View Full Version : Keith Lee’s Latest Tweets Express Optimism Despite WWE’s Booking

05-17-2021, 09:14 PM
In a quick series of Tweets, WWE superstar Keith Lee has drawn more intrigue than many other active storylines.

The limitless one has fallen out of favor on the main roster in recent months. Injuries are being cited as the reason for this. However, there are enough rumors claiming it is more of a creative dispute than anything else. This was openly discussed by Mike Johson of PWInsider on a recent audio show.

Keith Lee is a firm fan favorite in WWE. Unfortunately, his use since making the step up to the main roster has seen his career stall quite dramatically. If Lee’s tweets are anything to go by, there is a chance we will be seeing him back on the black and gold brand sooner rather than later.

Today is a day that can and will define the future. The wheels can have motion and move forward….or…. they can stop completely.

……Make your wheels turn. Accept no substitute.

— Relentless Lee (@RealKeithLee) May 11, 2021

This tweet is unsubtle with its message. He followed up by sharing an image of himself and the NXT War Games cage.

If the rumors of creative disagreements are true, then Keith Lee would be better served moving back to NXT. The time is fast coming where NXT is also going to be regarded as a main roster show. Their talent regularly outperforms their Raw and Smackdown counterparts, and with brand loyalty increasing, it has to be announced that it is no longer merely a developmental territory.

Lee would fit right in on NXT, and there are already a number of interesting rivalries that the Limitless One could walk straight into.