View Full Version : Triple H Talks The Potential of a Physical WWE Hall of Fame

04-25-2021, 11:01 PM
Triple H recently appeared on ESPN’s Cheap Heat podcast with Peter Rosenberg. Hunter Hearst Helmsley discussed a number of topics during his time on the podcast, including the company building a ‘physical’ Hall of Fame building with interactive elements.

“For me to say, ‘It’s on the way’ makes it sound like we’re already building it” Triple H began on Cheap Heat. “It is definitely something that we contemplated in our mind. It has to be done right.”

“In the world today, it’s a funny thing; people go like, ‘oh my God, that would be fascinating to go to see somebody’s old trunks’ or… Hall Of Fames like that, physical Hall Of Fames, museums like that tend to be money pits and not do well because over time, people will [see] them and just think, ‘well you need to make it something more’” Triple H added.

“I think if it was interactive, with technology the way that it is now? Those objects were there, things that people can see and be wowed by, but also there’s reasons to keep going back” The Game continued, giving context as to why WWE may not have as of yet pulled the trigger on creating a building for their HOF.

“I’m of the opinion that, there means to be more than a thing you go to one time and go like, ‘Oh that was neat. I saw some boots'” The WWE executive noted. “But more of a, ‘you gotta go see this. I was there. There’s a virtual this, there’s a 3D that.'”

“Technology takes you to another level” Triple H concluded. “Like Disney, you go see these incredible things but also have these mind-blowing experiences around WWE and you can also spend the day there.”