View Full Version : WWE NXT Level Up Results / Report - 7th Apr, 2023

04-08-2023, 05:42 AM

WWE NXT Level Up Results / Report - 7th Apr, 2023
Announcers: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

We start off with a graphic for Bushwhacker Butch.

Boa vs Dante Chen

Boa with a kick and wrist lock followed by a leg trip. Boa misses a stomp when Chen moves. They lock up and Chen with a wrist lock and take down. Chen with a wrist lock take down. Boa misess a round kick and Chen with arm drags and a drop kick.

Ava makes her way to ringside to watch the action.

Chen with a rollup for a near fall. Chen with a shoulder tackle. Boa misses a boot but connects with a leg sweep and a back heel kick. Boa with kicks to the hamstring. Boa with boots to the midsection. Boa with a front face lock and suplex as Ava goes to the back. Boa with a reverse chin lock. Chen with a jaw breaker but Boa with a round kick to the chest. Boa with knees to the midsection against the roes followed by a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Boa with a reverse chin lock. Boa with a forearm to the back and he sets for a suplex but Chen with a suplex of his own. Chen with punches and strikes. Chen with a shotei and a reverse atomic drop and another shotei.

Chen with a double chop for the three count.

Winner: Dante Chen

Kelly Kincaid was with Oro Mensah earlier today. She asks if tonight is his moment.

Oro says everyone is trying to break out. He says he has had some ups and some downs. Joe is a monster. Tonight he will stare down that monster and tell him that he is not afraid.

Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer vs Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson

Sol and Lash start things off and they lock up. Lash backs Sol into the corner but they go to a stalemate. Lash with a short arm clothesline and a wrist lock. Lash lifts Sol up by the wrist but Sol with a wrist lock take down. Sol with a wrist lock and arm wringer. Sol with elbows to the arm. Dani tags in and Sol propels Dani onto Lash for a cross body. Dani with a wrist lock. Lash picks up Dani and runs her into the corner. Jakara tags in and she takes Dani down with a fireman's carry. Jakara with an arm bar but Dani with a side head lock. Dani floats over and then sends Jakara to the mat with a head scissors and follows with a drop kick. Jakara grabs Dani by the hair and pulls her to the mat for a near fall. Lash tags in and she kicks Dani. Lash with a front face lock.

Lash swings Dani around in a front face lock and sends her to the mat. Jakara tags in and hits an elbow in the corner and then gets a take down for a near fall. Jakara goes for a power bomb but Dani with a jackknife cover and bridge for a near fall. Jakara keeps Dani from making the tag. Jakara with punches and a suplex but Dani lands on her feet and Sol tags in and hits a springboard clothesline. Sol with two shoulder tackles and a butterfly suplex. Sol with a handspring splash into the corner. Jakara escapes a slam attempt and Sol with a rollup for a near fall. Lash breaks up the cover and Dani sends Lash to the floor. Jakara sends Dani to the floor and Sol hits Sol Snatcher for the three count.

Winners: Sol Ruca and Dani Palmer

Oro Mensah vs Joe Gacy (w/ Ava, Jagger Reid, and Rip Fowler)

They lock up and Joe backs Oro into the corner. Oro with a side head lock and take down. Gacy with a wrist lock and Oro with a kick to Joe. Oro with a side head lock take down. Joe backs Oro into the ropes and Joe with a head butt on the break. Oro with punches but he misses a kick in the corner. Oro with a kick to Joe and a waist lock. Joe with back elbows but Oro with a head scissors that sends Joe to the floor. Oro with a pescado and Oro sends Joe back into the ring. Avva distracts Oro and that allows Joe to kick Oro to the floor. Joe sends Oro back into the ring. Joe with a kick to Oro followed by forearms. Oro with a chop and Joe with a punch.

Joe works on the neck and he connects with an elbow to the top of the head. Oro with punches but Joe blocks a kick and connects with a knee. Joe with Emerald Frowsion for a near fall. Joe with a reverse chin lock. Oro with punches and forearms. Joe blocks a kick but Oro hits a flip kick and running forearms. Oro with a chop and a German suplex. Oro is sent to the apron and Oro with a springboard side kick for a near fall. Oro misses a scissors kick. Oro blocks a uranage for a rollup. Oro misses a quebrada and Gacy with a handspring clothesline for the three count.

Winner: Joe Gacy

End of show.