View Full Version : ‘Doubled Edged Sword’: Seth Rollins Describes Experience Of Working Under Vince McMahon

09-07-2022, 05:58 PM
Seth Rollins worked under Vince McMahon for almost ten years. According to the former world champion, working for the former WWE chairman was like a double-edged sword. You knew exactly who to go to for answers when needed but his style of working was also very stressful.

The Visionary recently appeared on Ryan Satin’s Out of Character podcast. Among other things, he also talked about the recent WWE regime change. Commenting on his experience of working with his old boss, Seth Rollins detailed the two sides of it:

“With Vince, it was like kind of a double-edged sword. On one hand you knew exactly who to go to all the time. Every answer needed to go through Vince. That was security in that. If you needed something and you needed an answer, pronto. He was right there.” said Seth Rollins, “You knew exactly that if you got yes from him, nothing else beneath that mattered. So that was really cool."

He continued: “You could understand his vision, once you worked with him for a long enough time. You started to understand that. On the other side of that, he was very flippant. He was very all over the place. That was to his credit, part of his genius but it was also like very stressful to deal with as a talent.”

09-08-2022, 08:32 AM
Love or hate Vince .. he did do the wrestling world well.