View Full Version : Nick Khan Says Triple H Remains 'Sole' Head of WWE Creative

04-16-2023, 11:26 PM
Nick Khan, currently the Chief Executive Officer of WWE, will become WWE President once the company's sale to Endeavor is official.

Khan recently sat down with LightShed Live (h/t Post Wrestling) to shed some light on the future of the company under new ownership. The wide-ranging interview included some insight into WWE's creative process moving forward.

Vince McMahon has become more involved in creative of late, something that has many fans (and wrestlers) concerned about the direction of the company moving forward. Under Triple H's guidance, WWE television has had a notable uptick when it comes to the stories being told — something that was lacking in the finals years under McMahon.

Khan told LightShed that Triple H remains the sole head of WWE creative.

"When this deal was officially announced, Monday morning, Vince sent out a company-wide email to our thousand or so employees, including myself. And in the email, he laid out the structure of the NewCo, which certainly you guys have read about and are familiar with.

"In addition to Vince being the Executive Chairman, Ari Emanuel being the CEO, Mark Shapiro being the President, Dana White continuing as President of UFC, and me at WWE — specifically Vince articulated that Paul Levesque remains the sole chief creative officer. Sole," Khan said.

That quote from Khan came with another caveat.

Khan continued, "So, how does it work? Does that mean because I’m technically in charge of the business side of the business that I don’t seek input from other people? Or I wouldn’t seek input from Vince McMahon, who created this entire empire? That would be a mistake on my behalf.

"Paul and Vince, have a family relationship, a relationship that stands back to the mid-90s. Paul’s in charge of creative. If he wants input from Vince or Vince has ideas then he and Paul are gonna communicate, that’s always gonna be the case. We’re lucky to have Vince. We’re lucky to have Paul in control of creative."

However you cut it, it sounds like McMahon will still have input on creative moving forward. Whether that is really Triple H seeking out Vince's input, or McMahon giving it unsolicited, is another matter. There's no question that with McMahon back in the fold at WWE, he's going to have some input on creative moving forward, whether or not Triple H is the sole head of the division.