View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results / Report - Aug 10, 2023

08-11-2023, 12:33 AM

Your announcers are Wade Barrett and Byron Saxton.

We begin with a look back at SummerSlam.

Veer and Sanga (w/ Jinder Mahal) vs Apollo Crews and Akira Tozawa

Sanga and Tozawa start things off. They lock up and Sanga sends Tozawa face first to the mat. Tozawa with forearms and Sanga pushes Tozawa away. Sanga wants Crews to tag in and Tozawa obliges and Tozawa wishes him luck. Crews escapes a slam and boot. Crews with a waist lock and Sanga tosses him aside. Crews with a drop kick and enzuigiri to get Sanga to his knees. Tozawa tags in and he kicks Sanga but Sanga with a choke slam. Veer tags in and Sanga with a shoulder tackle and Veer with an elbow drop.

Veer with a kick to the chest. Veer with a nerve hold. Veer misses a leaping elbow drop and Tozawa tries to make the tag but Veer stops him. Tozawa with enzugiris to make the tag to Crews. Crews with a kick to Veer and then one to knock Sanga off the apron. Crews with a splash into the corner and Tozawa tags in. Crews leaps over Veer and Veer with a clothesline to Crews. Tozawa with a cannonball elbow off the turnbuckles followed by kicks. Tozawa with Speedball kicks but Veer with a body block. Sanga tags in and Sanga with a side slam and elbow drop combination for the three count.

Winners: Veer and Sanga

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Logan Paul and Ricochet from SummerSlam as well as the number one contender match for the Intercontinental Championship.

We go to commercial

We are back with a look at Miz and LA Knight.

We go to commercial.

Nikki Cross vs Tegan Nox

Nikki bounces before locking up with Tegan and Nikki with a rollup for a near fall. Tegan with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Nikki with a shoulder tackle and she attempts to dance. Tegan with a double thrust to the throat and she sends Nikki into the turnbuckles with a flatliner. Tegan with a running European uppercut for a near fall. Tegan tries to show Nikki how she should dance and Nikki goes after Tegan.

Tegan sends Nikki into the turnbuckles and kicks her. Tegan with a suplex but she misses a running back elbow into the corner. Nikki with a monkey flip followed by a drop kick that sends Tegan to the floor. Nikki with a slingshot kick through the ropes and a cross body off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Nikki sends Tegan into the turnbuckles and follows with punches. Nikki sets for a tornado DDT but Tegan blocks it and Tegan with a running kick to the chest. Tegan gets a near fall. Tegan with forearms. Tegan stands on Nikki’s head and kicks her. Tegan chokes Nikki in the ropes. Nikki with punches.

Tegan with a kick and she hits a sit out gourdbuster for a near fall. Tegan with a running uppercut into the corner. Tegan with a running back senton into the corner for a near fall. Tegan works on the neck and Nikki with a kick. Tegan with forearms to Nikki and a reverse chin lock. Tegan gets Nikki down to the mat. Nikki with a jaw breaker and a kick. Tegan with a knee to the midsection followed by an Irish whip. Nikki floats over and hits a running drop kick to the knee. Nikki with a running boot to the head.

Nikki with a splash into the corner and a bulldog. Nikki goes up top and Tegan knocks Nikki off the turnbuckles. Tegan uses the ropes and the referee stops the count. Tegan sets for a suplex but Nikki counters into a DDT. Nikki with a swinging neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Nikki Cross

We take a look at the Brock and Cody history.

We look at Seth and Cody along with the Judgment Day from Raw.

We go to commercial.

We take a look at the main event from Raw and Shinsuke Nakamura’s betrayal.

We go to credits.