View Full Version : THIS DAY IN HISTORY: Vince Beats Stephanie, Taboo Tuesday & More

Dangerous Incorporated
10-19-2006, 01:27 PM
THIS DAY IN HISTORY: Vince Beats Stephanie, Taboo Tuesday & More

October 19th

On this day in history in....

1956 - Fred Blassie defeats Wild Bull Curry to win the NWA Southern Heavyweight Title for the fourth time.

1972 - Johnny Valentine defeats Abdullah The Butcher to win the National Wrestling Federation World Heavyweight Title in Cleveland, Ohio.

1972 - Bobby Shane defeats Tim Woods in Tampa, Florida to win the NWA Florida Television Title for the second time.

1985 - Carlos Colon defeats Abdullah The Butcher in San Juan, Puerto Rico to win the WWC Universal Heavyweight Title for the fourth time. The belt had been held up following a September 21st match between the two.

1987 - Hector Guerrero & Dr. D defeat Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee for the AWA World Tag Team Title in Memphis, Tennessee.

1997 - Keiji Mutoh & Masahiro Chono defeat Kensuke Sasaki & Kazuo Yamazaki to win the IWGP Tag Team Title in Kobe, Japan.

1997 - Atsushi Onita & Kintaro Kanemura defeat Hisakatsu Oya & Mr. Gannosuke to win the FMW World Brass Knuckles Tag Team Title in Sendai, Japan.

2001 - Vader & 2 Cold Scorpio become the first Pro Wrestling Noah Global Honored Crown Tag Team Champions by defeating Jun Akiyama & Akitoshi Saito in the finals of a tournament in Yokohama, Japan. On the same card, Tatsuhito Takaiwa defeats Yoshinobu Kanemaru to win the Pro Wrestling Noah Global Honored Crown Junior Heavyweight Title.

2001 - Road Dogg (BG James) defeats Jeff Jarrett to become the first World Wrestling All-Stars World Heavyweight Champion in Perth, Australia.

2001 - Black Warrior defeats Negro Casas to win CMLL's Legend Of The Silver Mask tournament.

2002 - Sabu defeats Pitbull Gary Wolfe in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in a tables match to become the 3PW Heavyweight Champion.

2003 - WWE holds their No Mercy Pay-per-view in Baltimore, Maryland. The show is especially notable for an "I Quit" match between Vince and Stephanie McMahon in which Vince promised to give up ownership of WWE if he lost, and Stephanie agreed to step down as General Manager of Smackdown if she lost. Stephanie lost, and would not appear on WWE programming (in a storyline sense, as she did attend the WWE Hall Of Fame events) until October 3, 2005. It is also interesting to note that the Maryland State Athletic Commission had a rule that prevented male vs. female wrestling matches, and WWE had to pay a fine (which they were prepared to do in advance) in order to have the match. Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the show.

WWE’s No Mercy was an easy thumb’s up show from my perspective. It had some very strong matches, and some well-booked matches that enabled wrestlers to perform at levels above their nominal skill level. There was one weak match and one nonsensical McMahon family ego match, but that wasn’t enough to hurt the show. And in the case of the McMahon match, it’s fair to note that the crowd was big time into it. I continue to be impressed with Tazz & Michael Cole on the mic. The live crowd was hot for most of the show. This show made it clear that Smackdown has the goods when it comes to in-ring talent.

TAJIRI defeated REY MYSTERIO JR. to retain the Cruiserweight Title in 11:40. They made a big deal out of the fact that Tajiri is now spraying black mist, reporting that Nidia may have suffered permanent eye damage from being sprayed with the black stuff on Smackdown. The ref checked Tajiri’s mouth before the match to see if he was carrying any of that stuff. Hey, ref, he pops it in later. They traded kicks early. Mysterio hooked a leglock, which Tajiri escaped. Tajiri unleashed the chops. Mysterio hit an armdrag and a low dropkick. He then kicked Tajiri out of the air as he was attempting a springboard elbow. Tajiri bumped out and Mysterio hit a plancha on him. Tajiri caused Mysterio to take a bump on his shoulder, and he began working on the shoulder to wear him down. Mysterio came back with a tornado DDT off the top and a springboard crossbody. Mysterio went for a crucifix but Tajiri dropped on him. Each guy was scoring some twos as the match progressed. Mysterio hit a huracanrana on Tajiri off the apron on the floor. Back in the ring, they did a cool spot where Tajiri threw Mysterio through the ropes but he swung back and hit the 619. Mysterio went for the West Coast Pop, but Tajiri blocked it and hit a powerbomb. The crowd was major into all this. Mysterio fought back and hit a second 619 and W.C. Pop, but as he was about to go for the pin, two disguised men in black came out of the crowd and charged the ring. One was stopped immediately, while the other made it into the ring before security grabbed him. The mystery men were Jimmy Yang & Keiji Sakoda, and this was an angle, though it was sold as if two “fans” had charged in. Mysterio was distracted, and Tajiri kicked him in the head and scored the pin. Great opening match!

Vince McMahon arrived at the arena and did an arrogant promo claiming it hurts him to have to fight his own daughter. He said he’ll fire anyone from the locker room who tries to interfere to help Steph, and said they would not only be fired from WWE but that he’d see to it they were out of the business, as if this was the old days where blackballing could occur.

CHRIS BENOIT defeated A-TRAIN in 12:23. Train did a lot of trash talking as the match began. He dominated the match so thoroughly that it almost telegraphed that Benoit was going over. Literally, for like eight minutes A-Train stomped, clubbed, slammed, and shoulderblocked Benoit all over the ring. It was actually a very effective way to book A-Train. He looked good doing this and Benoit sold great for him. A-Train also used his power to block Benoit’s offensive moves. He kept working on Benoit’s bad neck. It wasn’t always smooth, though, as Benoit got a busted lip from a stiff shot, and A-Train lost him on one move and dropped him on his head on a chair (that A-Train had earlier brought into the ring). That was potentially very dangerous but Benoit seemed okay afterward. Benoit finally rallied and hit the multiple German suplexes. A-Train hit the derailer. A-Train placed the chair in the corner between the turnbuckles, but when he went for a big boot on Benoit, his own leg went through the chair. Benoit won with the sharpshooter (a tribute to the Hart family following Stu’s passing). Good match.

Backstage, Jon Heidenreich choked Shannon Moore for throwing away his match tape earlier. Matt Hardy arrived and insisted they threw away a different tape, not Heidenreich’s. Heidenreich apologized, but again invoked the mysterious Little Johnny name.

They did a nice segment honoring the troops, as there were a lot of servicemen in the crowd.

ZACH GOWEN defeated MATT HARDY in 5:32. Hardy bullied Gowen early, slapping him. Gowen came back with a series of his impressive moves off the ropes. Hardy was left reeling. Shannon Moore caused Gowen to bump off the ropes on one of his move attempts. Hardy hit the snake eyes and a lariat, but crashed to the canvas on a moonsault attempt when Gowen moved. Gowen hit a dropkick and an amazing tope con hilo off the top. Hardy briefly rallied but Gowen scored a surprise pin with a moonsault. Good stuff, and the crowd once again liked it.

Linda pleaded with Vince not to go through with his match against Stephanie. She talked about how she’s looked the other way on Vince’s transgressions for their entire marriage, but that she can’t look the other way this time. She said Vince was dividing the family in a way that will never heal, or whatever. Vince said that out of the goodness of his heart, he’d give Stephanie one advantage in the match, namely that she could win by either pinfall or submission, while he could win only by submission. But he then announced that he was adding No Holds Barred stips to the match. Linda walked out in disgust.

THE BASHAM BROTHERS defeated THE A.P.A. in 8:53. Shaniqua wasn’t out there, selling her recent “injury”. The APA used power moves to dominate early. It wasn’t very smooth. Faarooq got trapped and doubled on for a while in the Basham corner. The crowd heat didn’t die, but it did cool from what it had been, and what it would be for the next match. Bradshaw hot tagged and cleaned house, including a big powerbomb on Doug. Bradshaw hit the last call on Danny but Doug broke the pin up. The ref took a bump. Naturally, with the ref down, Bradshaw hit the lariat from hell on Doug. Shaniqua then showed up and walloped Bradshaw with a nightstick and Doug covered him for the pin. Not very good. Afterward, Shaniqua did an interview displaying her new implants, which she claimed was swelling from her injury, or something like that.

VINCE McMAHON defeated STEPHANIE McMAHON in a No Holds Barred “I Quit” match in 9:24. Sable and Linda were there in the respective corners. Vince blindsided Steph at the bell. She hooked a sleeper, but Vince dumped her to the mat. Vince tossed her around the ring. Sable reached in and slapped Steph, prompting Linda to chase Sable. Vince got between them, and acted like he was ready to wallop Linda, but didn’t. Steph tried for a comeback but Vince lariated her and put her in a half crab. She refused to submit, even though probably 95% of the guys in the locker room would be expected to tap to a Vince submission hold. Vince tried to choke her out, but she raked his eyes. This wasn’t good, but the crowd did get big time into it due to the characters involved. Sable tossed a pipe into the ring. Vince went for it but Linda slapped him and Steph got the weapon. Steph hit Vince with several pipe shots, one of which apparently connected and Vince got a facial cut. She also hit Vince in the balls with the pipe. But when she went for the pin, Vince got his foot on the ropes. Sable got on the apron. Vince ended up colliding with her, and Steph bulldogged Vince for a near fall. The crowd was going wild for the two counts. Vince got the pipe and hit Stephanie in the belly with it. He then choked her with the pipe. As before, she refused to quit, but eventually Linda threw in the towel for her. I guess that will be the escape clause for her to come back after the honeymoon. As for the match, it was a spectacle of some sort, and the fans live did enjoy it. Afterward, Vince pie-faced Linda and shoved her down before kissing Sable.

KURT ANGLE defeated JOHN CENA in 18:27. Cena ran down Angle in a pre-match street rap. Angle started off fast. He flipped Cena off after avoiding a lariat. Cena shoved Angle, who responded by pounding Cena with fists. Cena hit a lariat and came back with a flurry of fists of his own. Angle gave Cena a high backdrop, followed by chops and fists. Angle charged Cena but hit the post when Cena moved. Cena went to work on the “injured” shoulder. Angle got a busted lip somehow. Cena scored some twos, continuing to dominate Angle. Cena hooked a front headlock and hit a spinebuster. Cena came off the top, and Angle rallied by dropkicking him from the air. Angle scored two after a lariat and a Russian legsweep. Cena made the ropes to escape the ankle lock. The crowd was loving this, as well they should have. Angle tried to German suplex Cena off the apron. Cena blocked it and DDT’d Angle on the apron. Cena hit a guillotine legdrop on Angle’s neck as he was returning to the ring. Cena scored two with a rolling neckbreaker. Angle hit the multiple Germans for a near fall. Cena powerbombed Angle against the turnbuckles. This stuff can’t be good for Angle’s neck. Cena hit the FU and scored two. Angle hit his Angle Slam for a near pin. The crowd popped huge for each near fall. Cena got a chain, but the ref took it from him. As the ref disposed of the chain, Cena punched Angle out with his medals. Again, Angle kicked out at two. Angle scored two with a backslide. Cena went for the FU again. Angle escaped and hooked the ankle lock for the tap out. Excellent match, and Cena proved himself a top player with his performance here. Great stuff from both guys!

BIG SHOW defeated EDDIE GUERRERO in 11:27 to capture the U.S. Title. Eddie’s back was all bandaged from the cuts he received on Smackdown from being smashed on a car. Show overpowered Eddie early, tossing him around. Eddie caused Show to bump out, where Eddie hit him with a garbage can lid, after first tossing a chair in the ring to distract the ref. Show posted Eddie and began the slow, methodical big man offense. Show exposed a turnbuckle and rammed Eddie’s back into it. Eddie hit a high crossbody off the top for a near fall. The ref almost got killed when Show crashed down on him. With the ref out, Eddie used brass knux on Show. But Show was superman in this match and kicked out at two. The same thing happened when Eddie hit him with the title belt and did the frog splash. Show hit a spinebuster for a near fall, followed by a chokeslam, with Eddie draping his foot over the ropes to stop the count. Eddie scored two with a low blow and a DDT. But in the end, Show hit a second chokeslam and got the pin. An okay match, though below what we would have gotten had Eddie had a fast-paced opponent. Show did a bragging promo afterward. Chavo Guerrero Jr. ran in to help Eddie to the back, but Eddie shoved him. Say your prayers tonight that they don’t break Eddie and Chavo up.

BROCK LESNAR defeated UNDERTAKER in a biker chain on a pole match to retain the WWE World Title in 24:16. Undertaker started off with kicks and fists. He hit a legdrop and elbowed Lesnar’s face on the apron. Lesnar sent UT into the stairs and suplexed him for an early pin attempt. UT came back with the boots and stomps. They brawled on the floor, where Lesnar rammed UT into the Spanish broadcast table. Back in the ring, UT hit a flying lariat for a near fall. They waited so long to try to climb the pole that I almost forgot this was a chain on a pole match. When UT finally started climbing, the lights went out. This looked like an angle but apparently is was just a case of the lights going out for a few seconds. Lesnar caught UT and powerslammed him. Lesnar brought in the stairs, and he send UT face first into them. UT lariated Lesnar out and piledrived him on the stairs. UT started to climb the pole again, but again Lesnar caught up to him. UT hooked a triangle choke. Lesnar escaped with a low blow and hit UT with the stairs. UT kicked the stairs into Lesnar’s face when he tried to use them as a weapon again. Lesnar powered back and beat UT down. Lesnar started up the pole but UT nailed him from behind and nearly hit the Last Ride, but Lesnar escaped. Both men went down after a double lariat. UT hit the snake eyes and a boot to the face. Lesnar hit a spinebuster. UT caught Lesnar with an arm bar. Lesnar powered out. UT hooked a sleeper, which Lesnar escaped from by hitting the F5. This got the crowd, which had been a little bit off-and-on, fully into the match. UT avoided being pinned by getting his boot up on the rope. Lesnar started to climb, but UT chokeslammed him off. At this point, all three FBI members attacked UT. This was legal, by the way, since this was a no-DQ stip match. UT disposed of all three, and then gave Lesnar the Last Ride to a big pop. UT finished off Chuck Palumbo & Johnny Stamboli with a neat suicide tope across the ropes onto them. Nunzio tried to climb up for the chain, but UT threw him off to the floor. UT climbed up and got the chain, to a huge pop. Vince then arrived out of nowhere, causing UT to get crotched, which allowed Lesnar to get the chain and he clocked UT with it for the pin. I thought this was a decent match overall, though the FBI run-in was overkill. The match dig drag in spots.

2004 - WWE held their Taboo Tuesday Pay-per-view at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, headlined by Randy Orton defeating Ric Flair in a steel cage match and WWE Champion Triple H defeating Shawn Michaels, who was wrestling with a torn meniscus.