View Full Version : Smackdown Spoilers For 11/03/06

10-30-2006, 05:27 PM
Smackdown opens with Rey Mysterio coming out to say goodbye to the fans. he said that even though he quit two weeks ago, he won;t quit on the fans because the fans never quit on him. This brings out Chavo and Vickie, they have a bent chair with them. They claim that it is the same chair used to destroy Rey's leg. Chavo wants Rey to autograph the chair, but after a few seconds, Chavo autographs the chair for Rey. Instead of putting Rey's name, Chavo right's "I Quit" on the bent chair. Chavo then beats Rey down, ending it with a chair shot onto the injured leg of Rey. Finally, Chris Benoit hits the ring to makes the save...

London and Kendrick w/ Ashley defeated K.C. James and Idol Stevens w/ Michelle McCool in a very good Smackdown opening match. Finish saw Kendrick hit the Slice Bread #2, followed by London hitting a Moonsault off of the back of Kendrick for the pin.

Backstage, Teddy Long is worried about King Booker's safety, as ECW and Raw guys are out to get Booker. Long says he has arranged a special room and a special person to protect Booker for the remainder of the night.

An Image is shown to hype Batista vs Finaly, scheduled for next week.

King Booker and Teddy Long go to the room, and that's where Booker and Sharmell find out that Batista was the guy hired to protect King Booker. This would begin a chain of very entertaining segments between Batiosta and King Booker.

Backstage, Ken Kennedy and MVP are arguing. Kennedy doesn't think MVP is taking the match with Taker and Kane serious enough. MVP says he will not be affraid of the Brothers of Destruction. That match is next...

Undertaker and Kane defeated Mr. Kennedy and MVP by count out after just minutes of Kennedy and MVP trading tags in fear of both Taker and Kane. Kennedy was really over in Milwaukee, getting a nice pop after they reminded everyone that he was from Green Bay.

As Kennedy and MVP retreated, Teddy Long came out and said that the match would be restarted...no count outs. Funny moment when MVP and Kennedy get hyped to return to the ring. Both go running at the same time, but Kennedy bails out MVP finds himself in the ring alone with Kane and Taker.

In the rematch, Undertaker and Kane defeated Mr. Kennedy and MVP after an intentional low blow, again, just minutes after the match started.

Once again, Teddy Long comes out with Kennedy and MVP are retreating up the ramp. Long says that the two guys need to recognize who is in charge. Long restarts the match and makes it No Count Outs, No DQ's. This time, Undertaker and Kane charge the ramp and take the fight to Kennedy and MVP

In the 3rd match, Kane and Undertaker defeated MVP and Ken Kennedy by pin fall. The fight goes out of the ring and around ringside. Once they return to the ring, Taker and Kane start working together. Taker drops one of them (hard to remember which one) in the corner for snake eyes, but Kane hits him with the big boot before Taker can. Taker looks at Kane with shock, and Kane just smiles. Ending comes after both men hit chokeslams at the same time. Taker then hits Kennedy with a tombstone and pins him.

After the match, Undertaker gets on his knee in the middle of the ring and does his hand raising thing, while Kane stands behind him and sets off his corner pyro. The two men both exit the ring by doing Kane's backwards over the top rope move, and walk back up the ramp. When they both reach the top of the ramp, they both look over their shoulders and raise their fists into the air.

Backstage, Batista is with King Booker and says that he heard about Raw and ECW guys coming to smackdown.

Greggory Helms defeated Jimmy Wayne Yang in a non-title match via a roll-up after Yang was distracted by Sylvain. After the match, Sylvain and Helms do a beatdown on Yang until Hardy makes the save. Hardy recieved a great pop from the Milwaukee crowd.

Backstage with King Booker and Batista, this time Sharmell says she needs to go "powder her nose". She is trying to tell booker that she needs to go to the bathroom. After a couple minutes of Booker not getting the hint, she says she will just cross her legs. Booker is comedy gold in these backstage segments...

After a break, we are back with Booker and Batista. Batista says he needs to go get some water, King Booker begs him to stay and protect him. Batista insists that he is just stepping outside the door to get a drink. Once in the hallway, Batista fakes being attacked, while Booker freaks out inside the room. Batista re-enters the room, and when Kign Booker asked what happen, Batista played it cool and said everything was fine. By this point, King Booker is so paranoid, he says he wants to leave the arena. When he goes to get his stuff, Batista smiles at his handy work.

Bobby Lashley defeated Jamie Noble via powerslam. Before the match started, Tatanka came out onto the stage, in black and white face-paint to watch the match. After the squash, Tatanka said something about being spoken to by the spirits of his tribe. He says he will fight to regain the pride his people once possessed...something like that.

King Booker and Batista are in the parking lot, when they are ambushed. I didn;t catch all the attackers, there were only four. I'm sure I saw Super Crazy, Cade, and Murdoch. Batista fought off the jobbers as King Booker made his escape via car. Teddy Long thanked Batista for protecting the champ, and Batista said that he will be champ soon enough, but for now...he has unfinished business to settle.

I am not sure if this will air or not, but JBL got into the ring and delivered a great promo. He said he could get bet back into the ring again, and return to being the "wrestling god", but it would never happen in a city like Milwaukee. he then ran down the Packers, Bucks, and Bears (?). He said if the fans chanted his name, he would come back to wrestling, after the crowd started to chant "JBL Sucks", he said it was our loss and returned to the announce booth.

Batista comes to the ring to a massive ovation, by far the biggest of the night. Batista calls out Finaly, and because Finaly loves to fight...it takes him no time to appear. The two participate in a tear-apart brawl, which had the crowd really angry because they wanted to see them fight, a "let them fight" chant broke out as the officials tried to seperate the two men. I am assuming this is where the show ends...

Teddy Long comes out and says that Batista will face Finaly tonight, in a No DQ match. Pretty much all the crowd stayed, as they were obviously there to see Batista in action. Batista won the match after a terrible looking spear and then a jackhammer.

10-30-2006, 07:34 PM
Bloody awesome to see Undertaker and kane back together. I wonder if they are planning to leave the WWE at the same time, a possibility, I am so hyped to see their matches :)

10-31-2006, 04:37 AM
Bloody awesome to see Undertaker and kane back together. I wonder if they are planning to leave the WWE at the same time, a possibility, I am so hyped to see their matches :)

as am i. however, batista v finlay was a dud and will be a dud once again so i hope this doesnt happen. i think they're stalling feuds due to raw v smackdown v ecw for cyber sunday and survivor series.. i think it will be kane v booker or batista v booker for armageddon.