes down to when he is available. Given his connection with football, this was a busy time for him. He’s a busy dude. He said let him have some time after the Super Bowl since I just got married, so that is where he is right now. Pat loves being in NXT and H loves that. He added that Big Bunny is the same way, he loves being involved with WWE and is very respectful of it, like Pat. Bunny is one of the guys when he is there and training.

He was asked about the status of Rhea Ripley. Which brand is she going to and what do you see as her potential on the main roster?

He said at 23 she is maturity has grown so much in the last year. She brings so much to the table in all facets of the business. She is humble and wants to learn. He can’t say enough good things about her and sees her as a breakout star in the making for the main roster. She has IT, just like Bianca Belair. He didn’t say what brand she would be on.

He was asked about whether there has been talk about NXT appearing on Peacock, like running the show live on Peacock. He said he’s not sure, he’s not in those conversations. It’s a question for Nick Khan or his wife probably. The great thing about NXT on USA is that they are happy with the product and when it sits. There is synergy now which he could see leading to opportunity for NXT. And he just used the word synergy after I typed it. I read his mind.

The final question asked about Steve Cutler’s release, asking if it was due to COVID protocol change. He said he has no knowledge of the situation or what went down. They take COVID seriously though and they expect the talent to do the same. The safety and health of the performers, staff and crew is paramount. He doesn’t know the situation, he just knows what he has read and what has been speculated to him. But, he hasn’t asked what happened.

Paul thanked us for coming and for the great questions. They actually were pretty good overall today.