View Full Version : Wrestler Says Stephanie McMahon Refused to Change Vulgar Tag-Team Name

04-10-2023, 12:46 AM
Back in the 2000s, Stephanie McMahon was involved in creative decisions. It has been noted that Tank Toland, a former WWE SmackDown star was part of a tag team, The D*cks. Toland recently recalled a conversation he had with Steph about his bizarre name.

Toland was known as James D*ck on the main roster. He joined forces with Chad Wicks, aka Chad D*ck, as a tag team called The D*cks.

In an interview on the Cheap Heat Productions podcast, Toland said Stephanie McMahon refused to change the spelling of the tag team's name:

"I was like, 'Steph, can we at least spell it Dix?' and she's like, 'No, it's gotta be the correct spelling.' I was like, 'All right.' She's like, 'It's gonna be Chad D*ck and you're gonna be James D*ck.' I was like, 'All right, I guess I'm gonna be James D*ck.'"

Toland wanted to be known as Tank D*ck, but he was given the name James instead:

"It wasn't John D*ck, which is my real name, because there's already John Cena, John Bradshaw. My whole thing was why couldn't you have called me Tank D*ck? I just don't get it. Tank D*ck would have at least been cool, like Tank D*ck, you know? But yeah, so it is what it is."

The D*cks had a brief stint on SmackDown. The duo was released from the company after they got involved in a real-life fight with each other as part of a hazing incident. The D*cks' made their last appearance on SmackDown in a two-on-one handicap match against The Boogeyman in 2006.

