View Full Version : ‘I Am Done’: Goldberg Is Not Apologizing To Bret Hart Anymore

08-12-2022, 05:33 PM
Goldberg is done apologizing to Bret Hart.

Ever since the unfortunate kick that ended Hart’s career in 1999, the wrestling veteran has blamed the heavyweight star for costing him millions. While Goldberg has apologized to Hart many times since then, Bret has chosen not to forgive the former world champion even two decades after the incident.

On Talk Is Jericho, the former Universal champion was asked if Hart’s continued animosity toward him has hurt his feelings. He claimed that he understands Bret’s sentiment to a point. However, after so many years of trying to make peace, he is done apologizing now:

“Yeah, but I get it. I mean, I understand to a point. But I’m like yeah, 100%. Bret Hart is still up here, man. He’s an idol to anybody and everybody who would have ever been in this business. I’m a human being like everybody else. There was absolutely no malicious intent whatsoever. None. Zero. So does it bother me? Yeah. I’ll take it to my grave.

But also, I gotta say, man. I am kinda at a turning point. I am done saying I’m sorry. I have said it a million times. I am not gonna continue to tear myself down. I’m done. I said I’m sorry. If he can’t accept my apology, it is what it is. You gotta move on. And I’ve moved on. So I won’t be breaching this subject too much more.”

08-12-2022, 10:19 PM
23 years on, I think Hart should recognize the apology. Look at Stone Cold and Owen Hart breaking his neck which technically ended his career. Owen never actually apologized to Stone Cold until his death I believe. At least Bret got the apology.