View Full Version : CM Punk Answers Questions About AEW & “The First Dance”

08-11-2021, 09:55 PM
CM Punk was recently interviewed by Jason Agnew for Sunday Night’s Main Event. Agnew asked Punk about the rumors surrounding him, AEW, and a big show from Chicago’s United Center on August 20th. Punk answered the questions, though he avoided saying much.

“When was that?” Punk said after Agnew asked him about AEW’s show on August 20th. “Let me look at my calendar. When did you say it was? The 20th? I think I actually might be doing a screening – this isn’t confirmed yet, so I probably shouldn’t blast this out everywhere – but we’re talking about doing a screening of episode 3 of HEELS at an AMC in Chicago and that was one of the dates that has been proposed, so hope to see everyone there.”

Punk also addressed Darby Allin using the line “Best in the World” on a recent episode of Dynamite.

“Best in the world? That could be anybody.”

Punk also spoke about his opinions of Darby Allin during the discussion.

“I think Darby Allin is great. I think everyone in the wrestling world needs to never do a dive again because you can’t do it better than Darby.”

Punk was also asked about early conversations he may have had with Tony Khan before AEW started.

“I talked to Tony (Khan),” Punk said. “My perspective on this and I said this to Tony’s face, I am a guy who has constantly heard ‘hey, I got a money guy. Hey, I got tv.’ I’ve heard that at least once or twice a year for 15-20 years in my wrestling career. I’ve gotten bounced cheques from those gentlemen.”

08-11-2021, 10:33 PM
He’s fucking lying though as