View Full Version : WWE NXT Level Up Results / Report - Sep 1, 2023

09-02-2023, 05:07 AM

Your announcers are Blake Howard and Byron Saxton.

Riley Osborne vs Javier Bernal

They lock up and Riley with a wrist lock into an arm bar. Bernal tries to roll through but RIley follows him to hold on. Bernal with a wrist lock. Bernal sends Riley to the mat and applies an arm bar. Riley tries to reverse the hold but Bernal holds on to the wrist lock and he goes back to the arm bar. Riley goes to the ropes for an arm drag and he follows with a drop kick and applies an arm bar. Bernal backs Rile into the corner and Bernal with a forearm. Bernal with a kick and Irish whip but Riley floats over. Bernal with a hip toss. Bernal with a sliding clothesline. Bernal with a European uppercut and punches. Bernal with a kick to the chest. Riley escapes a slam attempt and Bernal with a back elbow. Riley with a boot.

Riley goes to the turnbuckles for a cross body but Bernal rolls through and gets a near fall. Bernal with a slam and a leg drop for a near fall. Bernal with a knee followed by a butterfly suplex for a near fall. Bernal with punches and a reverse chin lock. Bernal with an elbow and Riley with a punch.Riley with a shoulder in the corner. Bernal with a knee and he sends riley to the apron. Riley with a shoulder from the apron and a slingshot shoulder tackle. Riley with a twisting moonsault for a near fall. Riley with a drop kick that sends Bernal to the floor. Riley with a Fosbury Flop onto Bernal. Riley goes up top and hits a shooting star press for the three count.

Winner: Riley Osborne

Kelly was with Stevie Turner earlier today and she asks what has Stevie been up to. Stevie says she does not have to be here every week. She says Valentina gets to be the guest on her first livestream back. Stevie says she is two levels above Feroz and two steps ahead of her.

Valentina Feroz (w/ Yulisa Leon) vs Stevie Turner

They lock up and Turner with a side head lock. Feroz with a single leg take down. Turner with a waist lock and Feroz with a side head lock. Feroz pushes Turner and Turner with a hammer lock into a wrist lock. Turner with a take down. Feroz with a double leg take down and a rollup for a near fall. Feroz with a hammer lock. Turner with a back elbow and Feroz with an Irish whip and clothesline. Feroz with an elbow to the head and Turner drops Feroz on the top turnbuckle. Turner with a boot to the head and a second one. Turner gets a near fall. Turner with an arm bar. Turner with a kick and Feroz with a sunset flip for a near fall. Turner with an elbow and short arm clothesline. Turner with a neck breaker for a near fall. Turner with an arm bar and Feroz backs Turner into the corner and follows with judo throws. Feroz with a knee in the corner.

Feroz with a back drop and Meteora for a near fall but Feroz is sent into the turnbuckles. Turner with a running double knee strike to the back for the three count.

Winner: Stevie Turner

Group B Round Robin Match in the Global Heritage Tournament
Akira Tozawa vs Duke Hudson (w/ Andre Chase)

They fist bump so the Honor Code of Chase U is followed. Tozawa with a waist lock and then he goes for the leg but Duke pushes him away. Duke with a side head lock. Hudson with a take down and Tozawa goes for a head scissors but Duke blocks it. Tozawa with a side head lock. Duke with a shoulder tackle. Tozawa with a rollup for a near fall. Tozawa with an inside cradle for a near fall. Tozawa with a sunset flip for a near fall. Duke blocks a kick and He punches Tozawa. Tozawa with a head scissors and drop kick that sends Duke to the floor. Duke with a forearm when Tozawa sets for a suicide dive. Duke with a slingshot into a German suplex. Duke gets a near fall. Duke with a slam for a near fall. Tozawa with punches and Duke with a forearm. Tozawa with a head scissors take down. Tozawa goes up top and hits a missile drop kick.

Tozawa gets a near fall. Tozawa tries to get Duke on his shoulders but he cannot get Duke up. Duke with a belly-to-back suplex but Tozawa lands on his feet and he kicks Duke in the legs. Tozawa with kicks to the chest but Duke Chases Up. Duke with a punch and forearms followed by another forearm. Duke with a side slam and then he sets for the Bionic U-bow but Tozawa covers up and connects with a jab. Duke with a boot to the head and Tozawa with a sunset flip for a near fall. Tozawa misses a spinning heel kick but hits a second one. Tozawa goes up top for the back senton but Duke gets his knees up. Duke with a Razor's Edge for the three count.

Winner: Duke Hudson (2 Points)
