View Full Version : WWE NXT Level Up Results / Repost - Jul 28, 2023

07-29-2023, 04:09 AM

our announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Damon Kemp vs Ikemen Jiro

Jiro does a headstand on the turnbuckles before locking up. Kemp with a side head lock and a drop toe hold into a front face lock. JIro gets to the ropes to force a break. Jiro with a waist lock and Kemp with a standing switch. Jiro escapes. Kemp with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Jiro gets back to his feet and Kemp pushes him to the mat again. Kemp sends Jiro back to the mat and stands on JIro's hair. Jiro with a counter to a hip toss and a back elbow. Jiro with a boot and he goes off the ropes but Kemp with a punch to the midsection followed by a modified Angel's Wings for a near fall. Kemp with punches. Kemp with a punch and Jiro with punches. Kemp with an Irish whip and a tilt-a-whirl back breaker for a near fall.

Kemp with an arm bar. Kemp with a forearm and Jiro is down in the corner. Jiro with jacket punches. Jiro with a rolling jacket punch. Jiro with a springboard Arabian Press for a near fall. Kemp misses a clothesline and Jiro with a head scissors take down. Jiro misses a senton into the ropes when Kemp moves. Kemp with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex followed by an electric chair suplex for the three count.

Winner: Damon Kemp

Kelly Kincaid was with Karmen Petrovic and she asks about her match with Ivy Nile. Karmen says she was raised in Eastern Europe so she has seen more before age five than most people so she is not intimidated. Karmen says she has 23 years of combat experience. She has won international competitions. She is not intimidated, she is determined. She says she is ready to show the NXT Universe who she really is.

Ivy Nile vs Karmen Petrovic

They lock up and Ivy with a hammer lock take down. Ivy gets a near fall. Karmen with a kick to the leg. Karmen goes for a drop toe hold and she gets Ivy to the mat. Karmen with a side head lock. Ivy with an arm bar. Karmen with a head scissors and Ivy escapes. Ivy with kicks to the midsection and Karmen goes for a cross body and Ivy catches Karmen. Ivy with a fallaway slam. Karmen blocks a kick and she drives the knee into the mat. Karmen with a back heel kick for a near fall. Karmen with a spinning round kick to the back for a near fall. Karmen goes for the leg and drives the knee into the mat. Karmen with a Calf Crusher. Ivy with a chin lock to escape the hold.

Karmen goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Ivy twists her body to get a near fall with a lateral press. Ivy with an enzuigiri followed by shoulder tackles. Ivy with an Irish whip and a running thrust kick and a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Ivy with a Dragon Sleeper and Karmen taps out.

Winner: Ivy Nile

Luca Crusifino vs Duke Hudson (w/ Thea Hail and Andre Chase)

They lock up and Luca sends Duke into the corner and he pushes Duke. Duke forces Luca to the floor. Luca with a waist lock and Duke sends him to the mat. Duke sends Luca to the mat again. Luca with a wrist lock. Duke with a reversal and arm wringer. Duke with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Luca goes back to the floor for a sidebar with the announcers. Luca with a side head lock when they return to the ring. Duke with a top wrist lock but Luca sends Duke to the mat. Luca with a side head lock. Duke with a shoulder tackle and he blocks a hip toss. Duke with a short arm clothesline and slam. Luca goes to the apron and Duke hip tosses him back into the ring.

Duke sets for a suplex and hits it. Duke gets a near fall. Luca with a back elbow and he goes to the apron. Luca drops Duke on the top rope. Luca with a running shoulder to the knee followed by a few DDTs. Luca with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Luca with forearms and kicks. Luca with a back elbow for a near fall. Luca punches Duke but he Chases Up. Duke with forearms and a side slam. Duke with jabs and a U-Bionic Elbow. Duke with a back senton and Luca goes to the floor.

Thea screams at Luca and he falls to the mat. Duke with a slingshot into a German suplex. Duke with a Razor's Edge for the three count.

Winner: Duke Hudson

We go to credits.