View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results / report - 6th Apr, 2023

04-08-2023, 05:28 AM
Your announcers are Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton.

Rick Boogs vs Cedric Alexander (w/ Shelton Benjamin)

Cedric goes for the leg but Boogs picks up Cedric and tosses him aside. They lock up and Boogs sends Cedric face first into the mat. Cedric with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Boogs presses Cedric over his head but Cedric gets to his feet. Boogs with a pump handle and he does curls with Cedric and a fallaway slam. Cedric rolls to the floor and Shelton gives Cedric some advice. Cedric is done and Shelton tells him he doesn’t need it.

Boogs goes to the floor and Boogs with a shoulder. Shelton distracts Boogs and Cedric drops Boogs on the top rope and hits a running uranage on the apron. Cedric with forearms to the back and chin lock with the arm trapped. Cedric with a front face lock and Boogs with a back drop to escape. Cedric with forearms and Boogs with back elbows and an Irish whip and splashes followed by a bulldog. Boogs with a pump handle but Cedric escapes and hits a super kick. Boogs blocks a Neuralizer and he presses Cedric for a power slam and the three count.

Winner: Rick Boogs

We take a look at Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Hall of Fame ceremony.

We take a look at Austin Theory and Rey Mysterio from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn from Raw.

We go to commercial.

Bronson Reed vs Dexter Lumis

They lock up and Reed with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Lumis with a clothesline and Reed does not move. Lumis tries a second time with the same result. Reed with forearms to the back and a side head lock. Reed with a head butt and Irish whip but he misses a splash. Lumis with forearms and he goes to the turnbuckles for punches. Reed goes for a back drop and Lumis goes for a sunset flip. Reed drops down with a seated splash.

Lumis goes to the floor and Reed with a shoulder tackle off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Reed with a splash to the back. Reed with a chop and a hard Irish whip. Reed works on the neck. Lumis with elbows and punches but Reed with a back elbow. Reed with a forearm but he misses a back senton when Lumis moves. Lumis with punches and a pop up punch. Lumis with a clothesline in the corner but Reed avoids a bulldog. Lumis with a belly-to-back suplex and a leaping twisting leg drop for a near fall. Reed backs Lumis into the corner but he runs into a boot.

Reed with a body block and an elbow drop. Reed goes up top for a Tsunami and hits it for the three count.

Winner: Bronson Reed

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at MizTv.

We go to the main event from Raw.

We go to credits.