View Full Version : Kevin Owens Says 6-Foot-8 Son Has Begun Wrestling Training: 'We'll See What Happens'

06-26-2024, 06:10 PM
Kevin Owens could be the patriarch of a wrestling dynasty after revealing that his son has begun training to follow in his father's footsteps.

Owen Steen was born in 2008 and has appeared at events in support of his father. Speaking to NHL Now, the former WWE Universal Champion spoke about his son and shared the news that he could be a Superstar in the making.

"He got in the ring last week for the first time. That might be an avenue. It was pretty awesome to see. With WWE, I'm able to bring him to best possible place to start training. It's great to see him have the interest and at least give it a shot and see what happens... Yeah, it’s a real thrill."

Standing at 6-foot-8, Owen certainly already has the size of a WWE Superstar and is already pseudo-tied to the world of professional wrestling. His name comes from the late, great Owen Hart, who Kevin was a huge fan of. His appreciation of Hart and his love for his son led to Kevin Steen adopting the Owens name upon joining WWE in 2014.


If Owen Steen wishes to become a wrestler, then he'll have to work hard. Though his father's connections may be able to earn him a tryout, it's no guarantee that a career in WWE will be waiting for him.

As for his father, Kevin Owens has said that his current WWE contract expires in early 2025 and there are no guarantees as to what could happen next. The Prizefighter currently remains one of WWE's top stars in SmackDown and can often be found in the main event.