View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results / Report - May 4, 2023

05-06-2023, 10:04 AM

Your announcers are Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton.

Dana Brooke vs Piper Niven

They lock up and Piper sends Dana face first into the mat. Dana with kicks but Piper pushes her to the mat. Dana goes for a handspring move and Piper stops her but Dana with a satellite head scissors. Dana goes for a wheelbarrow but Piper sends Dana to the mat and Piper with a cross body. Piper gets a near fall. Piper kicks Dana. Piper with more kicks to the shoulder and she stands on Dana’s hand. Piper with a splash onto the arm. Piper with a wrist lock and an uppercut to the arm. Piper goes for a shoulder breaker and hits it for a near fall. Piper with a cobra clutch.

Dana with a jaw breaker to escape followed by a head butt and kick. Dana with forearms and a one arm round off elbow into the corner. Dana with a wheelbarrow into a bulldog for a near fall. Dana sets for a suplex but Piper blocks it. Piper goes for a suplex but Dana with an inside cradle for a near fall. Piper runs into a boot and Dana goes to the turnbuckles for a cross body but Piper catches Dana and hits a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Piper pulls Dana into the corner and Piper goes to the turnbuckles for a Vader Bomb but Dana stops Piper and Dana goes under for a power bomb and gets a near fall.

Dana goes up top for a frog splash but Piper moves and Piper with a Black Hole Slam for the three count.

Winner: Piper Niven

We go to commercial.

We take a look at the Usos versus Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn from Smackdown.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Brock Lesnar and Cody Rhodes.

We go to commercial.

Akira Tozawa vs Mustafa Ali

Ali wants Tozawa to shake his hand and Tozawa shakes it but Ali pulls Tozawa in for a side head lock. Ali with a shoulder tackle. Tozawa lands on his feet on a suplex attempt and he applies a side head lock. Tozawa gets his feet up in the corner and hits a head scissors off the turnbuckles. Tozawa with chops as they go around the ring. Ali covers up on a fourth chop attempt so Tozawa connects with a jab. Ali with a back elbow. Ali sends Tozawa into the corner and he follows with a chop.

Ali with an Irish whip and Tozawa with a head scissors to send Ali to the floor. Tozawa with a cannonball off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ali goes for a power bomb but Tozawa lands on his feet and Tozawa connects with a series of kicks, including a spinning heel kick. Ali trips Tozawa from the floor and sends Tozawa’s leg into the ring post. Ali with elbow drops to the leg. Ali goes for a single leg crab but Tozawa kicks Ali away. Tozawa with a chop and he tries for a head scissors take down but Ali counters with an ankle lock. Tozawa kicks Ali away and gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Ali with a drop kick to the knee.

Ali puts Tozawa’s leg on the rope and he drops down on it. Ali tries a second time but Tozawa kicks Ali over the top rope to the floor. Ali charges at Tozawa but Tozawa moves and Ali hits the turnbuckles face first. Tozawa with punches and kicks. Tozawa misses a round kick but he connects with a German suplex and he gets a near fall. Tozawa with another waist lock but Ali holds on to the ropes and Ali sends Tozawa to the apron. Ali with a rollup but he uses the ropes and the referee stops his cocunt.

Tozawa with a rollup for a near fall. Ali kicks Tozawa in the back of the leg. Ali goes up top but Tozawa stops him with a punch. Tozawa sets for a superplex but Ali sends Tozawa to the mat. Ali with a 450 splash to the leg and a single leg crab. Tozawa taps out.

Winner: Mustafa Ali

We take a look at Seth Rollins with Paul Heyman.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Seth Rollins versus Solo Sikoa.

We go to credits.