View Full Version : Wrestling History Today - 19th July

07-20-2023, 11:29 AM
On this day in history ....

1960 - Verne Gagne & Leo Nomellini defeat Murder Inc. (Tiny Mills & Stan Kowalski) to win the AWA World Tag team Title in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1961 - Shoulders Newman & Ted Travis defeat Neff Maivia & Billy White Wolf for the NWA Hawaii Tag Team Title in Honolulu, Hawaii. Less than a month earlier, Newman & Travis (subbing for champion Tim Rice) had lost the belts to Maivia & Wolf. Neff Maivia is the uncle of the Rock.

1968 - Fritz Von Erich & Grizzly Smith defeat The Spoiler & Gary Hart in Houston, Texas to win the NWA American Tag Team Title (later renamed the World Class World Tag Team Title), ending the second reign for Spoiler & Hart.

1971 - Thunderbolt Patterson & Toru Tanaka defeat Johnny Valentine & Wahoo McDaniel to win the NWA American Tag Team Title (later renamed the World Class World Tag Team Title) in Ft. Worth, Texas.

1980 - Pierre Martel defeats Mr. Fuji to win the WWC North American Heavyweight Title in Caguas, Puerto Rico.

1981 - El Solitario defeats Eric Embry in Mexico City, Mexico to win the UWA World Junior Light-Heavyweight Title, beginning his second reign as champion.

1986 - Paul Orndorff turned on Hulk Hogan, airing on WWF's syndicated TV programs, setting up a major money feud for the WWF title.

1987 - Bruno Sammartino substituted for Jake Roberts in the main event of a WWF show at the Spectrum in Philadelphia, defeated Intercontinental Champion The Honky Tonk Man via countout.

1989 - WWF held a marathon television taping (which was the norm in those days) at the Centrum in Worcester, Massachusetts. The show had well over 20 matches taped for Superstars and Prime Time Wrestling, and also included the taping for the July 29th edition of Saturday Night's Main Event which saw the following results:
- Hulk Hogan defeated The Honky Tonk Man with a legdrop.
- Jimmy Snuka defeated Greg Valentine with a flying bodypress after referee Ronnie Garvin punched Valentine.
- Brutus Beefcake defeated Randy Savage via disqualification when Zeus interfered.
- The Brain Busters (Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson) defeated Demolition to win the WWF World Tag Team Championship in a three falls match when Anderson pinned Smash to win the third fall after Blanchard had hit him with a chair.

1996 - Aquarius (Yoshihiro Tajiri under a mask) defeats Dr. Wagner Jr. for the CMLL World Light Heavyweight Title in Tokyo, Japan on a Big Japan Pro Wrestling event. However, EMLL, the governing body for the title in Mexico, had never agreed to the title change. Wagner won the belt back before returning to Mexico, and the title switch was never recognized by EMLL.

1997 - Ian Rotten defeats Bull Pain in Louisville, Kentucky to win the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Title.

1997 - ECW held their "Heatwave" event at the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Here are the results:
- Mikey Whipwreck & Spike Dudley defeated PG-13.
- Axl Rotten defeated Tracy Smothers.
- John Kronus defeated Prodigy.
- Chris Candido & Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Balls Mahoney & Chris Chetti.
- ECW World Television Champion Taz defeated Lance Storm with the Tazmission.
- ECW World Champion Terry Funk defeated Shane Douglas via disqualification when Francine, Douglas' valet, attacked Funk and bit his ear, rendering Funk a bloody mess. It was heavily hyped on ECW television that the referee had no choice but to call for a DQ (a rarity in ECW) due to Francine's actions.
- The Gangstas (New Jack & Mustafa) defeated The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray & D-Von) to win the ECW World Tag Team Title in a Steel Cage Weapons match. This ended the Dudleys second title reign and began the second, and final, title reign for the Gangstas. The Gangstas would never defend the belts, as Mustafa would leave the company, and ECW would push a story that he was injured in this match.
- Rob Van Dam, Sabu & Jerry Lawler vs. Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman and their mystery partner never took place. Rick Rude, working as an announcer, came down to team with Sandman & Dreamer, but then turned on them, leading to a long brawl. This was also Jerry Lawler's last ECW Arena appearance (at least, last appearance in this building for ECW).

2000 - WWF taped Smackdown at the Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, New York, headlined by Triple H & Chris Benoit defeated The Rock & Chris Jericho via disqualification when Rock hit the referee. After the match, Rock put Benoit in a Crippler Crossface while Jericho but Triple H in the Walls Of Jericho.

2002 - Former WCW star Yoshi Kwan, Chris Champion, suffered a stroke.

2002 - Race Steele, Jon Heidenreich, Jason Broyles, Steve Bradley, Mike Sanders, Jason Sugarman and were all cut from WWE's developmental roster.

2002 - WWE shut down their affiliation with Les Thatcher's HWA promotion in Ohio as a developmental territory. It was announced all remaining developmental talents will move to OVW in Louisville. The plan is to have 20 developmental talents there, and review them every 90 days.

2002 - Jim Ross announced on his WWE.com Ross Report column that The Island Boys, Shannon Moore, Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli, Bull Buchanan, Shelton Benjamin and Victoria would all be moving to the main roster.

2002 - WWE broadcast Byte This on their website. John Shepard filed the following report:

We open to clip of Bischoff becoming the general manager on Monday, including his promo.

Kevin Kelly and Tom Prichard are together again and acknowledge some technical difficulties that caused the show to start late Kevin says as a result we won’t hear Droz today, but he will be on Sunday’s Countdown to Vengeance Show. Tazz won’t be on because of family obligations (Thank God no more talk about the growth on his stomach). Tom Prichard is asked about Bischoff coming into the WWE and becoming Raw’s general manager. Dr. Tom says it just proves that you can never say never in the wrestling business. Pritchard says Bischoff is a “conniving” individual and has big plans for Raw. He wonders if he can sign HHH away from Smackdown. Kevin Kelly says he still can’t believe that Bischoff is in the WWE and that they are going to talk with him later.

Dr. Tom says controversy is good for business and it will be good for Raw. Pritchard adds that Bischoff is a shrewd business man. Kevin Kelly asks what this means in the big picture and what is the point of having two general managers work in a company where Vince owns both shows (Great Question). Tom says it is all about competition and the two general managers will push each other to create a better product and one up each other. Tom says it will be more competitive now between the two rosters, and it will give the critics who don’t think the brand extension has worked so far, a little of what they have been asking for (Like more Steph).

Eric Bischoff comes on via the phone. Kevin asks how Bischoff felt when he was announced on Monday. Bischoff says it was unbelievable and surreal like J.R. said. Kelly asks how his arrival worked. Bischoff says he and Vince have been talking for a year now, but the “ice was broken” in the last two weeks when he and Vince begins to speak one-on-one. Bischoff puts over how well his entrance was kept quiet by the WWE, and that he didn’t leave his hotel room until a few hours before show time. Bischoff says when he went into the arena, the boys were completely shocked.

Bischoff waited in his hotel for 6 hours not wanting to leave so that no fan could see him and leak the surprise. Bischoff says it was nerve racking, but exciting as well to be sitting there that long, waiting to be picked up. Bischoff says he couldn’t wait to get out there. Kelly mentions how Bischoff was able to run down his accomplishments on Raw. Kelly says Bischoff changed the way Vince did business. Kelly asks Bischoff if he thought the WWE was going under while running the WCW. Bischoff says he never really new the true status of the WWE and that wasn’t his goal to ruin the company. He acknowledges that he said things to fire people up, because WCW was so small and a distant number two when he took over, and he had to rally the workers to be aggressive. It was under these circumstances that talk about putting people out of business arose. Eric says he is competitive by nature and a mercenary by choice (Nice choice of words). He said he heard rumors about the WWE and their status during the Monday Night Wars, but never truly knew anything. Bischoff said he was told that Vince was going to do his attitude thing and he didn’t think it would work. Eric says once he saw that Vince was moving away from family entertainment to an attitude product, and they were marketing to an older crowd he knew the WWE was not going to lay down and die. He evens says he thought he was in trouble (I highly doubt that).

Dr. Tom asks Eric if J.R. was his boss at anytime in WCW. Bischoff says not really, that he worked for Jim Heard not J.R. But that he did have dealings with J.R. Tom asks Bischoff about J.R. and how he feels about him. Eric says he hasn’t really spoken to Jim Ross since coming into the WWE, but he has no problem with Jim and he respects him. Bischoff says he is happy to be in the WWE and wants to help how ever he can

Kevin asks about the Invasion angle and how it was handled. Bischoff says hindsight is 20/20 and that the only critical thing he could say about it was that it didn’t seem credible or real (That is an understatement). A lot of the top WCW talent wasn’t there, and that without it, the angle was destined to fail. Tom asks about when DX “invaded” WCW Offices, and how he felt about it. Bischoff says he had thought about doing things like that including getting the NWO to buy a ticket and sit in on Raw, but they couldn’t get the support from the heads of Turner to do it. Bischoff also mentions that at the time WCW was in a lawsuit with WWE and the WCW people were very conservative and he was limited to what he could do to them. Bischoff says what really bothered him about the whole angle was that the WCW headquarters looked very poor and it embarrassed him to show it to a television audience.

Bischoff is asked how it is to walk into the WWE locker room with guys who he didn’t like and don’t like him. Bischoff says as many guys like him as dislike him, and he isn’t concerned either way. Bischoff says he is just going to work hard and make this job successful. Kelly asks about the Big Show and Chris Jericho leaving and if that hurt WCW (Big Show? Yeah that killed the company). Bischoff says neither leaving hurt the WCW and that they expected the Big Show to leave, same with Jericho. Bischoff says if either had stayed things would not have been any different in the end. He said he is happy for Chris and it was a great move for him. Bischoff says he discovered Jericho (I question this). Bischoff says WCW’s problem was bigger than these two.

Pritchard asks about the exiting of Steve Austin. Bischoff says he doesn’t know the whole story, but he went through the same thing with Austin. Bischoff says when he brought in Hulk Hogan to the WCW, that Austin wanted to be Hulk’s tag partner and be apart of Hogan’s program. Bischoff says when he didn’t give him what he wanted Steve was angry and made it miserable to be around him from then on. Bischoff mentions a time when Austin also didn’t show up for a scheduled interview and Bischoff says he doesn’t regret firing Austin. Bischoff says he doesn’t owe Austin a damn thing and Austin should think him for making him leave the WCW. Bischoff says he even predicted that Austin would become angry and leave when Hogan, Hall, and Nash came into the WWE (Man I have to believe this was a shoot, and the WWE is not only burying Austin, but defecating on his grave).

A caller asked Bischoff if he is only a character or has creative input. Bischoff says his duties have not been defined, but that everyone wants to hear new ideas in the WWE and they are open to it (except from Russo). But right now he doesn’t have any creative duties. Tom says that WCW talent has always said they felt they had a small window of opportunities to put in creative ideas and they were frustrated by this. Bischoff says he agrees to a point and in the WCW they were very busy and while creative ideas were suggested, these ideas had to fit into the overall plan or they would not be used (So if the ideas didn’t involve making the NwO or Goldberg look good they were flushed). Bischoff says however that he doesn’t understand that criticisms because other people have often complained that too many people had his ear, and were giving him too many ideas. Bischoff says the WWE has a lot of talented wrestling people and the WCW were often given Turner rejects and they weren’t wrestling people. Bischoff said he has read every comment of wrestlers saying what went wrong in the WCW, but none of them knew what really happened.

Kelly asks Bischoff about guaranteed contracts and if that was eventually a problem. Bischoff says it wasn’t a problem, and they didn’t cause WCW to fail. Bischoff says when he came in there were already guaranteed contracts, he inherited them and had to work with them. He said the organization made money from 95 to 99 for the first time with the guaranteed contracts. Bischoff says that the WCW was impacted by the WWE attitude move and the WCW front office told Bischoff they were going in another direction. Bischoff says he was called into a meeting in 98 with Turner executives, and that was when he realized he wasn’t really in charge of the company. Once the merger with Time Warner happened he knew things were in trouble. He said the beginning of the end started in 98 with people being more concerned with stock options instead of the quality of the business.

Kelly asks about the Vengeance Main Event. Bischoff says the match up is interesting. Bischoff says all 3 have strong characteristics but are different. He says the Rock drips charisma and is on a roll and with the momentum he has he will be hard to stop. Bischoff says the Undertaker has a lot of pride and has been around for a long time (I guess that makes him a threat to win?). He looks at Taker and Hogan with the same view. Bischoff says Kurt Angle is charismatic and physically is a machine. He says the main event will be tremendous. Kelly asks with Stephanie McMahon running Smackdown and her dad running things overall, how will he get a fair shake on Raw. Bischoff says he likes going against another McMahon and he will succeed because of hard work and dedication.

Kelly asks about HHH. Bischoff mentions that HHH was in the WCW for awhile but he never got to work with him, and he is excited to be working with him. Bischoff says he really looks forward to working with guys like HHH that he never worked with before. Pritchard asks about Goldberg. Eric mentions he hasn’t spoken to Goldberg sense he came to WWE, but that he would love to see Goldberg in the WWE. Bischoff thinks he could contribute tremendously to the company. Kelly says critics argue that Goldberg is an almost 40 year old flash in the pan with a chip on his shoulder. Bischoff says that is unfair and that he doesn’t think Goldberg has a chip on his shoulder, he admits Goldberg has a big ego, but that can be a good thing. Bischoff says Goldberg is a good person but he had some problems with him professionally. Bischoff says Goldberg came out of nowhere and accomplished more in a short period of time than anyone but the Rock (How about Kurt Angle). Bischoff says that all other superstars were in the business for a long time before they got over, but Rock and Goldberg are exceptions. Bischoff says Goldberg is often too intense in and out of the ring, and it may have lead to injuries.

A caller asks about Ric Flair. Bischoff says he and Flair's problems have been blown out of proportion, and that their relationship is a roller coaster, but that the later part of their relationship was very good. Bischoff says he and Flair had run-ins, but they had really good times too. He claims they get along well now. Kelly says Bischoff has been credited with the creation of the Nitro girls and it had an effect on the WWE divas (Not sure how?). Kelly asks what divas he is interested in. Bischoff mentions he is partial to Stacey, and puts over her legs.

Kelly asks about the atmosphere in the WCW and his ego. Bischoff says the negative atmosphere has been exaggerated, and he does have a big ego, but it doesn’t bother him (How about how it bothers others). Bischoff says he has a lot of other projects going to feed his ego, but he loves the wrestling business. He says there is no better feeling than being successful in wrestling. Kelly mentions how Bischoff looks like a Baldwin. A caller asks about Bischoff trying to buy WCW before Vince did. Bischoff says he and his partners were interested and were within hours of closing the deal. Bischoff even says he took his family on vacation to spend some time with them, because he knew when the deal went through that he wouldn’t get to see them that much. While on vacation he was told the deal “hit the fan” and it was explained that when AOL/Time Warner group that took over were no longer interested in putting wrestling on the Turner Networks. So they were willing to sell Bischoff the company, but would not put it on TBS or TNT. At that point he and his partners backed off.

Kelly asks what the future is for wrestling and what the next big trend is. Bischoff says there is no magic bullet or lightening in a bottom to turn things around. He puts over how long wrestling has been on television and a successful business. He says it has proved to be fad proof. Bischoff says right now there is a ton of reality programming out there which is very extreme and controversial, which cuts into the wrestling business profits. Bischoff says these show target the same audience as wrestling, but they only last during the summer. He says that in the fall when the sitcoms and dramas come back on, that wrestling will fair better and ratings will go up. Bischoff says he would like to see more reality based story lines in wrestling. Bischoff says this is a wrestling show and that they need to convey the sense that things could blow up at any point. Bischoff now leaves. (That was a really good interview)

Kelly & Tom put Eric over. They mention how Bischoff will be on Confidential tomorrow. We now go to Howard Finkel. Finkel gives his props to the “Byte This” show and says it digs deeper than any show out there. Kelly mentions how much he and Finkel are starting to look alike (Huh?). Finkel is asked about the triple threat match. Finkel asks who the fans are going to cheer for. Finkel says the Undertaker has a huge collection of loyal fans. Finkel says the match will be spectacular, he says it could easily be one of the best triple threat matches ever. Finkel now asks his weekly question, “A Nationally Televised WWE Broadcast in the Joe Louis had a very famous non-wrestling person as a special guest referee for the event. Who was it and what was the main event of that broadcast?”

Pritchard mentions how the HWA was removed as a territory and how wrestlers were let go. Pritchard says all these guys worked hard and to only trust WWE.com to find out who was let go and not trust rumors.

John Cena comes on and he mentions how he and Nova are going to fight in a no holds barred match in the OVW tonight. Kelly asks how Cena reacted to fighting Kurt Angle at first on Smack down. Cena says he was only told at 3:00 that he was going to fight Kurt Angle. He said he thought he was only going to fight a dark match and then he thought he would be a heel, but he was shocked when he new hew was going to fight Angle as a babyface. The guys say that sometimes that it is best to go into a match with little time to think about it. Kelly adds that John Cena’s early work used to suck. Cena said that once he got to OVW things turned around for him.

Kelly asks about Danny Davis. Cena says that in other promotions they cared more about your look and entrance than you in-ring work. Cena says Danny Davis is brilliant ands knows the business. He says he can analyze matches and knows how to make people. Kelly proceeds to bash Davis. Pritchard asks Cena about his first views of OVW. Cena says he loved it because it is nothing but wrestling. The guys trash the facilities, but mention they are moving into a new arena. A highlight of Cena’s match with Jericho is shown.

Kelly asks what lessons he has learned in the WWE. Cena says it is amazing because the guys have a lot of suggestions and are helping him advance and make himself better. Pritchard asks Cena about the name Prototype. Cena says that he and some of his friends were trying to come up with names and people always thought of him as a robot (He claimed he has never drank a beer. Dude relax) so the name Prototype came up. Kelly puts over Cena and mentions how John played college football at Springfield College in Illinois.

Kelly asks how he compares to Chris Nowinski. Cena says Chris is nice, But he steers more toward athletics while Chris goes more toward academics. John tells how he wanted to be a wrestler since he was four and that he and his brothers used to wrestle in their basement and create paper belts. Kelly asks Cena about Brock Lesnar. John Cena says Brock is a monster and a true athlete. He calls him a freak and a mutant (He adds several more words like this but you get eh point). Kelly then asks about Randy Orton. Cena says he didn’t get to work much with Orton, but that he is very crisp and smooth in the ring and looks like he belongs in it.

Kelly mentions John does a lot of tape studying. Cena says he likes old Debiase and Flair stuff. Cena says he likes watching old 80’s wrestling because they got people over without doing all the high spots of today. Cena said he was amazed that guys back then could get over just throwing chops and punches (Amazing concept isn’t it) .The guys talk about how important ring psychology is. A guy in the chat room mentions John Cena resembles Sting (Nice Call There). Pritchard ask about the locker room. Cena says everyone has been very receptive to him and has been excellent. He says they all have been helpful. Kelly asks if Cena is a white supremist because he looks like a Hitler Youth (What in the?). Then we get talk about the weather in Louisville.

A caller mentions how Cena is from Boston and he wanders if he has pressure to represent that area (What?). Cena says he doesn’t feel pressure, but he loves the area and is proud of Boston. Kelly rags on the Celtics and the Redsox. John Cena leaves and the guys put him over big time.

Now we get the rap up and witty banter segment. Pritchard believes Bischoff is good for business and will get people talking. Kelly believes Bischoff likes his role of being just talent and not creative.

Pritchard says he wishes Bischoff the best of luck. We now make fun of the Heavenly Bodies, and Pritchard and Kelly randomly go into Latin accents talking about Chavo Guerrero. Dr. Tom mentions the Sunday Countdown show before Vengeance. Big Country even checks in from the bar (Not sure what is going on there). Kevin Kelly mentions that Bischoff and HHH may have been going to Gold Club at the end of Smackdown (That is funny).

The show ends with the clip of Chris Jericho becoming the first undisputed champion last year at Vengeance.

2005 - WWE broadcast Raw from the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania featuring Edge defeated Kane in a steel cage match, John Cena defeating Snitsky in a lumberjack match, and Kurt Angle defeating Matt Striker.

2009 - TNA held their Victory Road Pay-per-view in Orlando, featuring the TNA debut of Taz. Here is the original PPV report on the show.

The TNA Victory Road opened with a video piece leading into the show. Fireworks went off as Mike Tenay welcome everyone to the PPV.

TNA Knockouts champion Tara vs. Angelina Love (with Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky)

Tara cleared the ring early but Love came back. She drilled Tara back-first into the corner, then slammed her out of the corner for a two count. She followed up with a clothesline and a headbutt. Don West name-checked Bobo Brazil. Tara kicked out of several pinfall attempts.

Tara knocked Velvet Sky off the apron. Sky went to spray Tara with the hairspray but got Love instead. Referee Slick Johnson threw Sky and Rayne out of ringside. That allowed Love to kick out of a pinfall attempt. Tara went for a top rope moonsault but Love rolled out of the way. Love covered Tara and scored the pin, although Tara had her leg on the rope.

Your winner and new TNA Knockouts champion, Angelina Love!

After the bout, Tara argued with Johnson over the count, then laid her out. She drilled Love with the Widow's Peak and teased putting the tarantula on her, but the other Beautiful People pulled Love out of the ring. Tara then put it on Johnson.

This never seemed to get out of first gear. I have a feeling that if they had been given more time, this really could have been something more memorable, so hopefully down the line. I'll be blunt, I hated the finish too. It came out of nowhere and was weak to me.

Mike Tenay and Don West ran down the rest of the PPV lineup.

Birthday Boy Jeremy Borash was in the Main Event Mafia's locker room. Borash noted to Kurt Angle that 9 months ago, they declared that all the former World champions in one group would dominate wrestling. Angle said that unlike others, he backs up his word. He told the fans not to expect a quality wrestling match, since he was going to "maul Mick Foley as quickly as possible." I guess he's like JYD where he doesn't get paid by the minute. Angle said all the things Foley has done in the past mean nothing. Angle then told everyone else that there was no fun or games tonight and that if they didn't have a clean sweep, with all pinfall and submission wins, Angle would come out and fire them on the spot from the M.E.M. tonight.

Matt Morgan vs. Daniels

Morgan and Daniels locked up. Morgan immediately shoved Daniels over the ropes. Morgan followed him to the floor, raking at his face and slamming him into the railings. Back in the ring, Daniels mounted a quick comeback but was nailed by Morgan. Daniels drilled him with several rights but Morgan nailed him with a knee.

Daniels tricked Morgan through the ropes and then hit a tope through the ropes, drilling Morgan. Morgan staggered to the announcer's table but didn't go down. Daniels continued to rock Morgan outside the ring with strikes. He went to the apron and nailed an Arabian Press off the ropes to the floor. The crowd chanted, "TNA!" Daniels went for a pescado but Morgan moved out of the ring. Daniels began selling the knee that has been injured of late.

Morgan tossed him back into the ring and nailed a discus clothesline. Morgan draped Daniels' leg over the apron and nailed legdrop across it. West called Daniels, "A good kid." KID? Morgan began drilling Daniels with rapid fire elbows. He teased a sideslam, then dropped him in a moment of disrespect. Morgan continued to work over Daniels' leg with stomps and leglocks.

Morgan elevated Daniels, then slammed him into the corner face first for a two count. Morgan missed an elbow and legdrop. Daniels, one on leg, began exchanging blows with Morgan. He nailed Morgan with a jawbreaker, but it tossed into the corner. Morgan charges but eats a Daniels elbow. Daniels hit a high cross bodyblock for a two count off the top, then rolled Morgan up for a second. Daniels used a Crucifix for another near fall.

Morgan came back with a Fall Away Slam and motioned for the Hellevator. When he grabbed Daniels, he was caught in a DDT. Daniels went for the BME but his leg buckled. Morgan caught him with the Carbon Footprint. He nailed the Hellevator for the pin.

Your winner, Matt Morgan!

Solid match with some good storytelling. They did a nice job writing Daniels' knee issue into the bout to explain his loss.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Dr. Stevie (with Daffney) asking why he would even get into the ring with Abyss. Richards said that he respects the mind over the body so he knows he has Abyss where he needs him. He said that tonight's bout will be No DQ and when it's over, everyone will know who the patient was and who the doctor is. As Stevie left, Daffney told him she loves him. He responded, "I know" and walked off. Someone was watching Empire Strikes Back.

Abyss vs. Dr. Stevie Richards - No DQ

Richards attacked Abyss with a a baton immediately at the bell and worked him over. Abyss began to make a comeback. Richards began slapping and chopping away at Abyss to no avail. Richards rebounded off the ropes but was slapped down by Abyss.

Richards retreated to the floor but Abyss followed. They went into the crowd. Abyss catches him on the stairs and begins beating him down. He drags Richards back towards ring. Richards cuts him off and tries to whip Abyss into a wall, but it's reversed. The crowd chanted for a second one and Abyss agrees, sending Richards face-first into the wall. Abyss dumps Stevie back over the railing into the ringside area.

Richards was bleeding after they returned to the ringside area. Abyss ripped off Richards' doctor scrubs and took his time chopping away at Richards in a corner. Abyss set up a chair in the corner, then drilled Stevie into it. Richards was out on his feet. Abyss picked him up for Shock Treatment and nailed it.

Daffney came to the ring with a taser but Lauren came out and shoved her down. Richards got the taser but Abyss nailed the Black Hole Slam. Abyss got the taser and nailed Richards with it. Smoke came out of the taser to give the effect that Abyss burned Richards. Abyss then scored the pin.

Your winner, Abyss!

Abyss and Lauren hugged after the bout.

In terms of finally giving Abyss vindication over Richards, the storyline of the match made sense. It was the Abyss brawl around the Impact Zone that you'd have expected going in.

Mick Foley was having a locker room meeting with TNA Tag Team champions and TNA Legends champion AJ Styles. He said that he may not have been the best boss in the world, but he never messed with their jobs. He said that if they lose the belts tonight, The Mafia will use everything they can to their advantage and everyone's jobs will be in jeopardy, including his own. Kind of funny to see serious Foley after all his goofiness of the last few months in TNA but no one will do a better job of getting the storylines over than him. Foley asked him to retain their belts so at the end, he's not the only defender of TNA when the night comes to an end. He asked them if they were in and they agreed.

IWGP Tag Team champions Team 3D vs. The British Invasion (with Rob Terry)

Doug Williams and Devon opened the bout. Magnus tagged in. Brother Ray handed him some clubbering. Ray clotheslined Magnus over the top to the floor. Magnus improves every month. Putting him in the UK unit was a great idea. Williams distracted Ray for Magnus to attack him but Ray was too smart for it. Still, The Invasion double teamed Ray. Williams nailed an uppercut off the ropes. Magnus choked Ray against the middle rope.

The Invasion began making fast tags in and out. Williams caught Ray with an elbow as he charged the corner. Ray came back. Devon went to the top for the wazzup headbutt but Rob Terry shoved him off the ropes. Williams used his boot to choke out Ray. The Invasion continued to work over Ray. They nailed a double backdrop on Ray. Magnus began punching Ray, who fought back. Ray finally got the better of him and made the hot tag to Devon.

Devon began working over Magnus and Williams. Devon slammed Williams and dropped down into a headbutt for a two count. He nailed a sideslam for a second but Magnus broke it up. Devon and Ray nailed a back suplex/neckbreaker combination for a two count on Magnus. Devon went to the top for the wazzup and this time, nailed it off the top rope. The fans called for 3D to get the tables and chanted for it.

Devon brought onto into the ring but was attacked on the floor by Rob Terry. Ray set up the table but was attacked by Williams and Magnus. Ray tossed Magnus out of the ring. Rob Terry went to clothesline Ray, who ducked and he drilled Williams. 3D tossed Terry out of the ring and then nailed the 3D on Williams for the pin.

Your winners and still IWGP Tag Team champions Team 3D!

Kiyoshi and Sheik Abdul Bashir, allies of the British Invasion, hit the ring and attacked 3D. 3D made their own comeback and Ray nailed a superbomb of the ropes through a table for the big pop.

Good tag match. Williams has always been great, 3D have good showings when they have the time to put together a strong match and Magnus is continuing to improve. Solid, entertaining tag bout here.

Mike Tenay and Don West talked about the controversy of the finish of the Knockouts championship bout with Tara having her leg on the rope. Lauren was standing by with Slick Johnson. He said he was out of position and feels bad that he cost her the title, but the referee's decision is final. Johnson said he was going to Jim Cornette to request Tara get a rematch.

Jenna Morasca (with Awesome Kong) vs. Sharmell (with Sojourner Bolt)

Morasca was slapping hands on the way to the ring. Physically in her ring gear, she didn't stand out compared to some of the women in the company. Hey, isn't she a heel, because she's playing babyface. Sharmell is wrestling in her evening gown. They lock up and Sharmell knees her in the gut. Sharmell slams her head first into the mat. She begins stomping on her and tearing at Jenna's hair but the referee breaks them up. Sharmell covered Morasca for a two count.

Sharmell locked on a camel clutch to make her humble. This is all Sharmell killing Jenna early. Sharmell begins kicking and slapping her in the corner. Jenna landed the WORST slaps in the history of the business. They began doing the catfight roll around on the mat with Hebner ending up rolling around. Jenna began choking Sharmell but Hebner pulled her off. They showed that she had ripped out some of Sharmell's hair.

Sharmell charged Jenna, who moved. Sharmell nailed Sojo, who bumped off the apron to the floor. Jenna gave Kong the hair. Sharmell asked for it back and Kong obliged, then punched out Sharmell. Jenna covered Sharmell and did a pseudo lapdance during the cover.

Your winner, Jenna Morasca!

After the match, Morasca was all riled up by her win and began giving Kong static. Kong laid her out and splashed her.

This may end up being one of the worst segments of the year. WOW.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Kevin Nash, asking him his reaction to Kurt Angle's announcement that if they lost, they'd be fired. Nash said all the stuff Mick Foley said to the other locker room was garbage. Nash said he was so confident tonight that if he didn't win, he would retire. He promised to win the Legends championship.

TNA Legends champ AJ Styles vs. Kevin Nash

Obviously, the size difference should be the story here. They circled each other for a long time. Styles did some hit and run tactics early. Nash finally caught Styles with several knees in the corner. Nash lined up Styles and drilled him with a standing elbow in a corner. Nash drilled Styles with a clothesline for a two count.

Styles came back with a back elbow out of the corner. Styles came off the ropes but Nash nailed him with a big boot and Styles went over the top to the floor. Much slower paced bout than usual for Styles so far. Nash rolled Styles back into the ring. Nash went for a powerbomb but Styles rained down with punches and Nash fell backwards with Styles on top. Styles scored a near fall.

Styles began ducking and weaving while nailing strikes and kicks. Styles began working over Nash with a series of rights. Styles began using the Garvin Stomp on Nash's legs. Styles continued stomping on Nash's knees. He locked up Nash's legs in a submission attempt but Nash fought him off. AJ came back with the springboard forearm smash into the ring for a two count. Styles went for a kick. Nash blocked it and Styles hit the Pele Kick. He went outside for a springboard but was caught by Nash and chokeslammed for the pin.

Your winner and new TNA Legends champion Kevin Nash!

They showed Styles beating the mat in frustration and anger after the bout.

This was about as good as it could have been given the limitations of the match.

Lauren was in the women's locker room trying to get an interview with Tara. Slick Johnson came out of the shower, followed by Madison Rayne, so she was screwing with him in exchange for Love getting the belt back. Rayne told Lauren to mind her business and keep her mouth shut, since, you know, everyone who was watching on CAMERA couldn't see all this to begin with. Dumb.

TNA Tag Team champs Beer Money Inc. vs. Scott Steiner & Booker T

Booker and James Storm started out. Storm got the better of a nice exchange and drilled him with some rights. Storm nails him with a knee to the face and a neckbreaker. Roode and Steiner tagged in. Steiner shoulderblocked him down but Roode came back with a kneedrop for a two count.

Roode and Storm nailed a double suplex. Booker was clotheslined over the top to the floor and Beer Money celebrated. Storm nailed a baseball slide kick to the outside on Steiner. Storm worked over Steiner when they returned to the ring. Booker nailed Storm from behind. Booker pulled him out of the ring and dropped him across the railing.

Steiner and Booker continued to work over Steiner. Storm fought his way out of a Steiner chinlock but was nailed with an overhead belly to belly suplex. Storm tried to fight off Steiner but continued to get worked over with chops in the corner. Storm finally nailed a Tornado DDT out of the corner on Steiner and finally makes the hot tag to Robert Roode.

Roode cleans house on Booker and Steiner. He ducks a clothesline and nailed Steiner with a neckbreaker. Roode elbowed a charging Steiner and went to the middle rope for a snapmare, getting another two count. Booker was going to interfere but Storm nailed an enziguiri. Storm and Roode worked over Steiner, who kicked up at two.

Steiner nailed an STO on Roode for a two count. Storm spits beer in Steiner's face. The ref got bumped. Beer Money hit the DWI but Booker pulled the referee out of the ring. Hebner began yelling at Storm to get out of the ring, allowing Booker to nail the Ax Kick on Roode. They scored the pin.

Your winners and new TNA Tag Team champions Booker T & Scott Steiner!

Match never really got out of first gear, sort of like this show.

Jeremy Borash came out to ringside to interview the new Tag Team champions. Booker said he told everyone they were going to do it, because they were Mafia. Booker said if anyone wants some, they can come get some. Steiner said they were going to get the Tag belts and they did it. He claimed they were the greatest of all time. Steiner promised that Kurt Angle was going to take Mick Foley down tonight.

Backstage, Lauren asked Samoa Joe if the mystery of his advisor will be revealed tonight. Joe said that he's here and ready to war. He said this person was the man who was responsible for everything he's become and as a gift, he's going to deliver him Sting's head. He said it was showtime for Sting and it would be his final scene. Usual good Joe promo.

Sting vs. Samoa Joe

Joe and Sting began brawling as soon as Sting hit the ring. They went to the floor, where Joe slammed Sting into the apron. Joe tossed Sting into the crowd. They brawled towards one of the walls and Joe slammed Sting into it. Sting fought Joe off and threw him into the wall. They brawled back to the ringside area. Joe suplexed Sting onto the rampway leading to the ring.

Joe continued to beat down Sting, who reversed a whip into the railing. They returned to the ring. Sting bit Joe on the face and began kicking away at him. Joe came back and began peppering Sting with punches. Joe hit a running elbow and then a kick in the corner. Joe locked on a chinlock to wear Sting down. Sting fought his way back but Joe began drilling him with chops, punches and headbutts.

Joe continued the assault on Sting, who began making the superman comeback. Joe caught Sting with a sleeper but Sting dropped backwards to take out Joe. Joe began nailing Sting with a series of rights but was caught with a clothesline. Sting and Joe continued going back and forth. Sting took Joe down with a kick to the side of the head.

Sting went to the top rope but changed his mind. He nailed the Stinger Splash and went for the Scorpion Deathlock. He locked it in and music began playing. Out comes Taz in a black suit. Joe escaped and wakes up. Joe and Sting go back and forth. Sting nailed an elbow and nailed a flying clothesline off the top for a two count. Taz began screaming instructions.

Joe cuts off Sting and goes for the muscle buster. Sting fights him off but is caught in the Tazmission. Sting finally taps out clean.

Your winner, Samoa Joe!

Joe and Taz exchanged words afterwards and Joe glared into the camera.

Match was decent but not the off the charts style their Bound for Glory bout last year was. I can't believe they didn't give Taz a chance to cut a promo.

They went right to a video feature on Bobby Lashley announcing he had signed with TNA.

Jeremy Borash interviewed Mick Foley. Foley said perhaps it's just the Main Event Mafia's night. He said that unlike most foes, he doesn't have a weakness to exploit in his opponent. That said, he nailed Angle with an elbow and Angle was out for a minute so he knows he can take out Angle. He said that backstage after Angle won the belt, he was having problems with his left hand because of his ongoing neck issues and knows that Angle was told he'd be OK unless there were extenuating circumstances. Foley said those circumstances were him and said that if Angle wants to be champion, he's going to have to beat Foley. Good promo.

TNA champ Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley

This is their first-ever singles bout. They really need to tear the house down as this show hasn't had any major memorable bouts, promos or moments. The bad news is Angle has some sort of groin injury, so we'll see how this unfolds. Foley's wife and kids are all sitting ringside in the second row under the hard camera.

They started slow. Foley caught Angle with an elbow and Angle went to the floor to escape. The locked up and Foley clobbered him across the back, then locked in a front facelock. Foley nailed a suplex for a two count. Angle raked Foley's eyes but is favoring his neck and head. Angle began choking Foley against the ropes.

They went to the back. Foley took a backdrop onto the ring steps. Angle then slammed him into the steps face first. Back in the ring, Angle continued to work on Foley's knees and legs. Foley fought back, focusing on Angle's neck. Angle went for a back suplex but Foley turned it into an armbar. Angle rolled through and locked in an anklelock. Foley was able to kick him off but was caught with a clothesline. Angle went for a moonsault but missed.

Foley comes back with the sock but Angle shoved off Foley, who bumped the referee. Angle hit the Olympic Slam for a two count. Angle dropped an elbow on the referee. Don West said he was upset over a slow count. Angle grabbed a chair but Foley caught him with the Mandible Claw. Foley then tossed Angle to the floor and hit the elbow off the apron to the floor. Foley got Angle into the ring for a pin but Angle got his shoulder up before the three count.

Foley locked on the Mandible Claw while scissoring Angle's body. The arm dropped twice but Angle fought Foley off and began mauling him with punches, then locked in the anklelock. Foley fought his way to the ropes and finally made it, forcing a break. Angle dragged Foley back to the center of the ring, then locked in the anklelock again. Foley finally tapped.

Your winner and still TNA champion Kurt Angle!

I don't think anyone was expecting an all-time match classic here but if you were, it didn't happen. It was another solid bout but nothing over the top memorable.

The show ended with the entire Main Event Mafia, holding all the main titles, celebrating in the ring while Foley struggled to recover. Taz was with them.

07-20-2023, 11:30 AM
Continued ...

2010 - WWE broadcast Raw. Richard Trionfo filed the following report:

We are live from Tulsa, Oklahoma and your announcers are ‘Good Ole’ Michael Cole and ‘Gooder Oler’ Jerry Lawler.

We see photos from last night’s Cage Match between John Cena and Sheamus when Sheamus retained the title.

We find out that Mark Henry will face Wade Barrett.

Match Number One: Randy Orton versus Edge versus Chris Jericho in a Number One Contender Match to determine who faces Sheamus at SummerSlam

Jericho and Edge go after Orton but Orton fights them off with punches and kicks. Orton punches Jericho in the corner and then he connects with an uppercut on Edge. Jericho sends Orton into the turnbuckles followed by punches. Edge joins in the attack on Orton with punches but then he stands back and watches Jericho work over Orton. Orton punches Edge and then he kicks Jericho followed by a European uppercut. Orton kicks Edge and sends Jericho into the turnbuckles. Edge drops Orton on the top rope and then Jericho punches and kicks Orton. Edge re-enters the ring and Jericho yells at Edge to attack Orton. Jericho and Edge continue their double team attack on Orton as they methodically wear Orton down. Jericho slaps Orton in the head. Orton counters a double back body drop with a double DDT and Orton gets a near fall on Edge.

Orton with a leaping knee drop on Edge and then he hits another one that hits the side of the head. Orton with a kick to Edge and then he runs the laces of his boot across Edge’s face. Orton with forearms to the lower back and then he chokes Edge in the ropes while Jericho remains on the floor. Orton with a hard Irish whip and he does some push ups but Edge pushes Orton away and Jericho hits a Codebreaker but Edge breaks up the cover. Edge and Jericho battle outside the ring and Edge sends Jericho into the announce table as we go to commercial.

We are back and Jericho drops Edge on the ringside barrier. Jericho gets on the apron and Orton knocks him off the apron and Jericho takes Edge down with him. We see footage from the commercial break when Jericho sent Edge into the ringside barrier with an Irish whip. Back to live action and Edge escapes a double IEDDT but Jericho is not as lucky. Edge breaks up the cover and then he sends Orton into the ringside barrier before he gets a near fall on Jericho. Edge returns to the floor and he attacks Orton. Jericho is now out of the ring as Edge works on Orton. Edge punches Orton but Jericho trips Edge and sends him into the announce table.

Jericho returns to the ring and he hits a running boot to the head and he gets a near fall because the referee saw Jericho using the ropes. Jericho with a reverse chin lock on Orton. Jericho with forearms to Orton but Orton with a clothesline or two. Orton with a power slam for a near fall. Jericho goes to the apron and Orton tries for another IEDDT but he senses Edge’s presence and he hits a few clotheslines followed by a back breaker for a near fall. Edge goes to the floor and Orton kicks Jericho on the apron and sets for the IEDDT but Jericho gets into the ring and he tries to put Orton into the Walls of Jericho and he puts Orton in the hold. Orton reaches for the ropes but Jericho pulls Orton into the center of the ring. Edge with an Impaler DDT for a near fall on Jericho to break up the hold.

Edge sets for a spear on Jericho but Jericho rolls through to avoid it and he puts Edge in the Walls of Jericho. Edge gets to the ropes and Jericho eventually releases the hold. Edge with a rollup for a near fall. Edge clotheslines Jericho over the top rope to the floor and Orton sneaks into the ring and tries for the RKO but Edge with the Edge-o-Matic but he can only get a near fall. Edge waits for Orton to get up for the spear as Edge signals for Orton to arise from the mat. Jericho with a body block to the Edge spear attempt. We get a series of rollups for near falls and then we see a triple clothesline and all three men are down.

Jericho back body drops Edge over the top rope to the floor. Jericho blocks the RKO but he misses the Lionsault and it is time for some RKO push ups as he waits for Jericho to get up and he hits one on Jericho and then one on Edge as he gets the three count on Edge.

Winner: Randy Orton

We go to commercial.

We are back and Edge is in the ring and he wants Jericho to get back out here. We are told by Jerry Lawler that Edge has been in the ring the entire commercial break. Edge tells Jericho that this has been going on too long. Jericho comes back out.

Edge says that this has been going on for eleven years. He wonders how many titles they have tossed between each other as well as injuries. Edge says that this needs to end tonight.

Jericho asks Edge if he wants this to end tonight. Jericho says that for the first time in eleven years, they agree on something. Jericho tells Edge that it will end tonight. Jericho says that he talked to Wade Barrett and the success of Nexus is due to him. Jericho says that Barrett learned everything from Jericho. Jericho says that he could snap his fingers and Nexus will come out and finish off Edge’s career tonight.

Edge says that he does not understand Jericho because he doesn’t agree with him. Edge says that he has a lot to deliver to the group especially the one who is taking credit for all of their success.

Neuxs comes out and Wade Barrett tells Edge and Jericho that the fact is they are both veterans who are highly respected. They would be honored to have either one as an ally. Barrett says that they have had great careers, but Edge tells Jericho that he was right. They wouldn’t take years off his career, they would end it.

Edge punches Slater and then the numbers advantage takes over on Edge. We see Jericho shouting his approval of the attack and then it is time for Skip Sheffield to hit a spear on Edge. Jericho puts Edge in the Walls of Jericho and then he realizes that maybe he should get out of the ring because there are seven men in black and yellow shirts staring at him.

Barrett tells Jericho that Edge was right. They would really like to shut up the guy who is claiming to be behind Nexus’ success. They circle Jericho and he goes after Barrett, but then the numbers are too great and Jericho is taken down by the mob of Nexus. Skip holds Jericho up for Barrett and then Barrett with a forearm to Jericho. They pick Jericho up again and Otunga hits the World’s Most Dangerous Spinebuster. Barrett stands over Jericho and says that he didn’t teach him a thing and then Nexus leaves the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a Moments Ago Moment of the attacks by Nexus on Edge and Chris Jericho.

Nexus is walking in the back and they walk into a room. Josh Mathews stops Wade Barrett and he asks Wade about how Nexus is the most powerful group in WWE history. Josh asks Wade if any member of the group can compete individually with Mark Henry. Wade asks Josh if he is quaking in his boots. Wade says that Mark Henry is doing the same. Wade says that each member of the Nexus individually is as good as they are as a group.

Sheamus stops Wade and tells the fella to wait a second. Sheamus says that he has a proposal. Wade asks Sheamus if he would like to step into his office, but Sheamus decides to stay in the hall.

We go to John Cena in the interview area and Michael Cole asks Cena about the attacks. Cena says that he brought this upon himself. Wade Barrett told him that if he shook his hand, it would be over. Cena says that he didn’t shake his hand out of foolish pride because he thought he could stop him. Nobody can stop Nexus. Chris Jericho and Edge were decimated tonight. Cena says that he can see the writing on the wall.

Lawler asks Cena what he means. Cena says that he would like to meet Nexus in the ring tonight. Cena says that they have made his life miserable. Cena says that if you can’t beat them . . .

We go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that WWE dominates the major sports leagues in Facebook fans.

Cole and Lawler are still in shock over what John Cena said before the commercial break.

Match Number Two: Eve Torres versus Maryse with Ted DiBiase

Before the match starts, Maryse gives the referee a ring to hold. Maryse has something to say to Eve and Eve pie faces Maryse. Maryse with kicks to Eve and then chokes her in the ropes. Maryse with a running knee to Eve and then Maryse poses. Maryse with forearms followed by an Irish whip but she runs into a boot followed by a springboard round kick. Eve gets the three count.

Winner: Eve Torres

After the match, Ted DiBiase comes into the ring to tell the referee that Maryse had her foot on her ropes.

John Morrison comes to the ring and he blindsides DiBiase and he punches DiBiase followed by a Shining Wizard. Morrison with a split legged corkscrew moonsault.

Sheamus is walking in the back as we go to commercial . . . fella.

We are back and The Champ is Here . . . Fella as Sheamus comes to the ring. Sheamus tells the record to show that he has beaten Cena in a Tables Match, a Fatal Four Way, and now a Steel Cage. When he beat Cena the first time, they called it a fluke. The second time, they called it luck. Now that he has done it a third time, it should be called dominance. What is next for John Cena. John gets to the back of the line and he won’t get another title match against him again. Cena should have done what he did earlier tonight. He found Wade Barrett and he told him that he demands a truce. One year ago, nobody heard of Sheamus or the Nexus, but like it or not, they are the two most powerful entities in the entire WWE. They don’t have to like each other. They will stay out of each other’s business. Sheamus says that the truce is in effect starting tonight. That is good news for him, but not for Randy Orton. The only way he can lose the title is through Nexus interference. Randy Orton doesn’t stand a chance. Sheamus says that Orton can watch him become the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time.

The Fella is interrupted by something AWESOME as Miz comes to the ring. Miz congratulates Sheamus for getting rid of his Nexus problem but now he has a bigger problem. He has a Miz problem. Miz says that Sheamus doesn’t control the fate of the WWE Championship because he does. He has the Money in the Bank briefcase. He says that he can cash it in any time he wants for a title match. Every time that Sheamus is in the ring, he will be watching him. If Sheamus is able to beat Randy Orton at Summerslam and if Randy Orton hits him with an RKO and he will cash it in. Maybe Sheamus will be in the back talking like a tough guy . . . fella. Maybe he hits Sheamus with the briefcase and drags him into the ring and gets the title. Maybe he waits regardless of who the champion is. He waits for the moment that he has been building for his entire career. He main events Wrestlemania. Maybe he forgets about all of that and cashes it in tonight. He tells Sheamus that he can call him his celebrity stalker and then he tells Sheamus that he will be watching him. Sheamus tells Miz that he is nothing. Sheamus reminds Miz that he is the champion.

It is time for an e-mail from the General Manager with the light switch to the building. If Miz wants to cash in the briefcase, he might want to be at ringside because Sheamus will be in a match against . . . Evan Bourne.

Match Number Three: Evan Bourne versus Sheamus

Sheamus misses a pump kick and Bourne with a kick to Sheamus and Sheamus goes to the floor and he attacks the announce table as we go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus sends Bourne into the apron. We see highlights from during the commercial break when Bourne hit a baseball slide into the corner. Bourne with a kick to Sheamus but Sheamus with a clothesline to Bourne and he gets a near fall. Sheamus sends Bourne into the turnbuckles and connects with kicks and knees. Sheamus stretches Bourne around the ring post. Sheamus kicks Bourne in the back of the head and then connects with forearms across the chest. Sheamus with an arm bar and chin lock. Bourne with a kick but Sheamus with a side slam for a near fall. Sheamus slams Bourne’s head into the mat and then he returns to the arm bar and chin lock. Bourne gets to his feet and he kicks Sheamus a few times in the leg but Sheamus sends Bourne into the turnbuckles and then he slaps Bourne. Bourne with a kick to the head that staggers Sheamus. Bourne with more kicks and a spinning heel kick followed by a drop kick. Sheamus tries for a back breaker but Bourne with a counter and a near fall. Sheamus misses a clothesline and Bourne with a jumping back heel kick. Bourne goes up top and Sheamus goes to the floor. Bourne with a cross body onto Sheamus on the floor. The referee starts to count both men on the floor. Sheamus returns to the ring first and then he kicks the ropes as Bourne re-enters the ring and Sheamus follows that with a pump kick for the three count.

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Miz hits Sheamus with the briefcase and then he hits the Skull Crushing Finale onto the briefcase and Miz says that he is going to cash in the briefcase.

Match Number Four: Miz versus Sheamus for the WWE Title

Before the match starts, R Truth comes out and Miz takes his briefcase back. Truth punches Miz on the floor but Miz with a kick to the injured arm. Miz heads to the back with the briefcase so there is no match to consider.

Sheamus returns to consciousness and staggers to his title belt.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz is with Josh Mathews. Josh asks Miz about what just happened. Miz tells Josh that R Truth just cost him the WWE Title. He had Sheamus unconscious in the ring. There will be other opportunities. He has an entire year. Whether it is tomorrow or July 17, 2011, he will take his rightful place as WWE Champion. He reminds us that he is the Miz and that he is AWESOME.

It is time for a SummerSlam Recall: 1998 when Undertaker faced Steve Austin.

We see Sheamus being helped in the back with ice on his head. Gail Kim and the Bellas are laughing and Sheamus thinks they are laughing at him.

Randy Orton stops Sheamus and he tells him that it is too bad what just happened. The title makes him a target. At Summerslam, whether it is him, the Miz, or whoever the champion is, they will be wearing a giant bullseye. Orton says that he will not hit that bullseye with a spear, an arrow, or a bullseye. He will hit it with an R . . . K . . . O

We see John Cena in the back and Lawler wonders if Cena will join Nexus tonight. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the cover of Muscle and Fitness with John Morrison on it.

Match Number Four: Zack Ryder and William Regal versus Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov

Ryder and Marella start things off and Ryder works on the arm and Santino tries to escape and he reverses. Ryder low bridges Santino after a hand spring move off the ropes. Kozlov tags in and so does Regal. Kozlov with a fireman’s carry and then he tags Santino back in. Regal with a forearm followed by an Irish whip and running forearm for a near fall. Ryder tags in and gets a near fall. Ryder with a rear chin lock on Santino and then he takes Santino to the mat. Ryder gets on the turnbuckles but he misses a drop kick when Santino moves. Santino kicks Ryder away and Vladimir tags in and he sends Ryder into the turnbuckles and then he kicks Ryder and hits a power slam for a near fall. Regal goes to the floor after trying to interfere. Ryder tries for the Rough Rider but Kozlov with a spinebuster. Santino tags in and hits a diving head butt for the three count.

Winners: Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov

We see Nexus in the back and Wade has something to say to them before he takes the solo walk through the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Did You Know that John Cena has a special coffee cup at 7-Eleven that benefits Make-A-Wish.

Match Number Five: Wade Barrett versus Mark Henry

Barrett goes to the apron as soon as the bell rings. He returns to the ring and Henry with a head butt. Barrett returns to the floor. He returns to the ring and they lock up and Barrett with a knee and head butt followed by a punch to the midsection. Henry shows no effect from the punches and he punches Barrett. Henry sends Barrett into the turnbuckles followed by an Irish whip and clothesline for a near fall. Henry with a head butt to Barrett that sends him back to the mat. Barrett with punches and knees followed by an elbow and kicks to the leg. Henry with a power slam for a near fall. Henry pulls Barrett to the corner and Nexus comes out to the ring and Barrett uses that distraction to stop Henry and then he hits the fireman’s carry slam for the three count.

Winner: Wade Barrett

After the match, Barrett kicks Henry out of the ring.

Nexus walk past Mark Henry and into the ring.

Wade tells Cena that if he wants a meeting with them, they are in the ring. He wants Cena to come to the ring.

John Cena is walking in the back as we go to commercial.

We are back and Nexus is still in the ring and their music is still playing.

Nexus are now standing side by side in the ring and Michael Tarver says that they already made one truce tonight. They give Cena their word that they will at least hear him out. That is if John Cena acknowledges that Nexus runs this show. He says that if Cena refuses to do that, they will make the rest of Cena’s career miserable. He wants Cena to come out to show some remorse for his attack on Darren Young a few weeks ago and the attack last night using the ring steps. Tarver says that this is all on John Cena.

John Cena comes out and he has a mic as he stands on the apron. He thanks Nexus for meeting him out here as he enters the ring. Since Nexus has arrived, he has had two WWE Title matches. The first time, Nexus cost him the title; and in the second one, he kept him from regaining the title. Tonight, Sheamus made a truce with Nexus and Cena says that he should have done it a long time ago. Cena says that he is sorry and looking at everyone in Nexus, he is looking for them to be straight with him.

Barrett tells Cena that their answer is no. They are not interested in a truce. Wade says that they are not interested in an olive branch. He does not want peace. He wants something much bigger. Barrett tells Cena that he wants John to join them and be a part of The Nexus. Everything that Cena has accomplished on his own, he can accomplish ten times over by joining Nexus. Nexus is the present and the future of the WWE. Together they can be unstoppable. Wade says that it isn’t much of a choice because you are either Nexus or against us. He wants to know if Cena wants to join them and make history.

John says that he can’t do it.

Barrett says that is unfortunate because Cena has two choices. He can leave the ring with his tail between his legs to show what kind of a coward he is, or he can stand in the ring and they will give Cena the most vicious beating that the Nexus has ever administered.

Cena leaves the ring and he goes to the back. Cena stops on the stage and he tells Wade one last thing. Cena says that it is something that has been heard before. Whether he does it alone or with help, he will take each and every one of them down. John says that tonight’s peace offering was a little test because he has some help. Since Nexus has been beating people up, he has quietly been forming a team that will take down the Nexus at SummerSlam. Cena says that he wants Nexus to meet his team because at SummerSlam the Nexus is history.

Edge is the first to join John Cena. He is followed by John Morrison. R Truth is the next to join the side of Team Cena. The fifth man is The Great Khali. The sixth member of the team is Chris Jericho. The seventh member of the team is Bret Hart. The Cena Seven enter the ring and Nexus escape through the crowd.

2011 - WWE broadcast NXT. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We are live on tape from Minneapolis, Minnesota and your announcers are Todd ‘Can we go to Target Field instead’ Grisham and William ‘Let’s Hear it for our new boss Triple Haitch’ Regal. Your hosts are Matt ‘We are Minnesota Wild and Young’ Striker and Maryse.

Todd mentions that a former NXT rookie won the Smackdown Money in the Bank match, but they also talk about what happened at the end of Raw and Regal mentions that he is a little worried about his job.

Maryse and Matt are in the ring with a punching bag with Michael Cole’s face on it. Maryse bring out the rookies.

Matt reminds the rookie of the prize for winning this season and it is time for some redemption points to be awarded. Matt explains the redemption points. Titus O’Neil is in the lead with 25 Redemption Points. Darren Young has 7 Redemption Points. Derrick Bateman has 0 points. This week’s challenge is called the Dummy Demonstration and Matt points out Michael Cole’s picture on it. The challenge is worth five redemption points.

Derrick Bateman goes first and he says that everyone in the Twin Cities says that the fans came here to see the Dummy Demonstration but the dumbest thing on NXT is the Titus O’Neil dog bark. The dummy represents what is going to happen when they meet in the ring even though he won twice. Derrick gives the dummy a couple elbow drops followed by a Earthquake Splash and a backdrop driver. Derrick tells Titus that he can get all the redemption points he wants because he will be the one who will get redemption.

Darren Young is next and Darren knocks over the dummy and he says it is the dumbest idea that he has ever been a part of. Darren doesn’t need to wrestle a dummy to show his true talent when he has been in matches with some of the greatest in the WWE like John Cena. Darren says that he might sound like a broken record but he doesn’t need Redemption Points or a pro. He tells Titus that he won’t be in the ring with a dummy, he will be in the ring with D Young. There is nothing that will stop him from putting his size thirteen across Titus’ lips.

Titus tells Derrick what he did to the dummy was pretty impressive because it doesn’t hit back. Titus says that he does. He tells Derrick to do to him what he did to the dummy. He tells Darren that it doesn’t matter who he faced, there is only one thing that matters in this competition is to make it a win. Titus picks up the dummy and throws it at Darren on the floor.

The fans are asked who should win and in one of the biggest shocks, Titus O’Neil is your winner and he now has 30 Redemption Points. Regal says that we are all winners after watching this segment.

Regal talks about the match that is coming up next between JTG (who Regal calls Jimmy The Gimmick) and Vladimir Kozlov.

We go to commercial.

JTG has something to say on the way to the ring. He calls Vlad a silly Russian and he says that they made a bet and Vlad doesn’t know what a Gangsta is. He tells all of the haters in Minnesota and Vladimir that no matter how hard you try or you pray. You get up in the morning and ask yourself why are you not as fly as JTG. You will never be as hood as Brooklyn’s flyest, JTG.

Match Number One: Vladimir Kozlov versus JTG

JTG gets in Kozlov’s face but Kozlov goes for the legs and JTG gets to the ropes. JTG hides behind the referee and then he connects with knees but Kozlov with a shoulder tackle and JTG goes to the floor. Kozlov sends JTG back into the ring. Kozlov pushes JTG away but Kozlov is knocked off the apron by JTG with a kick. JTG sends Kozlov into the ring post.

They return to the ring and he gets a near fall. JTG with forearms to the back and he gets a near fall. JTG with a reverse chin lock followed by a knee. JTG with an Irish whip and then he goes to the turnbuckles and he kicks Kozlov to the mat. JTG stays on the turnbuckles and he hits a missile drop kick and he gets a near fall. JTG chokes Kozlov in the ropes. Kozlov with punches to JTG but he misses a punch and JTG with a belly-to-back suplex into a neck breaker for a near fall.

JTG with a front face lock. Kozlov with punches but JTG with forearms and he back Kozlov into the corner. JTG with a running elbow into the corner and then he hits an X Factor out of the corner for a near fall. JTG with a reverse chin lock and Kozlov tries to get to his feet but JTG with a punch and front face lock. JTG with a front face lock again and Kozlov is able to get to his feet this time. Kozlov with a knee and kick to the chest. Kozlov with head butts to the upper chest followed by a kick. Kozlov tries for a power slam but JTG escapes and he clips Kozlov.

Kozlov with a head butt to the chest and Kozlov with the spinebuster for the three count.

Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

Maryse is walking in the back and Hornswoggle stops her and he has another present from his secret admirer. Maryse says that she had nothing to do with it and then she tells Hornswoggle not to touch her as she leave.

Hornswoggle is given another package and he opens it.

Yoshi Tatsu is walking in the back and he sees his shrine has been destroyed and Yoshi believes that it was Tyson Kidd who did it.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Titus O’Neil with Hornswoggle versus Darren Young

Young tells Hornswoggle to stay out of his way during this match. They lock up and Titus pushes Young away. They lock up again and Young with a side head lock but Titus powers out of the hold. They lock up again and Titus with a clean break but Young with a side head lock out of the corner. Young gets Titus to his knee but Titus returns to his feet. Young tries for a cross body but Titus catches him and hits a slam followed by a side slam and it is time to bark.

Titus with an abdominal stretch and he tells Darren to quit. Young tries for a hip toss but Titus stays on his feet and Titus with a short arm clothesline for a near fall. Titus returns to the abdominal stretch and he wants Darren to quit. Titus with forearms across the chest followed by a big boot and Young goes to the floor and Titus barks again.

Young walks up the ramp but Titus stops him and returns Darren to the ring. Titus with a kick in the corner followed by an Irish whip that sends Young over the top rope to the floor and Young hits hard. Titus with forearms against the apron followed by a chop. They return to the ring and Young with a forearm and kick but Titus with a back elbow and Titus sends Young back to the apron. Titus is warned by the referee with Young on the apron. They fight on the apron and Young with a kick followed by a neck breaker on the apron.

Derrick Bateman makes his way to the ring and he has the photo of Michael Cole as we go to commercial.

We are back and Young with a reverse chin lock on O’Neil and Bateman is now at ringside. O’Neil with elbows followed by a kick. Bateman with a clothesline and then he gets a near fall. Young with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Young chokes O’Neil in the ropes and the referee warns him. Titus with kicks to Darren followed by forearms in the corner. Titus gets a near fall. Young with a kick and forearm and then he hits a leg drop with Titus draped over the apron.

Young with a snap mare into a reverse chin lock into a cravate. Titus with punches to get out of the hold and then Titus with a gutwrench suplex. Titus with jabs and a right hand to knock Darren down. O’Neil with a clothesline and shoulder followed by a power slam for a near fall. Young gets Titus on his shoulders and Titus gets tripped by Derrick Bateman while Hornswoggle was with the referee. Young misses a drop kick due to Bateman and O’Neil hits Clash of the Titus for the three count.

Winner: Titus O’Neil

After the match Titus barks a few more times.

We go to commercial but when we come back, it will be time to take a look back at the end of Raw (don’t worry because if you missed it Monday or tonight, they will show it on Thursday during Superstars).

We are back and it is time to take a look back at what happened at the end of Raw last night. We go to end of Vince McMahon’s comments and are joined in progress.

2012 - WWE broadcast Superstars. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

We start off this week’s show with the Raw brand and your announcers are Josh Mathews and Scott Stanford.

Match Number One: Santino Marella versus Jinder Mahal

Santino does a somersault and then he teases with a cobra. Santino forces Jinder into the corner. They lock up and Santino with a cartwheel when Jinder tries for an Irish whip. Santino with a hip lock take down and arm drag into an arm bar. Mahal with a knee and forearm that sends Santino to the mat. Jinder with a slam attempt but Santino with a drop toe hold into an arm bar.

Jinder with another knee and forearm but Santino with a rollup for a near fall. Santino tells Jinder that he was close to winning and Mahal with a punch and he gets a near fall. Jinder with a knee to the upper chest. Jinder kicks Santino in the head and then he hits a butterfly suplex and gets a near fall.

Santino with forearms but Jinder with a knee and cravate. Santino with punches but Jinder with a side head lock. Santino with a Saito suplex and then he punches Jinder. Santino tries to float over but Jinder waits out of the corner. Jinder with a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Jinder with a rear chin lock.

Mahal pulls Santino to the mat by the hair and he kicks Santino. Mahal tries for a knee but he meets Santino’s boots. Santino with jabs and a forearm. Santino with a split and hip toss followed by the diving head butt and he reaches for the sock puppet and it is Cobra time. Santino gets the three count.

Winner: Santino Marella

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Cody Rhodes versus Alex Riley

They lock up and Riley pushes Rhodes to the mat. Rhodes with a kick and side head lock and shoulder tackle. Riley with a drop kick and arm drags into an arm bar. Riley works on the arm and wrist and he wrings the arm. Rhodes backs Riley into the corner and then Cody with a knee and arm drag and Rhodes gets a near fall.

Rhodes with a key lock but Riley reverses a wrist lock. Rhodes with a knee and then Riley tries to send Cody over the top and Rhodes skins the cat but he is not going to be in the ring too long because Riley clotheslines Rhodes over the top rope to the floor.

Rhodes pushes Riley but Riley punches Rhodes. Rhodes with a side head lock and then he sends Riley to the apron. Riley tries to suplex Rhodes to the floor but Rhodes drops Riley on the top rope and Riley falls to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Rhodes kicks Riley in the corner. Riley gets back to his feet and he punches and kicks Rhodes but Rhodes with a kick and clothesline and he gets a near fall. Rhodes kicks Riley in the head and hits a gourdbuster for a near fall. Rhodes kicks Riley in the lower leg and then Rhodes sends Riley into the ropes and connects with knees as he comes off.

Rhodes with a snap mare and then he applies an arm bar and he takes Riley to the mat. Rhodes with an Irish whip and he applies a full nelson. Riley gets a second wind and he gets to his feet and he escapes with a snap mare. Riley with an elbow to a charging Rhodes followed by clotheslines and a hip toss into a neck breaker and he gets a near fall.

Riley runs into a boot from Rhodes but Rhodes runs into a spinebuster from Riley but Riley can only get a two count. Riley goes up top but Rhodes counters with a drop kick and both men are down. Riley with a rollup for a near fall. Rhodes with a kick and then Riley catches Rhodes when he tries to float over. Riley sets for the TKO but Rhodes escapes and counters with Cross Rhodes for the three count.

Winner: Cody Rhodes

It is time for the Raw Rebound with John Cena’s big announcement.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Matt Striker and Josh Mathews.

We see footage from Raw when Rikishi was joined in the ring by his sons Jimmy and Jey Uso.

Match Number Three: The Usos versus Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman

Jimmy and Johnny start things off and Johnny mocks their dance. Jimmy shows him how to do it and he punches Johnny. Derrick tags in and Jimmy with a kick and Jey is tagged in. Jey with a splash into the corner and he gets a near fall. Jey works on the arm and he tags in Jimmy who comes off the top turnbuckle with a double sledge.

Derrick works on the arm and he tags in Johnny who comes off the top but he hits Derrick instead of Jimmy. Jimmy with chops and he tags Jey back in. They hit a double back elbow and double elbow drop. Curtis tags in and Jey goes to the floor. Bateman attacks Jey from the apron with a drop kick. Derrick tags in and he brings Jey back into the ring. Derrick with kicks and he tags Johnny back in and Curtis with kicks.

Curtis with a suplex for a near fall. Derrick tags back in and he kicks Jey in the head. Derrick with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Jey with punches but Bateman with a forearm to the back and a slam to stop Jey’s attempts to get back into the match. Bateman misses an elbow drop from the turnbuckles and Curtis misses a leg drop from the top after a tag.

Jimmy tags in and clotheslines Johnny while knocking Derrick off the apron. Jimmy with Bubba Bomb and it is time for the running butt splash into the corner. Derrick breaks up the cover. Jey sends Derrick to the floor and then Jimmy hits the Samoan drop. Jimmy goes up top and hits the Superfly Splash for the three count.

Winners: The Usos

We go to commercial.

We are back with the most important marriage proposal in the 999 episode history of Raw when Daniel Bryan asked AJ to be his wife.

Match Number Four: Sin Cara versus Drew McIntyre

Drew sends Cara to the mat and he slams him. Drew sends Cara into the turnbuckles and he kicks Cara. Drew with an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Cara and Cara with an arm drag and drop kick to the chest. Cara teases a dive to the floor and Cara with a kick. Cara tries for a rana off the apron but Drew holds on and sends Cara into the ringside barrier.

Drew sends Cara back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Drew with a cross arm choke. Drew slaps Cara but Cara with forearms. Drew with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Drew with a kick to the head followed by a suplex for a near fall.

Drew with an arm bar on Cara. Cara with kicks but Drew iwht a kick of his own. Drew tries to send Cara onto the top rope or floor but Cara with a sunset flip for a near fall. Drew with a back breaker and then he turns it into a deadlift gutbuster. Drew with another tilt-a-whirl gutbuster. Drew with a jackknife cover for a near fall.

Drew with clotheslines in the corner and then he tries for a short arm clothesline but Cara escapes and he hits a sit out facebuster. Cara with kicks to he leg but Drew with a punch to the head. Cara hits a handspring back elbow followed by a rana. Cara with an enzuigiri from the apron and he hits a corkscrew splash for a near fall.

Cara goes to the second turnbuckles and Drew catches him and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and gets a near fall. Drew kicks Cara in the head and then he goes up top. Drew takes too long and Cara with an enzuigiri. Cara climbs up top but Drew pushes him off. Cara lands on his feet and then he hits a tornado DDT for the three count.

Winner: Sin Cara

We go to credits.

2012 - TNA broadcast Impact Wrestling. Stu Carapola filed the following TV report:

Welcome to PWInsider.com's live coverage of this month's edition of Open Fight Night on Impact Wrestling!

We start off by looking back at last week when Sting and Hulk Hogan got laid out by Aces & Eights, with Hogan's legit back surgery being written into storylines as a broken pelvis at the hands of Aces & Eights. Neither Hogan nor Sting is in the Impact Zone tonight, so who knows what is going to happen?

We start off looking at the Bound For Glory Series leaderboard, as James Storm has regained the top spot with 42 points to second place Samoa Joe's 37. This brings us to the Impact Zone as James Storm comes out to congratulate Austin Aries, then points out that he's still in first place in the BFG Series and is on the fast track to the main event of Bound For Glory. He also says he hasn't forgotten about Bobby Roode, because winning the title is business, but kicking Roode's ass is something personal he wants to do. He then says that Aces & Eights are a bunch of cowards, and he's the sheriff around here and will never jump anyone from behind. He wishes Hulk Hogan a speedy recovery, then gets down to business and challenges the man he considers the best wrestler to ever come through TNA: Kurt Angle.

Kurt's music hits, but he doesn't come out to the ring and his music stops. It starts again a moment later, but still no Angle. Wait, this seems a lot like what happened at the end of last week's episode. Music hits again, then goes back out with no appearance by Angle, so Storm tells the cameraman to go get him. The cameraman heads to the back and finds Aces & Eights stomping Angle and walking off as Angle is left in a crumpled mess backstage.

We go to commercial and come back to take a look at what happened Moments Ago, then it's off to the ring for our new opening match! Samoa Joe comes out to the ring and says that since nobody in their right minds would call him out, he'll make a challenge of his own to someone he's always had a problem with...

Bound For Glory Series: Samoa Joe vs The Pope

Joe quickly takes Pope to the corner and drills him with right hands, but Pope turns the tables and pummels Joe with jabs of his own. Joe with a splash and leaping enziguiri in the corner, but Pope floors Joe with a quick flurry out of nowhere. Pope doesn't let up, drilling Joe with more shots and outmaneuvering Joe, who tumbles face first into the corner and rolls out to the floor. He seems to have hurt his jaw, so Pope helpfully comes out and STOMPS him in the face, then rolls him back inside and continues unloading on Joe in the corner with kneelifts. Pope backs off long enough to give Joe an opening for more right hands, but Pope flattens Joe with an STO and gets him in the Rings of Saturn. Joe tries to escape and Pope rolls him into a crucifix for 2, and Joe again is favoring his jaw. Joe keeps trying more offense, but Pope kills him with a palmstrike to the jaw and then mounts Joe and rains down punches. Joe has the presence of mind to catch Pope's arm and turn it into a cross armbreaker to force Pope to tap out.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Great match, Pope looked better here than he has in a long time, and I like how all it took was Pope leaving himself open for an instant for Joe to catch him and pick up the big 10 points. Joe is now back in first place in the BFG Series.

The Mystery Cameraman is backstage hounding Bobby Roode about whether he was involved with Aces & Eights, but Roode says he has other things to worry about. The Douchebag asks him if he's going to call out Austin Aries, and Roode loses his mind and says damn right he's calling Aries out.

Jeff Hardy comes out to the ring and we'll find out who he's calling out...NEXT!

Okay, we're back and Hardy is ready to call someone out, but Robbie E comes out with Robbie T to say that Hardy is ducking him, so he's going to call Hardy out and there's nothing he can do about it Hardy's not on the list, bro.

Bound For Glory Series: Jeff Hardy vs Robbie E

E suckerpunches Hardy, but Hardy hits an inverted enziguiri and a slam followed by a legdrop. T grabs Hardy's ankle from the floor to allow E to jump him from behind, and E continues unloading with hard forearms. Hardy with an inverted atomic drop and the double legdrop to the crotch, followed by the sitout dropkick for 2. E drives Hardy into the corner, but charges right into his boot. He distracts the referee while T grabs Hardy's leg and yanks him down hard onto the floor, but Hardy rolls back inside and gets covered for 2. E with a three quarter nelson, then comes off the ropes right into a clothesline from Hardy. Hardy with the Whisper In The Wind for 2, and he goes for a dive over the ropes onto T, but T moves out of the way and Hardy hits the floor. Hardy pops up and goes after T, choking him out with his shirt and drilling him with right hands, but he spends too much time picking fights with people who aren't his opponent that he gets counted out.

Winner: Robbie E by countout

Whoops! Robbie E finally gets on the board with 5 points. Meanwhile, Sam Shaw is backstage getting ready for the Gut Check and he'll be up...NEXT!

ODB is backstage on the cell phone asking Eric Young where he is since he sent him for beer like two months ago, but EY just happens to be behind him. He explains that these guys pulled up in a van and offered him a TV show, and he meant to text ODB, but a shark ate his phone. He fixes this right now and lays one on her, and she says okay and to go get her friend chicken and beer.

We look back at last week when Christopher Daniels got Crack Ho Claire to admit that AJ Styles is the father of her baby, as well as the Mystery Douchebag backstage harassing Claire for proof of her allegations. The Mystery Douchebag catches up with Daniels and Kazarian backstage asking what proof they have of AJ being the father, and they say that he's just putting on this ridiculous face because he refuses to admit to his mistakes, and they call him a scumbag.

We head out to the ring as Jeremy Borash introduces Sam Shaw, who talks about how he's wanted to get to the big time his entire life and this is his chance to prove he belongs here. JB asks what sets him apart from everyone else, but before poor Shaw can answer, Aces & Eights come out of the crowd and beat him down 6-on-1 as we rush to commercial.

We come back as the Gut Check judges and TNA security are in the ring checking on Sam Shaw. They help him to the back as Mike Tenay bemoans the anarchy we face with no authority figure on hand to keep order.

Ken Anderson comes out to the ring to say that speaking of douchebags, he called out one of the biggest douchebags TNA has to offer last month in Christopher Daniels, but this month he wants to call out someone he respects and considers a friend: AJ Styles.

Bound For Glory Series: Ken Anderson vs AJ Styles

They shake hands, and then we're off as they tie up, AJ goes to a wristlock but Anderson reverses to one of his own. AJ sends Anderson to the ropes and tries a hiptoss, but Anderson reverses to one of his own and starts working over AJ's arm with kneedrops. AJ gets Anderson in a headscissors, Anderson rolls out and gets a side headlock, and AJ tries unsuccessfully to tilt Anderson onto his back for a pinfall attempt. They fight over a top wristlock and AJ trips Anderson to his back, then goes out to the apron and slingshots over the top into a crossbody for 2. Anderson hits a back suplex for 2 as we go to commercial.

We're back as Anderson has AJ in a rear chinlock, AJ escapes and hits a sweet dropkick for 2, then comes off the ropes with a leaping kneedrop for 2. Anderson fights back with some right hands and a back elbow, then hits a rolling neckbreaker for 2. Anderson goes to a three quarter nelson, AJ tries to slam his way out, but Anderson hangs onto the three quarter nelson. He escapes again and tries to leapfrog Anderson, but Anderson catches him in the nelson again as he comes down. AJ quickly gets out a third time and unloads with spinkicks, AJ gets backdropped to the apron but comes in with a springboard forearm smash for 2. They jockey back and forth until AJ gets an O'Connor Roll for 2. Anderson hits a Finlay roll out of nowhere for 2 and goes for the Mic Check, but AJ knocks him silly with a Pelle Kick out of nowhere. AJ goes up top and Anderson nails him and hits a superplex for 2. AJ goes for the Styles Clash, Anderson fights his way out and cradles AJ for 3.

Winner: Ken Anderson

Solid win and a nice finish. Claire comes out of the crowd with a microphone and a handful of papers and tells AJ to come down there and talk to her since she has been calling him all week, and if he's not going to return her calls then they'll do this right here. Claire reminds him of some night when she was in a rough way and had a few drinks, and he came over and had a few as well and knocked her up. She pulls out some photos of AJ barely conscious as Claire is all over his nakedness taking pictures with a bottle of booze in her other hand. AJ is stunned because he apparently doesn't remember this, but Claire shoves the pictures at his chest and says to see if he can try and jog his memory.

We come back from commercial and AJ Styles is backstage looking at the photos and seeming really upset with this revalation.

The announcer for Bellator is with Tenay and Taz saying what a hardcore fan he is because he went to one of their house shows, then we go back out to the ring as Rob Van Dam makes his way out to issue...A CHALLENGE. He's happy to be here for Open Fight Night because he's in the mood for fighting, and there's nobody he'd rather beat up than that fallen scumbag Christopher Daniels. Daniels comes out with martini in hand as we continue the BFG Series with...

Bound For Glory Series: Bob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels

Daniels tries to sneak attack BVD with a kick, but BVD catches his foot and lays Daniels out with a flurry. Daniels catches BVD with a back elbow, but BVD rolls over Daniels on a backdrop attempt and hits a northern lights suplex for 2. BVD with an abominable stretch, then rolls backward and wishbones Daniels. Daniels makes the ropes and goes outside, then lays BVD out when he goes out after him. Daniels rolls BVD back inside and hits a slingshot elbow for 2, then an inverted bulldog for another 2. This Bellator guy does appear to know something about wrestling since he's pulling out some old Kansas City names, but tries a little too hard to correlate what we're watching to stuff in MMA. RVD and Daniels go toe to toe in the middle of the ring, which you would never see in MMA, but BVD hits a nice superkick followed by the rolling monkey flip. BVD goes to the top rope and misses the Five Star Notebook Splash, but hits a quick leg lariat. Daniels dodges Rolling Thunder and pins BVD with his feet on the ropes.

Winner: Christopher Daniels

Bob Van Dam looks a little stunned at losing this one, and Daniels is jumping up and down like he just won the World Title.

We go backstage to Austin Aries as the Mystery Asshole asks Aries about Bobby Roode. Aries says that dropping someone on their head and pinning them 1-2-3 isn't a fluke, and he starts showing off his nice threads when a hand of Aces & Eights falls out of his cape. Aries doesn't seem worried, and says he trumps them too.

We go to Mike Tenay and Taz as they talk on the phone with Brooke Hogan, who only knows that Hulk is sedated and in a lot of pain. Taz asks Brooke to give Hulk their best, and she thanks them and says it means a lot.

We look at last week when Bully Ray beat Joseph Park, and then Park is backstage chit chatting with Garett Bischoff, who wants to know what was up with the look in Park's eye and the Black Hole Slam out of nowhere last week. Park no-sells him and walks off.

Time for the last BFG Series match of the evening between the two remaining compatitors...

Bound For Glory Series: Bully Ray vs Brutus Magnus

Bubba jumps Magnus on his way to the ring, but Magnus turns the tide and begins unloading on Bubba with right hands and slams him face first into the stairs. They head into the ring and Magnus rips Bubba's head off with a clothesline, but another attempt and he runs right into a big boot from Bubba. Bubba fires right hands at Magnus and gouges his eyes in the corner, then whips him hard across the ring and Magnus goes down to the mat. Bubba with a hard chop to the chest of Magnus followed by a bodyslam, but Magnus dodges a big splash and they wind up going toe to toe in the middle of the ring. Magnus ducks a punch and hits a back suplex for 2, then picks Bubba's legs and turns him over into a Texas Cloverleaf. Bubba's caught right in the middle of the ring, but somehow manages to get to the ropes. Magnus with a Michinoku Driver for 2, but misses the second rope elbow and Bubba hits a Bubba Cutter for the win.

Winner: Bully Ray

Bubba is finally on the board, the last to score their first points, but Samoa Joe is in first with 47, James Storm in second with 43, and Kurt Angle in third with 27.

We go to a video package hyping the debut of Chavo Guerrero Jr, which will happen next week on Impact, and then Bobby Roode comes out to the ring to reiterate that Aries' win was a fluke and that he's calling him out. Roode vs Aries is up...NEXT!

We're back, and Roode is...still calling Aries out and calling his title win a fluke. He tells Aries to get his ass out here right now, and here comes the champ!

TNA World Champion Austin Aries vs Bobby Roode

They start brawling right off the bat, Roode gets 1 off a shoulderblock and slaps Aries in the head while calling him a fluke. Aries takes him down with an armdrag, slaps his head around, and tries for the Last Chancery, but Roode makes it to the ropes, so Aries headbutts him in the back until the referee forces the break. Roode counters a roaring elbow attempt and goes for the Crippler Crossface, but Aries gets to the ropes before the move is completed and goes to the floor. He shoulderblocks Roode through the ropes, comes over the top rope with a rolling senton, and comes off the ropes with a pumping elbow. Roode goes out to the floor to try and get some space, but Aries comes off the apron with a double axhandle as we go to commercial.

We're back, and Roode knocks Aries off the top rope and sends him tumbling to the floor as we go right back to commercial!

Okay, we're back again and Roode is choking Aries in the corner with his boot. Roode with a backbreaker for 2, then whips Aries into the corner and charges right into his boots. Now Aries charges Roode, but gets caught in a spinebuster for 2. Aries tries the ropes again, but Roode with a back elbow and he motions that he's taking his title back. Aries starts to fire back on Roode and they trade chops in the middle of the ring, then forearms, then Roode again counters the roaring elbow to a Crippler Crossface attempt, but this time Aries slips out of that and catches Roode in the Last Chancery. Roode with a big clothesline for 2 and then he sets Aries on the top rope and picks him up for a superplex, but Aries hits knees to the head to force Roode to set him back down, then he boxes Roode's ears to send him tumbling backward into the ring and comes off the top rope with a missile dropkick. IED in the corner and he goes for the brainbuster, but Roode blocks and counters to the Crippler Crossface and he has Aries trapped right in the middle of the ring. Aries rolls Roode to his back for 2, then hits the roaring elbow and tries to clothesline Roode to the floor, but Roode doesn't make it quite over, so Aries just gets a running start and dumps Roode outside before following him with a heat seeking missile through the ropes. Aces & Eights come out and jump Aries, and the match is over.

Winner: Austin Aries by DQ

Roode is sitting in the corner looking as confused as anyone, then gets up with a big smile on his face as he sees Aries getting stomped out in the corner. He thinks he's got some new friends and sticks his hand out, but the leader decks Roode in the face and the group stomps him down as well. Roode and Aries are both taking a vicious gang beating as we go off the air, and it seems the mystery will continue for at least another week.

07-20-2023, 11:30 AM
Continued ..

2014 - Maryland Championship Wrestling held their annual Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup. Mike Johnson filed the following live coverage:

Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup Qualifier: Shane Strickland vs. Fenix Fury

Fenix received a big reaction coming out. Strickland showed some swagger and controlled him early on the mat. Fenix tossed him off with a hiptoss and they went for dropkicks at the same time.

Fenix caught Strickland with a kick to the leg but was taken down with a front facelock to the mat. Strickland picked up and slammed Fenix, then caught him with a kick to the back for a two count. Strickland caught Fenix with a dropkick as he rebounded off the ropes. He tossed Fenix to the floor and went for a dive but Fenix returned to the ring, cut him off and nailed a guillotine legdrop off the ropes for a two count.

Strickland worked over Fenix, who fired back with chops. They worked each other back and forth with kicks and chops util Strickland was whipped hard into the buckles. Strickland was worked over but caught him with an enziguiri and nailed some offense to get several two counts. ‘

Fenix came back with a series of knee strikes but his attempted tornado DDT was evaded. Strickland nailed a running kick to the check but Fenix came back with another Tornado DDT for a two count. Strickland came back with a back suplex where he dropped Fenix’s back across his knees for a two count. He nailed a double stomp off the top to the chest for the pin.

Your winners, Shane Strickland!

Strickland advances into the Shamrock Memorial later tonight.

Real good opener with some fun offensive maneuvers and sequences. Fenix impressed me and Strickland looked really crisp and continues to look like a true future star. Nice way to open the night.

Shane Shamrock Qualifier: Bo Nekoda vs. Brandon Scott

Nekoda is a redneck trucker cowboy. Scott is a young, white meat babyface.

Scott opened up with a flurry of offense and controlled Nekoda on the mat and scored several near falls early. Scott caught him with a kick and went to the top for a flying bodypress for a two count. It was all Scott early.

Nekoda’s second, Heygood (I think that was his name) distracted Scott, allowing Nekoda to nail him and toss him to the floor. Scott was driven backwards into the apron and tossed into the ring. Nekoda worked over his back and sent him hard into the buckles for a two count.

Scott tried to make a comeback but missed a dropkick, allowing Nekoda to lock in a in a one-legged crab. Scott fought to the ropes and finally made it. Nekoda worked over Scott, who finally caught him with an enziguiri, sending Nekoda over in a 360 degree bump.

Scott made a comeback and nailed a series of clotheslines and several big strikes for a two count. Scott nailed some big moves but was caught with a backstabber and pinned.

Your winner, Bo Nekoda!

Good back and forth babyface vs. heel bout. Both showed a lot of promise. I loved Nekoda’s throwback gimmick. Scott had some good fire as a babyface and the crowd was into getting behind him.

Tony Nese vs. Papadon

This is Nese’s MCW debut. They had some good back and forth wrestling early. Nese tied up Papadon like a pretzel and rolled him up for a two count. Nese nailed a series of chops in the corner. Papadon fired back with one of his own and caught him with an interesting hiptoss and a rana.

Papadon used a snapmare and hit a rebound clothesline. Nese cut him off with a hard kick to the face and worked him over aggressively. Nese nailed a springboard moonsault for a two count. Nese went for another springboard move but was caught with an uppercut. Nese was sent to the floor. Papadon went for a dive but was kicked. Nese nailed him with a kicking combination and went for a dive of his own but was nailed.

They went back and forth with some great near falls and sequences. Papadon nailed a series of kicks to the chest but missed one. Nese grabbed him but Papadon reversed it into a tiltowhirl backbreaker and then an inverted DDT for a two count. Papadon went for a piledriver but Nese reversed it. He nailed a inverted Kryptonite Krunch for a two count.

Nese went to the top but Papadon caught him and attempted a belly to back superplex. Nese knocked him off but Papadon but undaunted and nailed the superplex. Papadon nailed a flying leg lariat for a two count. Papadon went for a back suplex but Nese landed on his feet and nailed a double stomp. Nese missed a 450 off the top and was nailed with a shining wizard and a brainbuster for the pin.

Your winner, Papadon!

Another good match with some good back and forth wrestling. Papadon showed Nese respect after the match. The usual good performances you'd expect from these two.

It was noted that the TLC match tonight was title for title with Matt Hardy putting up the MCW title and Luke Hawx putting up his Extreme title. In other news, Stevie Richards loves cats.

The CEO Of Black WallStreet DROLIX vs. Shaun Cannon

DROLIX is a former MCW champion and part of the Black Wallstreet stable, attempting a corporate takeover of Maryland Wrestling. Cannon is an eccentric babyface.

Cannon was whipped into the corner but reversed it and jumped up with a knee strike to the face. Cannon pinned DROLIX in 26 seconds. Chuck Lennox put his foot on the rope so the referee thought he made a mistake and restarted the bout.

Cannon continued working over DROLIX but was caught with a boomerang clothesline to the back of the neck. Cannon was choked against the ropes. DROLIX worked him over but Cannon made a comeback and scored a DDT. DROLIX finally caught him with a choke and scored the submission.

Your winner, DROLIX!

*Both team members advance: Los Ben Dejos (Cruz & Rios) vs. Rush Hour (Bolt Brady & Bu Ku Dao)

Ku Dao and Brady are Luke Hawx students from the Wildkat Academy in New Orleans. Los Ben Dejos are Team 3D Academy graduates who have worked all over the East Coast. This is their second appearance here, the debut for Rush Hour.

Cruz and Dao started out. Dao nailed some nice athletic offense early. He and Cruz went back and forth with reversals and faced off. The crowd loved that. Ben Dejos cleaned house on Rush Hour and Cruz hit a tope to the outside on them, followed by Rios nailing an Asai Moonsault.

Los Ben Dejos took turns tagging in and out and working over Rush Hour’s Dao. He finally made a comeback with some martial arts kicks and tagged in Brady. Brady unleashed some dropkicks and other offense, including a flip dive to the outside. All four battled outside as the crowd chanted, “This is awesome.”

Los Ben Dejos cut off Brady. Cruz nailed a swanton and Rios hit a 450 splash but Dao broke it up. Dao nailed an inverted tornado DDT and scored the pin.

Your winners, Rush Hour, who both advance!

MCW Tag Team champions Napalm & Solo with Amber Rodriquez vs. Adam Flash & Ronnie Zukko

The Tag champions are undefeated here. They look really freaking physically impressive. Napalm and Flash, who used to work a lot in CZW and other Northeast indies a decade ago, started out. Napalm used his power to take down Flash until he was caught with a dropkick to the legs.

Flash was worked over but caught Napalm with a rana. Zukko and Solo tagged in and battled back and forth. Flash and Zukko nailed a series of moves in the corner on Solo, who stayed on his feet. Flash nailed an X-Factor off the ropes but Napalm broke up the pinfall.

Zukko went for a bodypress off the ropes but something went wrong and he slipped and didn’t come close to Solo. Solo grabbed him and slammed him down roughly. The tag champions began working over Zukko with some impressive double team moves. Napalm drilled him with a leaping kick that was even more impressive because of his size.

They destroyed Zukko with a double shoulderblock. Napalm used a powerbomb for a two count. Flash tagged in and all four began battling. Flash superkicked Solo as he went for their finisher. Zukko was backdropped over the top to the floor. Amber Rodriguez tossed the belt into the ring and Flash was drilled and pinned.

Your winners and still MCW Tag Team champions Black Wallstreet!

They all worked over Flash and Zukko until former MCW champion The Bruiser hit the ring with a chair and ran them off. He said he doesn’t have a match tonight as he told Chuck Lennox they were fighting tonight.

Bruiser vs. Chuck Lennox

Everyone battled to the back. Bruiser worked over Lennox who tried to run out but found his path of escape blocked by the returning Flash and Zukko. Bruiser grabbed him and nailed a T-Bone suplex, then locked in a submission, forcing him to tap.

Short but entertaining bonus match where Lennox, who had been interfering all night, got his just deserts.

Devon & Buck Chyld & G-Fed vs "The Kings" Ryan McBride & The Hell Cats with Ken Dixon, Justin Schlegal & Jessie Kaye

Big pop and “ECW” chant for Devon. Ryan McBride and G-Fed started the bout. The crowd chanted for tables. McBride faked out and tagged in one of the Hellcats, Jimmy Stars. Fed killed him with a slam and a big hiptoss. Sexy Steve tagged in and helped him partner worked over Fed and scored a two count after an elbow drop.

Devon tagged in and worked over Sexy Steve. Devon peppered him with punches and worked him over in the corner. Devon continued to work over McBride. G-Fed and Chyld helped clear the ring. Devon was going to go for the Wazzup Headbutt but there was a lot of interference. That allowed McBride and the Hellcats to take out Chyld and work him over in their corner.

McBride locked in a rear chinlock. Chyld started to fight his way back but was cut off with a great McBride dropkick. The villains worked over Chyld. The Hellcats were almost sent into each but one of them caught the other and nailed a catapult, sending him up into Chyld, who was caught with a DDT. Chyld finally made the hot tag to Devon, who cleaned house with shoulder tackles and clotheslines.

It broke down with everyone battling. Devon nailed his inverted gourdbuster but was nailed with a missile dropick. One of the Hellcats dropkicked his own partner by accident. Devon nailed Jimmy Stars with a big shoulderblock. Chyld came off the top with an Alabama Jam and G-Fed held him in the air and scored the pin.

Your winners, G-Fed & Devon & Buck Chyld.

After the match, Jessie Kaye was arguing with her team so they tossed her into the ring, where she was nailed with the Wazzup Headbutt to a big pop.

Devon gave a speech saying he was part of an important revolution in ECW, then went on to WWE where he and others stole the show several years ago in TLC matches. He said that when he and Bubba split up in TNA, they got back together one more time. He said that if it wasn’t the fans, none of those promotions would have been there and none of them would be there today. He thanked everyone for the support they have given him over the years. Devon said he loves MCW and anytime Dan McDevitt calls, he will be there, because he had a hell of a time. He said that everyone in the back is working their asses off to entertain and when it’s time for him to retire, he would be honored to be an agent behind the scenes for any of their matches. He saluted the fans and testified. Great speech.

MCW’s Tara came out and thanked everyone for being here. She said this is the 14th annual Shamrock Cup and the 12th year she’s been part of the event. She said this is a show that means the most to everyone. She said MCW’s Commissioner Kylie Pierce has been teasing a big announcement and tonight, she’s going to make the announcement.

Kylie announced that the men have something to strive for with championships but tonight they will have their first women’s champion crowned. They showed off the new belt. She then announced it would be a tournament and that she would be quitting as Commissioner in order to compete in the tournament.

Reby Sky vs. Shelly Martinez

The special guest referee is Renee, an insanely gorgeous young lady. Lot of gorgeous in that ring..

Martinez came out with a Mexican flag and played heel. They ladies exchanged holds. Sky nailed several clotheslines. She ducked one from Martinez and grabbed a side headlock. Martinez fishhooked her to break it. They went back and forth until Sky nailed a dropkick, sending Martinez to the floor.

Sky nailed a sliding dropkick to the floor. She went to come off the apron with a move but was kicked as she came down. Martinez whipped her into the ringpost. Martinez worked her over on the floor, focusing on her arm, including slamming it against the ring steps.

Martinez rolled her into the ring and scored a two count. Martinez whipped her into the ringpost, where she hit her shoulder. Martinez was upset that Renee didn’t count faster and argued with her. Reby rolled her up for a two count. Reby made a comeback and nailed a clothesline in the corner, a kick to the back and an elbow for a two count.

Martinez came back with a DDT for another two count. Sky came back to nail the Twist of Fate and score the pin.

Your winner, Reby Sky!

Shane Shamrock Cup Finals: Papadon vs. Shane Strickland vs. DROLIX vs. Bo Nekoda vs. Bolt Brady vs. Bu Ku Dao

Christian York who has won the Cup three times, is here to award it to the winner.

The final man who survives after the others are eliminated will be the winner.

Papadom and Bo Nekoda started out. Referee Kevin Keenan threw all of the seconds out when they tried to interject themselves. Papadon was worked over by Nekoda who used the distraction of the ejections to attack him. Nekoda nailed a suplex on Papadon, then nailed a slingshot senton splash into the ring for a two count.

DROLIX tagged himself in and faced off with Papadon. DROLIX worked him over and caught Papadon with a series of clotheslines for several two count. He whipped Papadon into the corner but was nailed with a leaping uppercut off the ropes. Strickland tagged in and rolled up DROLIX for a two count.

DROLIX tagged out to Nekoda who was controlled by Strickland and covered for a two count. Rush Hour tagged in and worked over Nekoda with double team maneuvers. They nailed a double hiptoss on him to allow Brady to score a two count.

Rush Hour began tagging each other in and out to allow them to work over Nekoda and prevent the others from getting involved. Brady worked over Nekoda and catapulted him into Dao, who nailed a tornado DDT for the pin.

Bo Nekoda has been eliminated.

DROLIX attack Dao, who shocked him with a bulldog. He and Brady tagged in each other and dropkicked Strickland and Papadon to the floor to beat on DROLIX. Papadon and Strickland hit the ring and worked over Rush Hour. Papadon tagged himself in and drilled Brady with several kicks and chops in the corner.

Brady kicked him coming in for a move but was caught with an uppercut as he dove off the ropes. Papadon nailed a brainbuster for the pin.

Bolt Brady has been eliminated.

Papadon and Strickland went back and forth with some great strikes and kicks. Papadon scored a DVDR across the knee and then a flying leg lariat for a two count. Papadon kicked off a charge from Strickland and went to the ropes but was dropkicked and caught with a DDT off the ropes for the pin.

Papadon has been eliminated.

Dao and DROLIX attacked Strickdland working him over. DROLIX was backdropped to the floor. Strickland nailed a cutter on Dao. He nailed a backflip dive to the floor on DROLIX.

He brought DROLIX back into the ring and went to the top for the double stomp. He nailed a flying bodypress for a two count. Dao came off the top with the West Coast Pop and pinned Strickland.

Strickland has been eliminated.

It came down to the biggest, DROLIX vs. the smallest, Dao.

As the final two came to the ring, the locker room came out to watch, carrying the trophy. DROLIX and Dao went back and forth. Dao went for a sunsetflip but was dragged up by the throat. Dao dropkicked his way out of it and nailed a knee to the face. He nailed a clothesline and for a two count.

DROLIX nailed a Northern Lights suplex with a bridge for a two count. DROLIX cut off Dao with a spinebuster for a two count. DROLIX went for a powerbomb and drilled Dao down but Dao kicked out at the last second.

Dao held him up for a suplex. Dao nailed a series of knees to the face but was still snapped down for a two count. Dao kicked him off during a charge and nailed a tornado DDT out of the corner for a close two count.

Dao nailed a series of kicks but was caught with a head and arms Tazplex. He locked in a choke and Dao tapped.

Your winner, DROLIX!

Great match with some awesome sequences and tremendous performances across the board.

They went to bring Shane Shamrock's family into the ring but DROLIX demanded they stop because it wasn't about their son but about him. Christian York got mad and hit the ring bbut DROLIX told him it wasn't about anyone but him, and demanded York hand him the trophy. York tried to do it half-heartedly as he was disgusted but DROLIX then demanded he do it on his knees. This led to a huge brawl and pull apart. Really wild scene and angle.

TLC: MCW champ Matt Hardy vs. Extreme Rising champ Luke Hawx

No belts above the ring. TLC are legal but they will have a decisive winner.

Hawx took the mic before the show and said that there appears to be some controversy. He said that an “as****e” from Philadelphia thinks he can rip off the fans and the boys again but it’s not going to happen. Hawx said that Extreme Rising is dead but he is still alive and this is the “Big Fn’ Arms” title and he will defend it. A fan screamed “F*** Steve O’Neill” and Hawx said, “Exactly.”

They started off fast brawling with lots of bumps outside the ring. Hardy backdropped Luke through two chairs. Hardy went for a ladder but Hawx saw him coming and went for a sliding kick. Hardy moved the ladder and drilled Hawx with it.

They brawled on the outside and Hardy whipped Hawx into the ringpost. Hardy went backstage and returned with a shopping cart full of chairs. Hardy began tossing them in, with most of them scoring and landing on Hawx. Hardy began drilling Hawx on the chest with a chair. The crowd chanted, “This is awesome.”

Hardy went to the floor and brought a chair into the ring. He drilled Hawx in the chest with the ladder several times. Hardy set it against the ropes and tried to suplex Hawx but it was reversed and Hardy ate the ladder. Hawx worked over Hardy and nailed him with a big kneedrop.

Hawx brought a table into the ring and set it up in the corner. Hawx went for a powerbomb but Hardy slipped out and nailed the Side Effect for two count. Hardy tried to whip Hawx into it but Hawx cut him off and nailed an elbow to the mush. Hawx set up a ladder in the corner and slammed Hardy into it face-first.

Hawx and Hardy battled in the corner with Hardy standing on a ladder. Hardy slipped and crotched himself on the ladder. Hawx came off the top with a Blockbuster while Hardy was still trapped inside the ladder and scored a two count.

Hawx set up a ladder again in the corner. He attempted to set up Hardy again on the ladder. Hawx went to the top but this time, Hardy fought him off and came off the ropes with a Twist of Fate into the ring for another two count.

Hardy pointed at the table and set it up in the center of the ring, then set up a ladder next to it. Nothing good can come from this! Hardy worked over Hawx. Hawx was placed on a table. Hardy went to the top but Hawx escaped the table and shoved the ladder over. Hardy clotheslined himself across the top rope as he came down.

Hawx set up several ladder next to each other. Hardy was placed on the table. Hawx climbed to the top and teased doing Hardy’s legdrop but Hardy attacked him and they battled while on the ladders. Hardy nailed the Side Effect off the ladders through the table and pinned Luke Hawx.

Your winner and still MCW champion as well as new Extreme Rising champion, Matt Hardy!

Fun TLC match to close out an extremely strong show from top to bottom.

Hardy took the mic and thanked everyone for selling out the show. He said that Luke Hawx took a chance being sued and being chased by attorneys to defend the title but did it anyway because he’s a man. He said that he and Hawx laid the foundation for Rising and that it was a title that deserved to be defended on an actual show in front of actual fans. He said holding the MCW title is like holding the WWE title and said that he was proud to face Luke, not just to win the title, but because if they didn’t finish this feud, Luke was going to kill him. He said Luke kicked his ass in the cage in Philly. He handed the belt back to Luke and said Rising may be gone but Luke was Rising and deserves to be booked until the end of time as the Rising champion. Hardy said he wanted to call a truce between himself and Luke and offered his hand.

Luke said that table hurt and that he wasn’t going to lie – he likes to run his mouth but what he loves to do it fight. He said that he came to end it all tonight. He said he would shake Hardy’s hand, not to just end it but to be a real man. He said he doesn’t back down from anyone but a man that can beat him fair and square deserves to have his hand shaken. He said that the fans can love or hate him, because they paid to see him perform and as long as they leave happy, that is all that matters to him. They shook hands.

2014 - Kevin Steen, soon to be Kevin Owens, appeared in ROH for the final time at an event in Dearborn, Michigan. Jasonn Harper filed the following live report, which was TV taping:

Nice crowd. Standing room only. Maybe 700 or so. The show ran 4 1/2 hours but almost everybody stayed for Kevin Steen's last match I apologize in advance for not knowing some of the preliminary wrestlers correct names or spelling. Dark match: Will Ferreli defeated Jon Bushdill. Not so much as warming up the crowd as a tryout match. Ferrelli won with a roll up. Bobby Cruise announces that Michael Bennett will not be at the event due to food poisoning. Maria was not there either.

Episode One:

*ReDragon defeated Josh Alexander and Ethan Gabriel Owens to retain tag titles. Owens wears old school head gear like Rick Steiner did and got over with crowd. Kyle O'Reilly got the win.

*Moose defeated Akeem Zane (I believe that was the name). Moose is green but has potential. After the match Veda Scott and Ramon came out and Veda offered Moose the chance to sign with her.

*Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian defeated Roderick Strong and Jimmy Jacobs, The Briscos, and War Machine in a 4 way. Long match with Bad Influence and The Decade doing most of the wrestling. Daniels pinned Strong with the BME.

Episode Two:

*The entire episode will be the Gauntlet for the gold. The winner to get a title shot in Philly: BJ Whitmer defeated Caprice Coleman with a lariat. Matt Taven defeated BJ Whitmer with a frog splash. Matt Taven defeated Romantic Touch Jay Lethal defeated Matt Taven with Lethal Injection. Best match of the gauntlet. Truth Martini and Selexia both did great work at ringside although they might not be able to show Sleezya too much on TV as she was showing a lot of cheek underneath her mini skirt. Cedric Alexander defeated Jay Lethal to win the Gauntlet. They really did a good job putting over Cedric as future main eventer.

Episode Three:

(Adam Cole defeated Rocky Romero with figure 4. Not much heat to this. Crowd didn't seem to know Rocky or his past. Match didn't really showcase either one.

*Tomaso Ciampa defeated Adam Page. Really good match. Ciampa cuts a promo after the match. Silas Young comes out and they go back and forth.

*ROH champ Michael Elgin defeated Kyle O'Reilly. Great match. Bobby Fish did great work at ringside although he might have distracted a little too much from the match. Elgin won with the spinning powerbomb. Silas Young attacks Elgin which leads to a huge brawl with Adam Cole, the Briscoes, War Machine and Cedric Alexander all joining.

Episode 4:

*ACH defeated TD Thomas with a 450 splash. ACH may have lost a tooth during the match. Great action and maybe the match of the night. After the match Strong and Jacobs berate Thomas and Page. The recruits showed signs of fighting back but left after being ordered to the back by Strong.

*Tyson Dux defeated New Japan's Takaaki Watanabe.

*Kevin Steen defeated Steve Corino in his farewell match. Corino had Bobby Cruise do his old style introductions by handing him a piece of paper and acknowledging the stars of ROH past. Lots of inside jokes and tributes in this match. Steen had OLE written on one of his wrists. Solid match but nothing spectacular. The real story was saying good bye to Steen. After the match, Corino, Steen and Jimmy Jacobs all embraced only for Roderick Strong and BJ Whitmer to attack. Steen fought them off and this is where TV will end.

After the show Steen started to give a speech only to be interrupted by most of the locker room who came out with balloons and silly string and Champagne. After the celebration, Steen thanked several of the people that were special to him during his run. He pointed out Christopher Daniels, Corino, Nigel, The Briscos and others. Hopefully the speech will be included on the DVD.

The wrestlers then went around ringside thanking the fans.

As usual ROH delivered. Nothing blow away but solid wrestling.

Ring of Honor announced a return to Michigan on Oct 11 but the show will be in Kalamazoo. This will be the first Michigan show not held in the Detroit area.