View Full Version : WWE NXT Level Up Results / Repost - May 5th, 2023

05-06-2023, 10:09 AM

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Oro Mensah vs Kale Dixon

They lock up and Oro with a waist lock take down. Oro gets a near fall. Oro with an arm bar and an arm wringer. Kale tries to escape but Oro takes him back to the mat. Kale with a forearm and a reversal. Oro with a kick to get out of the wrist lock. Oro with arm drags into an arm bar. Kale with a forearm but Oro with a head scissors take down. Oro with a leg sweep to take Kale down. Kale with a head lock. Kale grabs Oro by the hair and hits a back breaker. Kale with forearms to the back. Oro with a chop and Kale with a forearm. Kale with an Irish whip and a back breaker for a near fall. Kale with a kick to the back and Oro chops back. Kale with a gutwrench but Oro with a rollup for a near fall. Oro misses a kick and Kale with a rollup for a near fall.

Kale with a clothesline and a back breaker. Kale with a gutwrench gourdbuster for a near fall. Kale pulls the hair and stretches Oro. Kale with a chin lock. Kale adds pressure by putting his knee in Oro's back. Oro tries to get out of the hold and Kale grabs the hair again. Oro with a forearm and Kale fires back. Oro with chops and forearms. Kale with a kick. Oro lands on his feet and hits a running forearm and a chop. Oro with a running kick to the chest. Oro with a quebrada. Kale sends Oro to the apron but Oro with an enzuigiri. Oro with a jumping side kick off the ropes. Oro with a spinning heel kick into the corner for the three count.

Winner: Oro Mensah

Kelly Kincaid is with Boa. She asks about his recent return from injury and his match against Eddy Thorpe. Boa says he has been out for a while. He says he is ready to fight anyone. He will show everyone who he is. Eddy Thorpe is a great warrior, but tonight Eddy is no match for him.

Lola Vice vs Thea Hail (w/ Duke Hudson)

They lock up and Lola with a side head lock. Lola with a shoulder tackle. Hail with an O'Connor Roll for a near fall. Hail with a kick and moonsault for a near fall. Hail with an arm bar. Thea holds on to the arm bar when Lola tries to send her off the ropes. Lola with a forearm and a take down for a near fall. Lola with a forearm and a spinning back heel kick. Lola with a running hip strike into the corner. Thea holds on to the ropes and Lola kicks her. Lola with a front face lock and cravate. Lola takes Thea back to the mat. Thea JOLTS Up and escapes the hold and sends Lola face first to the mat. Thea with forearms and a flying double sledge. Thea with a running hip into the corner followed by an exploder and a rolling senton. Thea with a springboard back elbow and a face lock driver for the three count.

Winner: Thea Hail

Match Number Three: Eddy Thorpe versus Boa

Boa with a kick to the chest. They lock up and Boa with a take down but he misses a boot when Thorpe moves. Boa with a wrist lock and kicks to the leg. Thorpe with a reversal and a side head lock take down. Eddy avoids a slam and takes Boa down with a side head lock. Boa with a reversal and a shoulder tackle. Thorpe with a cross body and chop. Boa misses a boot but he takes Eddy down with a leg sweep and connects with a back heel kick. Boa with a kick to the midsection. Boa with a snap mare and a kick to the back. Boa gets a near fall. Thorpe with a chop and Boa with knees. Boa with a knee to the midsection against the ropes. Boa with more knees.

Boa with a butterfly suplex and he gets a near fall. Boa with a reverse chin lock and body scissors. Boa with a waist lock and he returns to the body scissors but Thorpe leans back to get a near fall. Thorpe with a jaw breaker and punches. Thorpe with a series of running back elbows and a round kick. Thorpe with a Yakuza kick into the corner followed by a Saito suplex for a near fall. Thorpe with a front face lock. Boa with a waist lock and Eddy with elbows. Boa with a boot to the head for a near fall. Boa misses a round kick and Thorpe with forearms and uppercuts followed by a boot to the head and a German suplex followed by a leaping elbow drop for the three count.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe

End of show