View Full Version : Cody Rhodes Meets Uncanny Dusty Rhodes Impersonator

05-08-2022, 08:32 PM
When Cody Rhodes entered a WWE live event in Trenton, New Jersey, he probably didn’t expect to see one heck of a Dusty Rhodes impersonator.

Cody has made it clear that he wants to honor his late father by becoming the WWE Champion. It’s a title that Dusty never won. “The American Nightmare’s” first stop on the road to the title has been Seth Rollins.


At the house show in Trenton, Cody defeated Rollins. The two will mix it up at WrestleMania Backlash on May 8. Cody already scored a pinfall over Seth on PPV, marking a successful return at WrestleMania 38.

After his match with Seth in Trenton, Cody Rhodes got on the mic and he put a Dusty Rhodes impersonator on the spot. The fan certainly looked the part but did he have the vocal chops?

The answer might surprise you (courtesy of Angel Rivera):