View Full Version : Creed Brothers Compared To The Steiners, Road Warriors & Harlem Heat

07-05-2023, 08:16 PM
The Creed Brothers have been sent packing after losing a "Loser Leaves NXT" match.

The former NXT Champions put on a strong showing against The Dyad on Tuesday night, but it simply was not enough to get the win.

Brutus and Julius Creed (Drew and Jacob Kasper) won't be 'unemployed' for long. They're expected to get called up to either Raw or SmackDown in the near future.

WWE Hall of Famer Booker T addressed their future with co-host (and SEScoops alum) Brad Gilmore on the latest episode of his Hall of Fame podcast.

Booker T says the Creed Brothers are a "generational team" that does not come along very often. He sees them having "a hell of a future" in WWE, because they both have impressive size and athleticism.

"The athleticism for both of those guys at their size, are literally uncanny, it really is. I think time is going to do those guys a whole hell of a good — and they could be one of those dynasty-like teams, tag teams you know, from back in the day like The Steiner Brothers, you know what I mean? Like a Harlem Heat, like a Nasty Boys, like a Road Warriors. Those guys could fall into that category right there.”

Booker T is a 5-time World Champion, but he first had a legendary career as a tag team wrestler. He and his brother Stevie Ray competed as Harlem Heat and are considered an all-time great team in their own right.

There are high expectations for the Creed Brothers on the main roster, but they're more than capable of meeting and exceeding them.