View Full Version : Beth Phoenix Recalls Unique Way She Made Money Before Signing With WWE

11-10-2021, 08:28 PM
In an interview with WWE’s The Bump to promote her first-ever EP Stone Rose & Bone, which will be released this Friday, WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix detailed the process behind this record and how music has always played an integral part in her life.

“Prior to working for WWE, I used to fund my indie habit working as a pianist,” Phoenix revealed. “I played weddings, funerals, so I was in the wedding singer business, so to speak. I’ve been playing piano since I was 5-years-old. I led choirs; I’ve been part of choirs.

“During the pandemic, I was working virtually, you know, going through a lot of emotions – sadness and fear – and music has always been a big therapy for me in my life. So, this album kind of spawned from that, you know, being able to process things and to put out something good into the world when we were getting a lot of negativity.”

After showing exclusive footage from her debut music video Find Your Why (available below), Phoenix mentioned that the multifaceted Jeremy Borash was the brains behind the entire video production, and she doesn’t think it would have been a hit without his expertise.

“What an amazing experience. I’ve done a lot of live performances in music, but I’ve never gotten to do the recording side of things. The WWE music group and also Jeremy Borash, who shot the video, put so much time and effort [into it]. It was something that I asked him to do because of how talented he is, and he did that for me, so I’m grateful for his talent,” Phoenix stated.

Thanks to her mom and former piano teacher, Phoenix was able to incorporate her love for music in a way she never thought could happen. The voice behind NXT 2.0 is excited to hear the reactions from spectators once her EP drops later this week.

“I started lessons at 5-years-old with my piano teacher, Diana Hall,” Phoenix reiterated. “She was somebody that inspired me, and I have such gratitude for. I gotta tell you, it was the greatest gift I was ever given. My mom worked really hard to scrape the money together to get me piano lessons, and it was the greatest gift she could have ever given me.”

“Stone Rose & Bone” will be available to listen to and purchase on all music platforms this Friday.