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Dangerous Incorporated
10-19-2006, 11:08 PM
Chavo "Classic" Guerrero Interview Recap

Guerrero is the father of Chavo Jr. and uncle of the late Eddie Guerrero, and was a famous wrestler in the southern United States & Mexico for a number of years, and helped run a wrestling promotion in El Paso, Texas.

Guerrero was welcomed to the show, and was then asked about the hot, yet controversial, feud between his son (Chavo, Jr.) and Rey Mysterio Jr. -- which stemmed from the emotion of the passing of his late brother, Eddie Guerrero. The elder Guerrero thinks that the feud has been awesome, and that both work well extremely together. "Classic" sang the praises of Mysterio, who he called a "great wrestler." He said that he did not see their "No Mercy" Falls Count Anywhere Match, but he heard it was good. With their feud ending for the foreseeable future tomorrow night, Chavo strongly believes that because of the passion in their series of matches, it could definitely be a "feud of the year" candidate.

Mosh asked Chavo if he thinks that the WWE is prostituting the name of Eddie, and he said that his late brother would indeed have wanted them to use his name in angles, saying that "the show must go on." He said it's nothing but business, and the wrestling fans deserve entertainment in any way possible -- and the bottom line is Eddie's family is still getting paid, which means a lot to the Guerrero family. He said using Eddie's name is fine, as long as it is being used in entertainment mode only.

"Chavo Classic" explained to Blade & Mosh that Eddie's widow, Vickie, has been doing a good job on WWE television, even though she hasn't "paid her dues," she is doing whatever she can to help her family in every way possible, and he has no problem with that. He said the entire Guerrero family is getting publicity because of it -- and of course, he has no problem with that.

Mosh asked Chavo about "Latino Heat's" induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame this past April in Chicago, IL, as part of WrestleMania 22 weekend. Chavo said the event was emotional for both friends & family alike. Chavo said he was not invited at first, along with some other family members, but they were all invited in time thanks to the efforts of "Superstar" Billy Graham. He said that during the weekend, somebody called him a racial slur, but cooler heads were able to prevail. Current WWE road agent, Arn Anderson, accused him of lying about the situation, which Chavo took exception to this, and said things that were "unprintable." For more on "Classic's take" of this entire situation, including his honest & candid thoughts on Johnny Ace himself, we encourage all fans to check out this entire uncut interview!

Chavo said the day went a lot smoother for the Hall Of Fame Ceremony, itself, and enjoyed spending time with the likes of Verne Gagne & many others. He said it was a great tribute to Eddie, done by his son (Chavo, Jr.), Rey Mysterio, & the current WWE United States Champion Chris Benoit -- three of Eddie's closest & dearest friends.

Mosh & Blade talked about Chavo Sr.'s upcoming golf tournament in Tampa, FL to support Eddie's family, which includes Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Barry Windham, Chris Kanyon, Dory Funk, Jr. & Larry Zybysko, among many others. Chavo feels there will be a large contingent of wrestling personalities there, and hope it turns into a yearly event and help other families as well.

Chavo also talked about the soon-to-be-released Eddie tribute DVD, "Vive Guerrero," (courtesy of Big Vision Entertainment) which has a great card, according to him. He said that Eddie would have been proud to see the amount of people to come to the show. Unfortunately, WWE performers were not allowed on the show, and Chavo Sr. said that he understood why they could not be a part of the event, because it was business -- even though he wishes they were there.

Mosh asked Chavo Sr. about the very controversial "Kerwin White" angle that his son portrayed on WWE television, and how it denounced Chavo Guerrero Jr.'s Hispanic heritage, at least in the angle. "Classic" said his son "did one heck of a job with the character," and Vince McMahon did a great job creating & perfecting the character. He did not take personal offense to it, especially since "Chavo Jr. & Eddie were like brothers." Chavo Sr. strongly believes that professional wrestlers have to do whatever it takes to survive, and that's what he did.

Chavo Sr. also went on record, stating that Konnan was not a great friend of Eddie Guerrero. "Konnan has always only been out for himself." Chavo went on to say that Konnan was a good friend of Eddie's, but not as big of a friend as the likes of Benoit, Malenko, & Mysterio." He also added that Konnan has been "jumping on the bandwagon, milking Eddie's death."

Mosh asked Chavo about the recent death of Antonio Pena, who was the founder of AAA. Chavo said Pena used to "BS him around" when he worked for him many years ago, and said that if somebody knew how to use television in the promotion, they would be huge around the world. He said that Pena "copied the WWE in the 1980s, and had somebody knew what they were doing, they would be a top promotion in the world."

Blade & Mosh discussed Chavo Sr.'s WWE Cruiserweight Championship reign from a few years back. Chavo said that his wresting fans would back in the day, along with newer fans, would now talk about him, remember his past glories, and that made him feel good. Chavo did go on record that his release from World Wrestling Entertainment was all his fault, and that he has no regrets -- saying that he partied too much at the time. Chavo said that he has been sober for a long time now and is enjoying his home & pets now more than ever. Initially, he said that he wept for three days after his release, simply because he knew he blew his chance -- but since then, he has learned from his mistakes.

In closing, "Classic" also wanted to chime in with his thoughts about Kurt Angle getting his release from the WWE, and since signing with TNA. He remembers the great matches that his brother & Kurt put on a few years ago, and said that Angle knows nothing other than to compete. In the process, he does hope that Kurt knows how to take care of himself, both physically & mentally. "Kurt is better of competing, because he needs something to occupy that time and once a wrestler is around a ring, you can't take them away from it." He thinks that Angle is one of the few who can take care of his personal life & keep wrestling in his blood at the same time.

For more info on this weekend's upcoming Eddie Guerrero Memorial Golf Tournament (including which wrestling legends will be appearing), please contact (813) 610-6800.