View Full Version : Hulk Hogan Names the Wrestlers Who Hated Him the Most

06-11-2023, 08:24 PM
Hulk Hogan may have been wrestling's quintessential babyface during the 1980s, but the Hulkster made plenty of enemies throughout his career.

Hogan's official coronation as wrestling's top star came in January 1984, when he dethroned the late Iron Sheik to win his first of several World Championships. Despite being popular with fans, Hogan garnered a reputation throughout his career for using backstage politics to get his way, with many wrestlers holding grudges against the Hulkster to this day. Speaking to the Full Send Podcast, Hogan was asked about who loathed him the most out of the ring.

"Outside the ring? It was two guys, it was Macho Man. He lived on the beach. We worked together every single day. Then he went through a divorce. He thought I had something to do with it. So that turned out to be like an eight-year - don’t talk to each other thing. Which we finally got on the same page about six months before he passed away, thank God."

Hogan went on to say that both Bret Hart and Scott Steiner had their grievances with him. In 1993, Hogan became WWE Champion at WrestleMania 9, with the idea being that Bret would dethrone him at Summerslam in a passing of the torch moment. Hogan would leave the promotion before the match happened, a change of plans Bret believes Hogan had planned from the start.

"The only other person was Bret Hart who thought I sabotaged his career because Bret thought he should have been the greatest wrestler that ever lived. He said it was my fault. 'Okay.'

"Then the only other third guy is Scott Steiner who I tried to help. No one would talk to him, everybody was scared to death of him. So I was the one who always had to go talk to him and say ‘Scott, I need you to do the job.’ [He would go] 'Oh fuck Hogan I don’t do the job' so well. 'We want to keep figuring the end but nobody wants to talk to you so I’m here to try to talk to you about business. But if you don’t want to do it that’s okay, we’ll get somebody else to do it.' And those three guys! I got nothing but love for those guys but for some reason they thought I kind of sabotaged their career.”

While Hogan continues to make appearances for WWE, his reputation and the racist comments that were unearthed in 2015 mean that he typically gets a mixed at best response from the WWE Universe.