View Full Version : WWE NXT Level Up Results / Report - Aug 25, 2023

08-26-2023, 11:00 AM

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Tank Ledger and Hank Walker vs Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont

Igwe and Hank start things off and Hank with a side head lock. Hank with a shoulder tackle and wrist lock. Hank with shoulders but Igwe with a forearm. Hank with a take down. Hank runs Igwe into the corner and connects with shoulders. Tank tags in and they hit shoulders in the corner. Hank with a slam and Tank with an assisted splash for a near fall. Tyson tags in and they connect with forearms to Tank. Tyson pie faces Tank and Tank pushes back. Tank with a waist lock and Tyson with a standing switch. Hank tags in and they hit a series of tandem moves. Tyson with punches and he tags in Igwe. They Irish whip Hank sternum first into th turnbuckles. Igwe with a belly-to-back suplex and kicks. Igwe with a kick for a near fall.

Igwe with punches and he backs Hank into his corner. Tyson tags in and Igwe Irish whips Tyson into the corner for a splash and he gets a near fall. Tyson with a kick to the midsection and he knocks Tank off the apron. Tyson with punches to Hank. Hank with punches to the midsection and Tyson with an Irish whip but Hank with a clothesline out of the corner. Igwe and Tank tag in and Tank with punches and clothesline. Tank with a cross body to both men. Tank sends Tyson to the floor and Tank with a fallaway slam to Igwe. Tank sends Igwe into the turnbuckles and hits a splash. Hank tags in and they hit a power slam and cross body combination for the three count.

Winners: Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

Sarah was with Kiyah Saint earlier today to talk about her debut. She says she has been waiting patiently for this moment and it is time for the NXT Universe to see who she is. Saint says she is educated and calculated. It will be a tough fight but she overcomes and achieves whatever she encounters. This is only the beginning and she welcomes everyone to the Saintuary.

Kiyah Saint vs Kiana James

They lock up and Kiana with a snap mare. Saint blocks a kick and the referee distracts Saint long enough for Kiana to go for a side head lock. Saint with a reversal. James with a reversal. Saint with a side head lock and a take down. Kiana with punches followed by an Irish whip. Saint floats over and hits a drop kick. James with a hot shot into the turnbuckles and Kiana kicks Saint in the ropes. James with a boot to the chest. James sends Saint into the turnbuckles. Saint sends James into the turnbuckles and gets a near fall with a rollup. Kiana with a clothesline for a near fall. James with knees to the shoulder and then sends Saint face first into the mat.

James with a rear chin lock. Saint with a back slide for a near fall. James misses a knee drop when Saint moves. Saint with a shoulder tackle and a forearm. Saint with a facebuster and a jumping knee. Saint with a running double knee strike into the corner followed by a suplex and a knee drop for a near fall. Saint tries to get James on her shoulders but Kiana holds on to the ropes. Kiana kicks Saint and hits 401k. Kiana with a facebuster for the three count.

Winner: Kiana James

Dante Chen vs SCRYPTS (w/ Lucien Price and Bronco Nima)

SCRYPTS with a single leg trip and he slaps Chen. SCRYPTS with a back flip and chops followed by a drop kick. Chen with a drop kick and a forearm. Chen with a side head lock and arm bar. SCRYPTS with a hip toss and Chen kicks him away. Chen with an arm drag into an arm bar. Chen with an arm drag as he holds on to the arm bar. Chen with arm drags aplenty followed by a slam. Chen clotheslines SCRYPTS over the top rope to the floor. Chen decides not to go to the floor because of Nima and Price. SCRYPTS gets back in the ring and Chen with an arm drag or two. Chen with an arm wringer and he works on the shoulder. SCRYPTS goes to the apron and he drops Chen's arm on the top rope. SCRYPTS with a cross body. SCRYPTS kicks Chen and follows with punches for a near fall. SCRYPTS with a back elbow for a near fall.

SCRYPTS with a forearm to the back followed by a knee to the back. SCRYPTS with a knee to the back and a rear chin lock. SCRYPTS goes for a suplex but Chen blocks it and hits one of his own. Chen with a boot and punches. Chen with strikes and a Mongolian chop. Chen with a palm thrust. SCRYPTS with a rollup but Chen escapes and Chen with a reverse atomic drop and a boot to the head. Nima gets on the apron and Price grabs Chen.

SCRYPTS with a handspring cutter for the three count.

