View Full Version : Austin Theory Explains Exaggerated Stunner Sell Job On 3/15 WWE SmackDown

03-18-2024, 02:57 PM
WWE Superstars are able to perform incredible feats in the ring, but you only get one take for live television. This week's SmackDown saw Austin Theory's timing off a bit, and fans let him have it.

The March 15th episode of SmackDown got fans talking for many reasons. During WWE Smackdown on March 15th, 2024, Kevin Owens delivered a stunner to Austin Theory, who then received an RKO in mid-air. The spot received criticism online for its timing issues, and Austin Theory had to chime in.


Austin Theory understands the business, and he also knows how to use social media. He explained this botch after his appearance on SmackDown this week, as he said he was dizzy.

It seems that Austin Theory thought he could jump over Owens and Orton to avoid any further damage, but he was wrong. An RKO came outta nowhere for Theory, and he took both finishers. So, he wasn't late on selling the stunner at all, apparently.

Theory explained this in a video on social media, one that he shared on social media along with #SmackDown. Obviously, he realized that fans were dunking on his timing a bit, so he had to explain himself.


Austin Theory doesn't have a match at WrestleMania 40 just yet, but only time will tell where he ends up on the card. He's stepping up in a big way, proving himself to be a real asset to Triple H, and that's exactly why he has the spot he does in WWE.

Theory was also groomed for greatness as one of EVOLVE's biggest talents years ago. He ended up in NXT, where he had a couple stints, but now he is one of the most hated heels on the WWE main roster, exactly where he should be. Hopefully, fans will let that hesitation on selling the stunner pass, because Austin Theory has plenty of memories to make in the future.