View Full Version : Tegan Nox On Why She Thinks WWE Released Her

02-17-2022, 10:50 PM
Tegan Nox revealed what she was feeling around the time of her WWE release on the latest episode of Into The Danger Zone w/ Chris Denker. In Nox’s eyes, the product appeared to be reverting back to an era she didn’t fit into.

She said, “As we can see watching the product now, it’s very much [the] Diva era coming back. I just always felt like I was always on the chopping block even if I could wrestle. I was not as much of a personality or character for them.”

This sentiment comes at a time when NXT in particular is currently more character-driven than ever before. For someone who relied more on technical abilities than looks, the writing was on the wall for Tegan Nox‘s release. Her main roster call-up came in July of 2021, but she never felt comfortable in her new spot.

“I’m in more of a firing lineup here. Like I could do one thing wrong, and I could be gone the next week,” Nox remarked. “Everyone’s walking on eggshells. You don’t want to step out of line just in case something could go wrong which luckily I guess I didn’t really do anything wrong.”

Tegan Nox’s suspicions of becoming next on the chopping block came to fruition on November 18, 2021. Nox’s release came alongside the cutting of seven other superstars. The news came just weeks after over a dozen of superstars were also cut from WWE’s roster. WWE’s reasoning behind the releases were due to budget cuts. However, Nox doesn’t believe that to be the case.

Typical WWE programming doesn’t feature women with Tegan Nox’s look. To her, the company might not have a use for a girl “covered in tattoos” with multicolored hair might not be something. At least that’s how the girl with the Shiniest Wizard sees things.

“I just didn’t fit in the demographic is my true belief. Nothing to do with budget cuts. I just didn’t fit the look or the idea of what they wanted for their female wrestlers.”