View Full Version : Stephanie McMahon: “I Have Been The Only Woman In Very Large Male-Dominated Meetings”

03-24-2021, 07:23 PM
Stephanie McMahon recently took part in an interview with The Cosmopolitan to speak about women’s history month and being a woman in a male-dominated industry.

“I have been the only woman in very large groups of male-dominated meetings,” Stephanie said during the interview. “Growing up in this business, I have the advantage of being the boss’s daughter but there have certainly been times where I have felt like my voice didn’t matter as much. And in those situations, you just have to speak louder. You have to grab the moment because you cannot let it intimidate you. If you have a point that you want to make, make it. Call it out when you’re not being listened to.”

Stephanie was asked about what her biggest challenge in WWE has been, and she said it was facing Ronda Rousey in the ring.

“My biggest challenge was facing Ronda Rousey at Wrestle Mania. She was so amazing that I had to really train to even showcase her. She was the first woman champion in UFC, so she was tough. I had to train three times a day for three months. I had to do all of this on top of being an executive and a mom. It was a lot of pressure on me, but I learnt so much about myself and what I was capable of. That opportunity was a privilege which I chose to go for. That was one of my biggest challenges ever.”

Stephanie also mentioned during the interview that she loves playing the role of the heel.

“I have always gravitated towards the villains in any story. I find them to be deeper, more interesting characters. The persona I had created was an outlet for me. I have always drawn from people around me. I tend to be trusting and respectful because of which I’ve been taken advantage of all my life. I’ve had a lot of times when I have been undermined, so I draw from those people and I put that lens on. And it has been so fun to portray that character because ultimately, the bad guy never really wins. So, to be able to give that back to the audience is amazing. I love to be able to give the hero that moment because the bigger the villain, the more powerful is the hero that vanquishes the villain.”