View Full Version : WWE NXT Level Up results / report - Aug 11, 2023

08-12-2023, 03:46 AM

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Dante Chen vs Damon Kemp

They lock up and Kemp with a hammer lock into a side head lock. Kemp with a drop toe hold and then he playfully slaps Chen. They lock up and Kemp with a hammer lock but Chen with a take down and he playfully slaps Kemp to return the favor. Kemp with a snap mare. Chen with a side head lock take down. Kemp escapes but Chen returns to the side head lock and a take down. Kemp sends Chen into the turnbuckles. Chen with a side head lock. Chen with a springboard into a side head lock but Kemp catches Chen and hits a back breaker. Kemp with elbow drops while Gulak and Dempsey are in LOCKER ROOM standing in front of MONITOR.

Kemp sends Chen into the turnbuckles a few times. Chen with an elbow to Kemp followed by punches. Kemp with an uppercut and Reality Check. Kemp with an exploder for a near fall. Kemp with forearms to Chen. Kemp with a reverse chin lock. Damon with elbows to the back of the head and a slam for a near fall. Kemp with a reverse chin lock. Kemp with a slam but he misses an elbow drop when Chen moves. Kemp runs into a boot but Kemp with a knee. Chen sends Kemp into the turnbuckles. Chen with palm strikes to Kemp followed by a shotei and clothesline. Kemp Irish whips Chen to the apron. Chen with a springboard chop. Chen misses a bicycle kick and Kemp with a waist lock. Kemp with a forearm to the back of the head followed by a uranage into a neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Damon Kemp

Kelly Kincaid was with Tavion Heights earlier today. She asks him about his match against Joe Coffey.

Tavion says the more reps he gets, the more devastating he will be. He knows that Gallus is tough. Joe is nothing but a bully and Tavion says he is a bully bullier.

Izzi Dame vs Fallon Henley

They lock up and Izzi misses a punch on the break. Fallon with an arm bar. Izzi backs Fallon into the corner and connects with a shoulder. Izzi with a clothesline. Fallon with a flying shoulder tackle for a near fall. Izzi with a punch and she sends Fallon into the turnbuckles. Fallon with a drop toe hold and Fallon slides to the floor and connects with a punch. Fallon keeps Izzi from escaping the ring. Izzi with an elbow and she drops Fallon on the top rope. Izzi with a clothesline and kicks in the corner. Izzi gets a near fall. Izzi with an Irish whip or two. Izzi with another Irish whip and she sends Fallon to the mat and hits a drop kick for a near fall.

Izzi with a rear chin lock. Fallon with an elbow and Izzi with forearms. Fallon backs Izzi into the corner and Izzi maintains the rear chin lock. Fallon finally escapes. Fallon escapes a slam and Fallon with a short arm clothesline and punch. Fallon with punches on the mat. Fallon with a running back elbow into the corner and she sends Izzi to the mat by the hair. Fallon with a Shining Wizard for the three count.

Winner: Fallon Henley

Tavion Heights vs Joe Coffey

They lock up and go to a stalemate. They lock up again and Joe backs Tavion into the ropes but Tavion with a waist lock take down. Joe with a wrist lock and he works on the arm and shoulder. Tavion with a reversal and arm wringer. Tavion with an arm bar. Joe runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose and follows with a shoulder tackle. Tavion with a hip toss and arm drag followed by a fireman's carry and arm bar. Joe pulls Tavion to the mat by the hair. Joe with Irish whips and a back breaker for a near fall. Joe with a knee to the ribs and punches to the ribs. Joe with a punch and snap mare and he gets a near fall. Joe with a knee to the midsection.

Joe with a knee drop to the ribs. Joe misses a forearm and Tavion with a rollup for a near fall. Joe gets a near fall after a cross body. Joe with more near falls. Joe with a nerve hold and he pulls at random parts of Tavion's face. Joe with a top wrist lock. Tavion with punches and Joe with a knee. Joe with a side head lock and Tavion with a back body drop. Tavion with clotheslines and he sends Joe into the turnbuckles. Tavion with an exploder and a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Tavion sets for a gutwrench into a gourdbuster for a near fall. Tavion sets for the Doctor Bomb but Joe gets to his feet and he punches Tavion. Tavion with a punch. Joe blocks a suplex by holding on to the ropes. Joe with a forearm and a Glasgow Send Off followed by All the Best for the Bells for the three count.

Winner: Joe Coffey

We go to credits.