View Full Version : Mika Rotunda Pens Tribute to Brother Bray Wyatt: "He Was Our World"

09-08-2023, 08:54 PM
Mika Rotunda, the sister of Windham Rotunda, has spoken about the 'magic' of her brother, who will never be forgotten.

Windham Rotunda, better known to wrestling fans as Bray Wyatt, died last month at the age of 36 of a heart attack suffered in his sleep. The three-time former WWE World Champion returned to the promotion last October and would be taken off of TV due to health reasons earlier this year.

Following the death of Windham Rotunda, tributes have poured in for the late wrestler, with many commenting on his creativity and warm personality. Taking to Instagram, a "modern-day public diary" in her own words, Mika Rotunda remembered her brother, stating that he'll never be forgotten.

Mika added that Windham was "pure magic," and spoke of his love of music, saying he'd sing out loud without even realizing. Mika also recalled Windham giving her words of encouragement during her first pregnancy, telling her "Que será, será" (what will be, will be.)

Mika's full tribute to her brother, which would span into the comments, reads as follows:

A social media post.

What a modern day, public diary.

I used to write and share all the time. I found it healing. But as time has passed, I’ve shied away from it.

Today, I feel like writing again. Maybe it’s a mistake to share my heart so publicly. But at this time, I don’t care.And Windham was always open to helping others. Even when he may have been in pain. So here we are.

I’ve had such a wide range and variety of emotions over the course of the past 14 days.

Two weeks ago, my big brother left this Earth. As I’m still trying to process this and understand thathe is truly gone from this realm. I’m also comforted in the knowledge that he is peacefully spanning his wings across the sky in heaven.

It sounds so cliche to say he will never be forgotten. But, he won’t be. It’s impossible.

Windham was pure magic. And an alchemist of his own design in many sorts.

He loved music. In fact, he would walk around with at least three songs constantly stuck in his head.

And subconsciously, would sing them aloud. This past summer, he spent a solid two weeks walking around singing Que Sera Sera, by Doris Day.

Que será, será. Whatever will be, will be. The future's not ours to see. Que será, será. What will be, will be.

One day, he was standing in his kitchen talking to me. As I was nearing the end of my first pregnancy- it came laced with a ton of anxiety and fear. And as I poured my heart out on my sleeve to him, he looked at me and said… you have to trust and know that everything is going to be just fine. Que será, será… Whatever will be, will be— Mika. And somehow, that was exactly what I needed to hear. He knew what to say. I spent the next three days driving around listening to the song in my car.

Storybooks, tall tales, fables and novels write about heroes and mystical characters. They fill children’s minds with dreams, hopes, imagination and set fire to their souls. To grow up and become the thing they imagine when they close their eyes.
Windham was that. He was like a fictional character. Profound in every sense and lived outside of every box the world every tried to construct for him.
I got to witness it. And had the opportunity to love and be loved in return by him.
And although I only got thirty years with him, here in this realm and chapter… I’m thankful for everyday of it. Because not one passed that we didn’t know the value we held in each others lives. Windham made sure of it. He wanted it to be understood. Loud and crystal clear.

I could write this message a million times over. In a million different ways.
And I probably will. But for today, I pray this helps me grieve to get by until the next wave hits.

Windham, I love you more.

Windham was so much more than just my brother. As God as my witness, I can say our family's lives will never return to normal. Nor ever be the same. Windham’s love, guidance, mindset and overall energy is irrevocable. No one will ever top it. His immense ability to impact the world around him and most importantly, love his family so deeply are unmatched. To the world he was a global phenomenon, but to us– he was our world. The more he grew in popularity, the deeper his propensity and desire to love his family and take care of them grew.

1 in 8.1 Billion. A lot of times you hear people say, “oh they’re one in a million.” I got to spend thirty years being the little sister to one in 8.1 billion human being. God made him intricately, divinely and purposely special.

Windham lived his life. And spent his 36 years with his arms open wide. He rode every fear, knowing that fear itself was a liar. He brought four perfect children into the world, who will continue to honor his legacy, his laughter and his beautiful soul. He sold out arenas and impacted the lives of millions of perfect strangers, on a weekly basis. He was kind the broken, caring to the underdog and fair in justice to those who wanted to do wrong by others.

Windham was articulate and loud about his love. And generous to a degree that you would have to make him stop giving. His laughter really was infectious; his smile warm.

Mika is hardly alone in remembering the life, career, and legacy of her older brother. Following his passing, several members of WWE's crew got firefly tattoos in tribute to the former Universal Champion. Joey Cox, the artist behind the tattoos later exclusively told SE Scoops that all proceeds from Wyatt-related ink will be donated to his family. Tributes have been made from promotions Wyatt never worked for including IMPACT Wrestling and AEW.