View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results / Report - July 20, 2023

07-21-2023, 08:06 AM

Your announcers are Byron Saxton and Kevin Patrick.

Riddick Moss vs Akira Tozawa

They lock up and Moss sends Tozawa to the mat. Moss does push ups in front of Tozawa. Tozawa with a side head lock and Moss with a shoulder tackle. Moss appreciates his work and then he chokes Tozawa in the corner. Moss with an Irish whip but he runs into boots from Tozawa and Tozawa with a head scissors and drop kick. Tozawa does some push ups. Tozawa with forearms and Moss pushes Tozawa away and drops Tozawa on the ropes. Moss with a clothesline for a near fall. Moss kicks Tozawa in the corner and then sends Tozawa shoulder first into the ring post.

Moss with a back breaker and a fallaway slam for a near fall. Moss with a rear chin lock and Tozawa with elbows to escape. Moss with a knee to stop Tozawa. Tozawa with a head scissors take down and a Shining Wizard. Tozawa goes to the turnbuckles for a cannonball and he gets a near fall. Tozawa tries to get Moss on his shoulders but Moss escapes. Moss with a kick and he tries for a suplex but Tozawa lands on his feet.

Tozawa with an enzuigiri and Tozawa goes up top for a back senton. Moss gets up and catches Tozawa on a cross body attempt. Tozawa with a sunset flip for a near fall. Moss with a cradle pop up clothesline and a Jackhammer for the three count.

Winner: Riddick Moss

We take a look at the past issues between Cody Rhodes and Brock Lesnar.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened this week on Raw between Cody and Brock.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Women’s Title Match and shenanigans from Smackdown.

We take a look at the crowning of new Women’s Tag Team Champions on Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at what happened with the Bloodline and former members of the group.

Apollo Crews vs JD McDonagh

JD with a forearm and knees to Crews. JD with kicks in the corner. JD with a forearm to the back and he chokes Crews in the corner. Crews avoids being sent into the turnbuckles and Crews with a punch. Crews blocks a kick and he connects with a clothesline or two. JD goes to the apron and Crews brings him back into the ring and hits a flying clothesline. Crews with a splash into the corner followed by an Irish whip and back body drop.

Crews goes to the turnbuckles and JD goes to the floor so Crews follows after him. JD chops Crews and Crews avoids being sent into the announce table. Crews keeps JD from going into the crowd. Crews with a punch and JD with chops. They get back in the ring and Crews with a catapult into the ropes. Crews sends JD into the turnbuckles. JD with a side head lock and Crews sends JD into the turnbuckles again.

Crews clotheslines JD over the top rope. We go to commercial.

We are back and JD pulls Crews off the turnbuckles and Crews’ head hits the turnbuckles. JD with a suplex and he gets a near fall. JD with a reverse chin lock. Crews with punches and a back heel kick and a boot to the head. Crews with a catapult into the turnbuckles. JD with an Irish whip and Crews with a boot. Crews goes up top and hits a cross body for a near fall. Crews with a waist lock while JD holds on to the ropes. JD tries for a rollup but Crews escapes. Crews with a kick and moonsault for a near fall. Crews gets JD on his shoulders but JD counters with a rollup for a near fall. JD with a sunset flip to counter a power bomb for a near fall. JD with Spanish Fly for a near fall.

JD goes up top and Crews stops him with a chop. Crews with another chop and he goes to the turnbuckles for a superplex. JD with punches and he pushes Crews to the mat. Crews with a forearm and he goes back to the turnbuckles. JD punches him off again. JD with a cross body and Crews rolls through and gets JD up for the Samoan drop and the three count.

Winner: Apollo Crews

We go to THE Judgment Day being interrupted by Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn on Raw.

We go to commercial.
We are back with the Seth Rollins sit down interview that was interrupted by Finn Balor.

We move on to theTag Title Match from Raw.