View Full Version : Velocity Results - 18th Feb 2006

02-23-2006, 06:14 AM
Velocity Results - 18th Feb 2006
Location: Norfolk, Virginia

Quick Results

- Brian Kendrick and Paul London def. The Dicks
- Tatanka def. Scott Matthews
- Mascarita Sagrada def. Octagoncito
- Super Crazy def. Nunzio


Josh Mathews and Steve Romero welcome us to Velocity as we go down to ringside for the opening match.

The Dicks vs. Brian Kendrick and Paul London
Referee: Nick Patrick

The start:

Kendrick and Chad start off. Kendrick gets the early advantage but Chad counters. They exchange some arm drags then Chad tags in James. James connects with a kick to the midsection then a knee to the face of Brian Kendrick. Kendrick counters then tags in London. James charges London toward the corner then whips him to another corner, but fails as London hops over James.

Mid-match notes:

London goes for the top but Chad Dick distracts him and cheap shots him. James then tags in Chad and Chad continues the assault on Paul London. Chad tags in James and James throws London across the turnbuckle and chops him. London finally counters and tags in Kendrick but the referee did not see the tag. London counters again London finally gets the tag and Kendrick cleans house.

The Finish:

London and Kendrick double team the Dicks but the Dicks counter, but out of nowhere Paul London hits a shooting star press outside to one of the Dicks! Kendrick then hits the Sliced Bread #2 on the other Dick for the win!

Winners: Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Tatanka vs. Scott Matthews
Referee: Chris Kay

The start:

As Tatanka was putting his tomahawk and headdress down, Scott Matthews attacked him from behind! Tatanka no sells it however, and counters with chops to the chest. He then bangs the head of Scott on the turnbuckle. He whips Scott to the other ring post, then back to the other one. Tatanka whips Scott then delivers a sloppy arm drag. Tatanka chants then body slams Matthews, followed by a suplex.

The Finish:

Tatanka then whips Matthews across the ring and charges, but Matthews counters. He delivers some shots to the elbow of Matthews but Tatanka starts to dance and knocks down Matthews. Tatanka dances again then chops Matthews followed by a clothesline. Tatanka then goes to the chop and delivers the Tomahawk Chop! He then lifts Matthews and delivers a Samoan Drop for the 3 count!

Winner: Tatanka

Junior Division Match
Octagancito vs. Mascarita Sagrada
Referee: Charles Robinson

The start:

Sagrada begins by low blowing Octagancito. Octagancito whips Sagrada whips Sagrada and delivers an elbow for the two count. Sagrada connects with a headscissors. Sagrada then points to the sky, but Octagancito sees nothing and they exchange slaps to the chest. Sagrada then knocks Octagancito down then counts quickly, but Octagancito gets back up.

The Finish:

Both juniors then look at something, but then Sagrada hits Octagancito, but Octagancito thinks that referee Charles Robinson hit him, so he hits Robinson! He then hits him again and Robinson threatens to ring the bell on Octagancito but he gets on his knees and begs him not to! They then begins wrestling again and Octagancito hits a Torture Rack then turns it into a TKO. Sagrada then hits a gorilla press slam then rolls him up for the three count!

Winner: Mascarita Sagrada

Super Crazy vs. Nunzio
Referee: Jim Korderas

The start:

Nunzio starts off by working on the leg of Super Crazy. He goes for a roll up for a 2 count. Nunzio hen twists the arm of Crazy but Crazy counters it...until Nunzio throws Crazy out of the ring. Crazy then goes to the top and hits a arm drag followed by a monkey flip for a two count. Crazy then dropkicks Nunzio out of the ring and hits a springboard plancha out of the ring and into Nunzio! Crazy covers for a two count.

Mid-match notes:

Nunzio exits a ring and Crazy goes for another high flying move but it misses this time. Nunzio throws Crazy back in the ring and covers for a two count. Nunzio then suplexes Crazy and covers for another two count. Nunzio then applies a headscissors submission then starts to choke Crazy. Nunzio then exchanges some punches between Crazy, then Crazy hits a moonsault but Nunzio lifts his knees. Nunzio starts to slap the fallen Crazy but out of nowhere Crazy rolls up Nunzio for a two count.

The Finish:

Nunzio then whips Crazy, but Crazy counters by hitting a pin attempt for a two count. Nunzio then goes to the top, but Crazy counters him and clotheslines him through the apron. Then Crazy hits the moonsault for the win!

Winner: Super Crazy