View Full Version : Mid South TV Review 10/9/82

Shootkick Man
04-27-2021, 03:43 PM
Boyd Pearce and Bob Roop open the show.

We go to last week with the closing moments of Mr Wrestling II vs Ted Dibiase. Hacksaw Jim Duggan ran in however Wrestling II cleared the ring of Duggan and pinned Dibiase with the Million Dollar Kneelift.

Clips are also shown of Col Buck Robley wrestling Skandor Akbar. Robley had Akbar in the sleeper and Killer Khan & Mongolian Stomper ran in and attacked and left Robley laying.

Our first match is Mongolian Stomper vs Mike Bond. Bond got a tiny bit of offense but not much. Stomper won the match with the Shinnin No Maki(Cobra Clutch).

Next was Buck Robley vs Grappler II. Robley on the match with a sleeper.

Next was the best match on the show. Ted Dibiase & Jim Duggan defeated Dick Murdoch & Iron Mike Sharpe. Dibiase used the loaded glove on Sharpe for the win. Crown started to wake up for this match.

Next up Kamala vs Vinnie Romeo. Kamala won with a flying body splash. Kamala looked devastating.

Up next was a tag team match with Junkyard Dog & Mr Olympia vs Nick Kiniski & Bob Stabler. JYD & Mr Olympia won the match when Dog used the Thump on Stabler.

Jessie Barr vs Tim Horner. The TV time has expired during this match.