View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results / Report - February 2nd, 2023

02-03-2023, 03:46 AM
Your announcers are Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton.

Damon Kemp says that he and Shelton have the same career goals, but their paths are different. We are both from the University of Minnesota but I was a Pan American champion and winning is in my DNA. There is a new gold standard and his name is Damon Kemp.

Damon Kemp vs Shelton Benjamin

They shake hands. Kemp with a waist lock and Shelton with a standing switch and take down. Kemp with a reversal into a front face lock but Shelton rolls to the ropes to force a break. They lock up and Benjamin with a wrist lock. Kemp with a wrist lock of his own. Shelton with a reversal and Kemp with an arm drag. Kemp slaps Benjamin after holding out his hand for Shelton. Kemp goes to the floor and Shelton follows him. Kemp with a knee to the midsection. Kemp drops down to slap Benjamin and he hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Kemp with punches.

Kemp with a European uppercut or two to Shelton. Shelton with punches but Kemp with an Irish whip that sends Shelton sternum first into the turnbuckles followed by a neck breaker for a near fall. Kemp with a reverse chin lock. Benjamin with punches but Kemp punches back. They go back and forth until Benjamin gets the advantage. Shelton with a spinning heel kick. Shelton with a splash into the corner. Kemp with elbows and a flying shoulder tackle. Kemp with a swinging suplex for a near fall. Kemp kicks Shelton.

Shelton avoids a uranage and Shelton with a German suplex. Shelton with a knee into the corner followed by Paydirt for the three count.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin

After the match:
They shake hands.

We take a look back at the Men’s Royal Rumble match.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Women’s Royal Rumble match.
We see Rhea Ripley’s announcement of her opponent for Wrestlemania.

We go to commerciaL

We take a look at the match between Seth Rollins and Chad Gable from Raw.
We go to commercial.
We are back with a look at what happened at the end of the Royal Rumble main event.

Akira Tozawa vs Tony D’Angelo

They lock up and Tony sends Tozawa to the mat. They lock up again and Tony with a hip lock take down. Tozawa goes for the leg but Tony sends Tozawa to the mat. Tony has some Words for Tozawa but Tozawa slaps Tony. Tozawa with strikes to Tony but Tony with a punch to the injured ribs. Tony with an Irish whip and Tozawa with boots and a head scissors off the turnbuckles to send Tony to the floor. Tony gets Tozawa on his shoulders and he hits a gutbuster for a near fall. Tony misses a splash into the corner and Tony sends Tozawa to the apron. Tozawa with a kick and he goes up top. Tony catches Tozawa and hits a power bomb.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Tony with punches to the ribs followed by a suplex. Tony gets a near fall. Tony with a punch and another punch in the corner. Tony with an abdominal stretch. Tozawa with a rollup for a near fall. Tony with a punch to the ribs. Tozawa with a head scissors and a Shining Wizard. Tozawa goes up top and hits a cannonball elbow for a near fall. Tozawa tries to get Tony on his shoulders but that does not wok. Tozawa gets to his feet and he applies an octopus. Tony gets out of the hold and hits a clothesline. Tony sets for a fisherman’s buster but he can only get a near fall.

Tony puts Tozawa on the turnbuckles and connects with forearms. Tozawa pushes Tony. Tozawa sends Tony to the mat and Tozawa with a back senton for the three count.

Winner: Akira Tozawa

We take a look at Cody Rhodes’ promo from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Finn Balor vs Cody Rhodes from Raw.

We go to credits.