View Full Version : Bret Hart: Brock Lesnar is a Great Worker “Totally Opposite Of Goldberg”

03-27-2022, 07:11 PM
Bret Hart has heard only good things about Brock Lesnar‘s abilities in the ring, which is the complete opposite of his own experience with another monster athlete – Goldberg.

During a recent appearance on Sports Guys Talking Wrestling podcast, Natalya had discussed how The Beast Incarnate told her that Hart was a dream match for him.

Bret Hart addressed this during his appearance on Signed by Superstars event. He praised Brock, saying that he has always heard the WWE champion to be a good worker:

“I heard that I was his [Brock Lesnar] dream match. That was just a week ago I heard that. Always heard Brock was a good worker.

I’ve never heard that [Lesnar was stiff in the ring].” said Bret Hart, “Always heard just the opposite, that he looks stiff, but he’s a real pro in the ring. Totally the opposite of Goldberg.”

Hart is of course referring to the botched kicked from Goldberg during their infamous WCW championship match at WCW Starrcade 1999. The wrestling legend suffered a severe concussion due to it.

The injury later forced the Canadian star to retire from active competition. Bret Hart has been critical of Goldberg ever since, and has called the former world champion out on many occasions.

03-28-2022, 08:49 AM
I can only imagine how Hart must feel about Goldberg but I think bad mouthing him 22 years later may be a bit much but then again, Goldberg did stop his career but lol we have to remember Hart was not a young chicken in this time period.