View Full Version : Ric Flair Admits He Was Uncomfortable With Lacey Evans Storyline

05-13-2021, 12:24 AM
As a special guest on the Ariel Helwani MMA Show, Ric Flair discussed his recent storyline with Lacey Evans involving his daughter, Charlotte. Flair was inserted into the story to aid Evans against Charlotte leading up to WrestleMania this year. Plans changed after Evans legitimately got pregnant. Flair admitted not feeling comfortable about the storyline, but said ultimately he did what he was told because Vince McMahon was sold that it would get Evans over.

“In this instance, I didn’t [feel comfortable],” Flair admitted. “The one thing I’ve learned is you’re not going to win a war when someone’s got their mind made up. She most definitely didn’t like it, but the one thing that I can say about me is I always said yes. I didn’t want to be that guy that was always going ‘Oh, that isn’t perfect for me.’

“When that was all over, I was mad but now I just look back and say it wasn’t it. This was something that when I got to TV, Mr. McMahon wasn’t there to argue the point with and he had stuff going on, I don’t like to put the pressure on someone if I can’t talk to him. He just made up his mind, I think a lot of it was because [Lacey] was a marine. God only knows we cannot give enough back to the people that serve in the military and I think he wanted her to be successful and the way to get successful sometimes is to take two people that are doing really well and give them the rub.”

WWE briefly hinted at Flair being the father of Evans’ baby, however the storyline was quickly dropped. The two-time WWE Hall of Famer wished Evans nothing but the best, but noted that the story just didn’t work. Flair mentioned that even at age 72, McMahon still views him how he did back in the ’80s and ’90s.

“She’s a really nice girl and all that, but it didn’t fit this time,” Flair said. “We made the best of it but ultimately, she’s pregnant with her husband now. It was never anything personal, I barely know her and her whole life is her husband and her daughter. I didn’t like that one, to him I’m always going to be the ‘kiss stealin’, wheelin’ dealin’, yanno what I mean? Which is great because he likes that.

“Even though he hated it when I used to say it, he used to say ‘80’s heels don’t draw!’ I’m on the dark match [one night and I complained and he said], ‘I don’t care, you lead by example around here, these people look up to you.’ You’re not going to win the argument because he’s smarter and he’s the boss. He may be the smartest guy I ever met. He never stops being the best.”