View Full Version : WWE star Seth Rollins tweets about Bray Wyatt's passing

08-26-2023, 11:14 AM

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Seth Rollins commented on the passing of Windham Rotunda aka Bray Wyatt:


In the video, Rollins stated:

"Truth is, I don't really, still don't really know what to say. Windham was a unique cat. He was a simple yet deeply complex individual and I loved him. I loved him, I loved working with him, but mostly I just loved being around him. He was always joyful. Just these eyes that drew you in and a smile and a laugh and a presence that just made you happy. And we are all going to miss that. I've been thinking mostly about his family, kids and I wanted to go, I dunno, wanted was the right word, I thought about going to SmackDown tonight, but that would entail leaving my family a day early. And I just keep going back to the conversation I had with Windham on the phone when Brodie passed a few years ago and I just had called him to check on him to see how I was doing and we talked and he was okay and I was okay and either of us were really okay. But I just remember we ended the conversation with 'I love yous' and goodbyes and he said, I remember this very specifically. He said, you just go hug on that baby girl, talking about my daughter. So I just feel like that's what I should be doing. Windham, I love you man. I will miss you. We will all miss you. And I see you down the road. Hoot boy."