View Full Version : ECW Results - 24th Oct 2006

10-26-2006, 06:23 AM

ECW Results - 24th Oct 2006
St Louis, Missouri
Commentators: Joey Styles & Tazz

Extreme Championship Wrestling returns to action tonight with its return to live programming after a few weeks of taped episodes. Will Rob Van Dam further frustrate Big Show on his quest for the ECW title? After his appearance on Raw last night with Kevin Federline, how will Big Show rehabilitate his ‘extreme’ image? What is next for CM Punk? Will Test be able to fight off Bob Holly as Holly seeks revenge for the attack a few weeks ago? Will we hear from Sandman since he is an option for Umaga at Cyber Sunday?

We begin this week’s show with footage of Rob Van Dam facing and defeating Big Show. We also hear the comments from Van Dam and Big Show.

We are live from St. Louis , Missouri and your announcers are Joey ‘World Series’ Styles and Tazz.

Rob Van Dam comes out to the ring and he has something to say. He says that last week, the seemingly impossible happened. Someone beat the Big Show. Someone actually pinned the unbeatable giant. The seven foot tall monster . . . the unstoppable ECW World Champion. He says it was amazing. That amazing someone happens to be everyone’s favorite wrestler . . . Rob Van Dam. Van Dam says that everyone wants to know the same thing that Van Dam is thinking. When will Big Show put the title on the line.

Van Dam is interrupted by Paul Heyman and his security detail as they come to the ring. Heyman reminds Van Dam that Big Show was undefeated since entering ECW until last week when Rob beat Show. Heyman says that since he is the father of ECW and known around the world as a man of his world, he has a contract for Van Dam and Show. There is one catch. Van Dam will have to retrieve the contract tonight because the contract for the title match will be hanging from the ceiling. If he chooses to climb a ladder and bring down the contract, he can sign his name and choose any night for his title match. He says that there will be someone in his way to block his attempts. That man is the man who will be the Champion of Champions, the Big Show. If Big Show gets the contract, Big Show can tear up the contract and Van Dam gets no title match. He tells Van Dam that he needs to climb the ladder and retrieve the contract. The main event will be Rob Van Dam versus Big Show in a ladder match. Heyman remembers that Van Dam is the ‘lord and master’ of ladder matches, so it could get a little extreme. Heyman’s security detail attack Van Dam but Van Dam fights back and he takes care of the security detail. Heyman leaves the ring. We go to commercial.

We are back and we see the contract over the ring.

CM Punk versus Matt Striker

Punk with a double leg take down and then he gets Striker into a front face lock, but Striker escapes. Striker with a waist lock into a side head lock and neck vice. Punk escapes the hold and then he kicks Striker in the head. Punk with knees followed by a round kick into a hammer lock and wrist lock. Striker reverses, but Punk reverses as well. Both men exchange hammer locks until Striker gets to the apron. Striker puts Punk’s arm into the ropes and then he kicks the rope. Striker returns to the ring but Punk with a drop toe hold and Punk follows that with knees to the midsection. Striker with forearms to the neck and then he sends Punk shoulder first into the ring post. Striker wrings Punk’s arm into the ring post and ring steps. Striker rolls into a Fujiwara arm bar. Punk with a series of kicks and a step over back heel kick. Punk with running forearms to Striker followed by knees. Punk with an Irish whip followed by a running knee in the corner and a bulldog. Punk with a springboard clothesline and then he slaps Striker followed by a back kick. Punk sets for the uranage, but Mike Knox comes in and he attacks Punk.

Winner: CM Punk (by disqualification)

Knox punches Punk, but Punk ducks a bicycle kick and Punk responds with a roundhouse kick to the ear and Knox leaves the ring.

We see footage from last month’s match between Bob Holly and Rob Van Dam when Holly lacerated his back. We then see footage from Test’s attack on Bob Holly in the locker room when Holly threatened Heyman. We go to commercial.

Test versus Bob Holly

Test charges at Holly but Holly moves out of the way. Holly with a series of punches and a running back elbow to Test. Holly kicks Test in the head and Test stumbles into the corner. Holly chops Test but Test says he wants more. Holly gives Test his wish and he continues to pound Test in the corner. Test holds onto the ropes on an Irish whip and he rolls outside the ring. Holly goes out after Test. Test punches Holly and he slams Holly’s head into the ring steps and ring post. Test rolls Holly back into the ring and he connects with a series of back elbows, punches, and kicks in the corner. Test with an Irish whip but Holly hits a clothesline and then he kicks Test followed by a leg drop. Holly ties Test in the ropes and he punches and kicks Test. Test rolls out of the ring one more time and Holly goes out after Test another time. Holly’s head is slammed into the ring steps, but Holly also sends Test’s head into the steps before the action returns to the ring. Holly is sent to the apron and Test tries to suplex Holly into the ring, but Holly blocks it and he suplexes Test to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Test is working on Holly’s midsection wit a bear hug. We see footage during the commercial when Test tossed Holly’s back into the ring post. Back to live action, Holly escapes the hold but Test with a hard Irish whip. Test returns to the bear hug. Holly punches Test, but Test with a knee to stop Holly. Holly with a clothesline and both men are down. They both get up and Holly with running back elbows and a clothesline. Holly goes up top and hits a clothesline but he can only get a two count. Test with a power slam for a two count. Test kicks Holly in the midsection and then he goes up top. Holly hits the ropes and Test is crotched and he falls to the mat. Holly goes up to the second turnbuckle for a leg drop but he can only get a two count. Test tries for a pump handle slam, but Holly blocks it. Holly gets Test up for the Alabama Slam, but Test holds on to the ropes. Holly sets up for the kick to the lower abdomen. Test misses a big boot but he sends Holly shoulder first into the ring post and then he gets the three count.

Winner: Test

Test brings a chair into the ring and he hits Holly in the back.

We go to a segment on The Marine where people are asked if John Cena or his character in the movie is tougher.

We see Big Show and Paul Heyman talking in the hallway as we go to commercial.

Joey and Tazz run through the matches at Cyber Sunday that involve ECW wrestlers.

Rebecca DiPietro is in the interview area with Sandman. Sandman says that Kane and Umaga have already had a number of epic battles in the WWE. He says that if you vote for Chris Benoit, you would have the rabid wolverine versus the Samoan bulldozer. Sandman says that he finds Sandman versus Umaga interesting. He says that he has beaten up plenty of Samoans in bars during his life. They might not have been as tough as Umaga, but Umaga has never faced the likes of the Sandman. If you want to see a fight and blood, vote Sandman.

Ladder match
Big Show versus Rob Van Dam.

Van Dam goes outside as the match begins and he brings the ladder into the ring. Show kicks the ladder out of the ring. Show pushes Van Dam into the corner, but Van Dam kicks and punches his way out. Van Dam hits two side kicks from the turnbuckles and then he hits a slingshot leg drop on Show. Van Dam brings another ladder into the ring and he gets ready to set it up, but Show with a head butt to Van Dam and Van Dam’s head hits the ladder. Show with a series of chops in the corner and then Show sets the ladder up in the corner. Show Irish whips Van Dam into the ladder and then he tosses Van Dam to the floor. Show tries to use the ladder to knock the contract down, but Van Dam hits Show in the midsection with the ladder and then he hits Show in the head with the ladder and Show is bleeding. Van Dam goes up top and he hits a jumping side kick into the ladder that sends Show down to the mat. Van Dam puts the ladder on top of Show and then he hits Rolling Thunder and both men are down. Van Dam climbs the ladder, but Show pushes the ladder over and Van Dam’s throat hits the top rope. Show sets the ladder in the corner again and he throws Van Dam into the ladder. Show puts the ladder on top of Van Dam and Show stands on Van Dam. Show sends Van Dam into the ladder one more time. Van Dam punches Show but Show with a spear as Van Dam comes off the ropes. Show punches Van Dam in the head and then he slams Van Dam on the ladder. Show goes up to the second turnbuckle for the Vader Splash but Van Dam moves out of the way and Show hits the ladder with his ribs. Show grabs Van Dam by the throat, but Van Dam with a kick. Van Dam runs the ladder into Show’s midsection. Show choke slams Van Dam and then Show sets up the ladder. Van Dam climbs the ladder and he tries for a seated senton splash but Show catches him. Van Dam with a head scissors that sends both men over the top rope to the floor. Van Dam gets back into the ring and he climbs the ladder and he grabs the contract. We go to credits.

Winner: Rob Van Dam