View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results / Report - July 27, 2023

07-28-2023, 03:29 AM

Your announcers are Kevin Patrick and Byron Saxton.

Jinder Mahal says he presents the most destructive tag team on Raw, Indus Sher. Tonight, Sanga is unleashed as he feeds on the carcass of Akira Tozawa.

Sanga (w/ Veer and Jinder Mahal) vs Akira Tozawa

Sanga with a waist lock and he sends Tozawa into the corner but Tozawa escapes to avoid any further damage at this time. Tozawa gets on Sanga’s back with a chin lock and forearms. Sanga with a snap mare. Sanga runs into boots and Tozawa goes up top but Sanga catches Tozawa and Sanga with a slam. Sanga with a clothesline to Tozawa and he stands on Tozawa’s back. Sanga picks Tozawa up and rag dolls him and spins Tozawa to the mat.

Sanga with a back breaker but Tozawa with punches. Sanga with a splash into the corner. Sanga misses a splash and Tozawa goes to the apron and he kicks Sanga and drops Sanga on the top rope. Tozawa goes up top and Sanga stops him. Tozawa with a missile drop kick. Tozawa with forearms and chops. Tozawa goes for a forearm but he bounces off Sanga. Sanga goes for a choke slam and Tozawa escapes and connects with strikes to Sanga. Sanga with a boot and a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Sanga

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Sami Zayn and Dominik Mysterio from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back with Gunther and Drew McInyre from Raw and Drew’s match with Ludwig Kaiser.

We go to commercial.

Nikki Cross vs Kayden Carter (w/ Katana Chance)

They lock up and Nikki with a wrist lock. Kayden with a take down into a rolling heel hook and a front face lock. Carter with a rollup for a near fall. Nikki with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Nikki shows her dance moves and Kayden trips Nikki. Nikki looks a little too happy when Kayden starts to dance and Carter sends Nikki to the floor.

Nikki gets back in the ring when Carter goes to the floor. Nikki follows Carter to the floor and Carter with a springboard drop kick when Nikki returns to the ring. Carter goes for a baseball slide but Nikki pulls out the ring skirt and connects with forearms.

We go to commercial.

Nikki sends Carter into the turnbuckles a few times. Carter stops Nikki and Carter sends Nikki into the turnbuckles. Nikki gets Carter on her shoulders and hits a Cradle Shock for a near fall. Nikki with a reverse chin lock and a straitjacket choke. Nikki takes Carter to the mat when Carter tries to escape. Carter backs Cross into the corner and escapes. Nikki returns to a sleeper and gets on Carter’s back.

Carter drops back to the mat to get out of the hold. Carter with an elbow and kick followed by forearms. Carter with a running forearm into the corner. Carter with a running boot to the head. Carter with a springboard twisting leg drop for a near fall. Carter with a thrust kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Cross with a bulldog for a near fall. Nikki goes for the swinging neck breaker and Carter with a flatliner and both women are down. Carter gets a near fall.

Carter puts Cross on the turnbuckles and Carter sets for a superplex. Cross blocks it and Cross with forearms to send Carter to the mat. Cross with a cross body for the three count.

Winner: Nikki Cross

We take a look at Seth and Finn in the interview area.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Rules of Engagement leading into TRIBAL COMBAT.

We take a look at the contract signing from Raw.
