View Full Version : Johnny Gargano Returns On WWE Raw To Reform DIY With Tommaso Ciampa

10-04-2023, 04:05 PM
Johnny Gargano is back on Monday Night Raw and one of WWE's most beloved tag teams of the past decade appears to be back together.

On Raw, Tommaso Ciampa and Gunther took part in a contract signing ahead of their Intercontinental title match scheduled for next week. Ciampa suggested that he and Gunther wrestled right there, which Gunther agreed to.

Gunther was victorious, which led to a post match beat-down on Ciampa. Just as Imperium was putting the boots to the former NXT Champion, Gargano's music hit and the Cleveland native stormed to the ring as the crowd went nuts


Gargano had been off WWE television for several months due to a shoulder injury. Ciampa conducted a weeks-long manhunt for his former partner and they were officially united on Raw.

After Raw went off the air, Gargano and Ciampa celebrated together:


Ciampa also posted this photo of Gargano, who is no longer missing.


Ciampa and Gargano are former tag team champions as the DIY tag team in NXT. The duo tagged before Ciampa ruthlessly turned on Gargano, which sparked a years-long feud that included various NXT TakeOver matches.

On the topic of Ciampa, Gargano told Cultaholic:

“The thing with me and Tommaso, the thing with DIY is it was just organic it wasn’t manufactured. It was never supposed to happen. We were two guys who were never supposed to be here who scratched and clawed and did everything we could to kind of make our dreams come true.”

Outside of a one off in 2018, Gargano and Ciampa have not interacted on the main roster.