View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results / Report - February 23rd, 2023

02-24-2023, 09:35 PM
Your announcers are Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton.

Akira Tozawa versus Cedric Alexander (with Shelton Benjamin and Montel Vontavious Porter)

They fist bump before Cedric takes Tozawa to the mat with a waist lock. Tozawa gets to the ropes and Cedric releases the hold. Tozawa with a side head lock. Cedric with a shoulder tackle but Tozawa with two arm drags. Cedric blocks a third arm drag attempt. Tozawa with a boot in the corner and a head scissors off the turnbuckles that sends Cedric to the floor. Tozawa is sent to the apron and Alexander with an STO on the apron. Cedric gets a near fall. Cedric with a kick to the back for a near fall. Cedric with a reverse chin lock. Tozawa with strikes and a head scissors and Shining Wizard.

Tozawa goes to the turnbuckles for a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Tozawa tries to get Cedric on his shoulders but Cedric with elbows to escape. Cedric and Tozawa exchange chops. Tozawa with forearms and he gets Cedric to flinch so Tozawa with a jab. Cedric with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Tozawa lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Tozawa with a rana for a near fall. Cedric with a lumbar check for the three count.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

We take a look back at the main event of Elimination Chamber.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn from Raw.

We look at Cody Rhodes from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Ding Dong Hello from Raw.

We go to commercial.

Dana Brooke and Tamina versus Mia Yim and Candice LeRae

Dana and Mia start things off and Mia with a waist lock. Dana with a head scissors take down and Mia misses a drop kick. Mia with a leg sweep and cover. Dana with a leg sweep and cover. Tamina tags herself in. They lock up and Tamina sends Mia to the mat. Mia with a leg sweep for a near fall. Mia with a side head lock. Miz with a head scissors take down. Mia with a flapjack and then she gives one to Dana. Candice comes in and they send Tamina and Dana into the ropes. Mia and Candice with drop kicks to send them to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Mia with punches to Tamina. Tamina pushes Mia away. Mia with more forearms. Mia with an Irish whip but she runs into a super kick. Tamina with forearms and a slam. Tamina tags in Dana and she hits a round off splash for a near fall. Dana with knee drops to the ribs for a near fall. Dana gets another near fall. Dana with punches. Tamina tags in and she punches Mia in the ribs. Tamina with more punches. Tamina with a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Tamina with a reverse chin lock.

Tamina with a slam and Irish whip. Tamina with a splash into the corner and Dana tags in. Dana with a handspring elbow and bulldog for a near fall. Mia with a back heel kick and both women are down. Tamina and Candice tag in. Candice with a shoulder from the apron and punches. Candice goes up top and hits a missile drop kick. Candice with an octopus. Candice sends Tamina into Dana when Dana tries to interfere. Candice with a kick and a back senton off Tamina’s back a few times. Tamina with a punch but Candice with kicks to Tamina. Mia tags in and Candice goes to the turnbuckles. Tamina catches Candice and Mia with a running neck breaker. Candice tags in and Mia with Eat Defeat and Candice with a quebrada for the three count.

Winners: Mia Yim and Candice LeRae

We take a look at the open challenge that Austin Theory made after Elimination Chamber.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Edge versus Austin Theory from Raw.

We go to credits.