View Full Version : Randy Orton On His WWE Position: “I’ll Have That Mother F–king Spot As Long As I Want It”

03-23-2021, 07:37 PM
Randy Orton has been a top star in WWE since winning the World Heavyweight Title in the main event of the 2004 SummerSlam pay-per-view event.

He’s been in that spot despite any setbacks that he’s created in his way and will likely be in that position until he walks away from the business. On late Sunday night after being beaten by Alexa Bliss at Fastlane, he gave credit is due.

A fan sent out a tweet about how Orton mentioned WWE producer Shane Helms during his new Broken Skull Sessions interview with Steve Austin for taking the RKO in the early days of his career. Helms responded to that tweet by writing, “Yup. @RandyOrton is one of those rare people in this biz that actually give credit where it’s due."

Orton responded to Helms and made it known that he will have his spot in WWE as long as he wants to have it.

“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for many different people. I’ll never forget that. But I know, and they know. No problem giving credit where credit is due. I have a spot. I’ll have that MOTHER F–KING spot as long as I want it. But make no mistake, I didn’t get here by myself.”

“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt returned with a new look at Fastlane to attack Orton, which is likely leading to a match between them at WrestleMania 37.