View Full Version : WWE's PG Era Officially Over: The Rock & Paul Heyman Promos Mark End Of The Old Ways

04-27-2024, 05:05 AM

The 'PG Era' of WWE is officially a thing of the past though the promotion will continue to adhere to its viewing guidelines for now.

WWE transitioned into a PG rating in 2008 in a move that saw the promotion tone back on its more suggestive storylines, ban chairshots and greatly reduce the amount of blading allowed on-screen. The 'PG Era' has often been criticized by fans as a time when WWE became 'too kid-friendly' compared to how it once was.

This era of WWE is officially dead, Dave Meltzer reports, as the promotion is all-in on its current period dubbed by some as the 'Renaissance Era.' The Rock's scathing promos in the run-up to WrestleMania 40 played a factor in the "official end" of the PG Era. The Final Boss certainly didn't hold back with his promos which at the time seemed entirely opposed to WWE's rules about what was allowed to be said.

Paul Heyman's Hall of Fame acceptance speech was also part of the end of the PG Era. The Bloodline's special counsel responded to a 'You deserve it' chant with "You're damn f***ing right I do!' and told haters of ECW to "suck my f***ing d**k!"


While this era is a thing of the past, WWE programming remains PG for the time being. It's entirely possible that ratings could change once Raw moves to Netflix in January 2025 or when WWE NXT heads to The CW later this year. Any potential change will hinge on what those broadcasters want and also what sponsors will be comfortable with.

04-28-2024, 12:06 AM
Once they go to Netflix I can see WWE getting a little more looser. Glad the PG era over though, it annoyed me lol I will be interested to see if they will bleep out swear words once on Netflix though. I guess they still want that kid audience but parents now a days seem to not care as much as they did once about kids hearing swear days, don't want them to say them lol but hearing a different matter.

I miss The Attitude Days.