View Full Version : WWE NXT LVL Up Results / Repost, December 23rd, 2022

12-25-2022, 06:14 AM
Your announcers are Sudu Shah and Wade Barrett.

Charlie Dempsey versus Myles Borne

They lock up and go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Dempsey with a wrist lock. Borne with a waist lock take down. Dempsey with a reversal and Borne with a reversal. Dempsey and Borne with reversals and Borne with a hammer lock. Dempsey with a wrist lock and reversal. Dempsey with a bridge and a reversal. Borne with a side head lock. Dempsey with a side head lock into a wrist lock but Borne with a reversal. Dempsey with a forearm and Borne with an arm drag and drop kick. Dempsey with a hip lock take down into a head scissors. Borne escapes but Dempsey returns to the head scissors. Dempsey with an arm bar and he adds more damage to the arm as he circles Borne. Dempsey with a double wrist lock. Borne with a top wrist lock and he takes Dempsey to the mat but Dempsey with a bridge and he gets back to his feet. Dempsey with a head scissors take down.

Dempsey adds an arm bar. Borne with a head stand to escape. Dempsey slaps Borne and Borne with a forearm. Dempsey with a hammer lock and forearms to the back of the head. Dempsey with an arm bar and forearms to the ribs. Dempsey gets a near fall and he returns to the hammer lock. Borne with an elbow and shoulder tackle. Borne goes through the legs and sends Dempsey to the mat but Dempsey kicks Borne and takes Borne to the mat with a hip toss. Dempsey with a figure four arm scissors. Borne goes for a rollup but Dempsey holds on to the figure four arm scissors.

Borne gets Dempsey up and hits a back drop suplex. Dempsey with a forearm and Borne fires back. Dempsey with an uppercut and knee. Borne with punches and a belly-to-belly suplex. Borne with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Borne with a power slam and he gets a near fall. Borne with a punch to Dempsey and he goes up top. Borne misses a frog splash when Dempsey moves. Dempsey with a forearm to the back of the head and he hits a Regalplex for the three count.

Winner: Charlie Dempsey

Kelly Kincaid is with Dani Palmer.

Kelly asks Dani about her second match and what should we know about her. Dani says it is a dream to be in the WWE. She mentions her background in acrobatics and her move to Florida. Everything she has done in life has prepared her for this moment.

Sol Ruca versus Dani Palmer

Sol with a take down into an arm bar. Ruca with a wrist lock and she wrings the arm. Palmer with a wrist lock take down and Ruca walks on her hands and hits a head scissors. Ruca with a front face lock. Palmer with a springboard arm drag and bridge for a near fall. Both go for a drop kick at the same time and both get back to their feet at the same time. Palmer with a take down. Sol picks up Dani but Palmer lands on her feet. Palmer with a victory roll for a near fall. Palmer gets a near fall and Ruca counters for a near fall. They go back and forth to get near falls. Sol goes for a slam but Palmer gets to her feet and Dani with a rollup for a near fall.

Sol floats over on an Irish whip and hits a drop kick. Sol with Sol Snatcher for the three count.

Winner: Sol Ruca

Match Number Three: Trick Williams versus Hank Walker

They lock up and Trick pushes Hank away. Trick rolls away from Hank. Hank goes for a slam but Williams escapes. Hank with a shoulder tackle. Hank sends Trick over the top rope to the floor. Hank follows and sends Trick back into the ring. Williams misses an elbow drop when Hank goes back into the ring when Hank rolls back to the floor. Hank with a slam and he sends Trick into the turnbuckles. Hank with an Irish whip and Trick floats over and pulls Hank to the mat. Trick with punches in the corner. Trick with forearms to the back. Trick with an Irish whip and drop kick for a near fall. Trick sends Hank into the turnbuckles.

Trick with a chop and they move to a different corner and the shirt is pulled open for another chop. Hank is not happy with what happened and Hank sends Trick into the corner and connects with a chop. Hank misses a chop and Trick with a flying clothesline and he gets a near fall. Trick with a half nelson and chin bar but Hank powers out of the hold and he punches Trick. Trick punches back. Hank with punches and an Irish whip. Trick tries to float over and Hank catches Trick and hits a power slam. The shirt is off and Hank with clotheslines and he gets Trick up and sends him face first to the mat for a near fall. Hank with a boot to the chest. Hank with a forearm.

Hank with an Irish whip but he misses a splash. Trick with a neck breaker for a near fall. Trick with a cyclone kick for the three count.

Winner: Trick Williams

We go to credits.