View Full Version : RAW Results - 30th Oct 2006

10-31-2006, 05:21 AM
RAW Results - 30th Oct 2006
Location - Moline, Illinois
Announcers - Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler

LIVE Coverage

Edge and Randy Orton are already in the ring and Edge says that it is never good to start off the show on a tragic note, but tonight he does not think he has any other choice. On this sacred day, his birthday, he has to spend it with ‘all of them’. Edge feels a little nauseous but he will get past it. He does not think he can go on. Randy says that he has something that will make Edge feel better. That is footage of Orton’s victory over Triple H last week on Raw. Edge says that he is now fired up and he thanks Randy Orton. Six days from now, Degeneration X will suffer their most decisive beating ever. Not only do they have to face Randy Orton and Edge, but they will have to face a very special guest referee. Edge brings out his guest on the Cutting Edge, the three choices for referee. First, the man who used to run Raw and WCW, Eric Bischoff. Eric comes to the ring with his book in hand. Randy introduces Option B, the executive assistant, Jonathan Coachman. The final option is the Chairman of the Board himself, Vince McMahon. Edge welcomes his three guests and he says that we will not know the referee until Cyber Sunday, so he asks them to explain why they should be guest referee.

Eric goes first. He says that based on his performance last week, controversy creates cash. Coincidentally that is the title of his book that will debut on the New York Times Bestseller list. Does Degeneration X know about controversy? They ‘invaded’ Nitro and terrorized Vince McMahon. They do not know about controversy and Bischoff says that he was controversial before Shawn, Hunter, or Vince knew about controversy. If Eric gets the vote on Cyber Sunday, he will show DX what controversy is all about.

Coach is next and he says that since day one, DX has shown him no respect in his role as executive assistant. They have undermined his authority. He is begging the fans to give him a chance to allow him to show DX that he is not a joke.

Vince takes the mic and he will not pontificate as to why he should be a guest referee. He will show DX the same dignity and class that they have shown him in the past. He says that due to personal reasons, Shawn Michaels is not here tonight. Vince says that it is just as well because Triple H will square off against Randy Orton. Tonight will be the rubber match. Vince says that there needs to be a guest referee tonight, and that man is the birthday boy himself, Edge. Vince says that he has some business with Coach right now in the ring.

Coach thinks that this is a public thank you for taking care of things. Vince says that next week, there could be no champion on Raw if John Cena loses his title. Vince reminds Coach that Cena lost in an ECW ring before. Vince wants to know how Cena has been prepared. Coach figured that he would give Cena the night off so he could be ready for Cyber Sunday. Vince does not like that idea. Coach goes with option two, Cena in a handicap match against Big Show and King Booker since they will be in the building. Vince says no. Coach decides to see what Vince would like to see on the show. Vince says that he would want to show the importance of interactivity. He will allow everyone watching the show to determine who will face John Cena tonight in the main event. Will John Cena face the former WCW champion, and current World Champion King Booker? Will it be the ECW champion, Big Show? Will it be someone who has never been a champion and probably never will . . . will it be Jonathan Coachman? The voting begins right now.

We go to commercial.

We are back and we see Jerry Lawler cast his vote for John Cena’s opponent.
Before our first match begins, Jeff Hardy comes out to watch the three men who have a chance to face him at Cyber Sunday in the ring.

Johnny Nitro (with Melina) vs Shelton Benjamin vs Carlito

Nitro and Benjamin go after Carlito and they kick him in the corner. Benjamin and Nitro with a double belly-to-belly suplex, but Carlito lands on his feet. Carlito tries for a springboard back elbow but Benjamin and Nitro catch him and they throw Carlito over the top rope to the floor. Benjamin with a clothesline to Nitro followed by punches. Nitro with a satellite side Russian leg sweep and then he hits a pommel horse leg drop. Carlito punches Nitro and then he hits a drop kick on Benjamin. Carlito with a knee lift and clothesline and Nitro goes down. Carlito flips over Nitro from the turnbuckles, but Benjamin with a springboard bulldog to Carlito. Nitro with a jumping leg lariat to Benjamin for a two count. Benjamin tosses Nitro into the air and then Benjamin goes up top. Carlito gets on the apron but Benjamin punches him. Nitro hits a drop kick as Benjamin comes off the top turnbuckle. Carlito pulls Nitro out of the ring and then he hits the lungblower on Benjamin for the three count.

Winner: Carlito

After the match
Jeff Hardy applauds Carlito’s performance in the match.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the Slam of the Week: Kevin Federline slapping John Cena last week and Big Show and King Booker coming to Federline’s defense.

Todd Grisham is in the interview area with John Cena. Todd asks John about the match at Cyber Sunday and how his title could be on the line and if he is worried about losing it. Cena says he is not worried about Cyber Sunday. He says that he might gain another title at Cyber Sunday. He does not know what title is going to be on the line on Sunday and who he will be fighting tonight. He does not even know what he is going to eat for breakfast tomorrow. He does know that Kevin Federline’s album comes out tomorrow and it is ‘the bomb’. He says the military is going to order multiple copies and drop them behind enemy lines and they will kill themselves when they listen to it. Cena says that whatever title is on the line at Cyber Sunday, he is not worried. He is not worried about who he will wrestle tonight. It is not up to him, it is up to the people. Cena says that Grisham is Mr. WWE.com so he wants to know who Grisham voted for. Todd hesitates and Cena says that he saw Todd texting. Todd says that he was texting his girlfriend, but Cena says that Todd likes dudes, but that is a different conversation for a different day. Cena calls Grisham soft and he wants Grisham to stand up and be half a man. Grisham yells that he voted for King Booker and he hopes that he beats Cena tonight. Cena says that it was good that Grisham got that off his chest. Cena says that he is the crazy bastard who will walk to the ring like Frankenstein on PCP and he will melt everything in his path. Cena tells his opponents that he is looking down the barrel of a loaded gun. They should worry about him.

Candice and Torrie are in the locker room and they talk about who they are voting for. Candice says that she is going to vote for Coach. Torrie see Carlito in the hall and she wants to talk to him. Torrie says that Carlito has been going through some tough times since he was dating Trish before she left. Torrie tells Carlito that if he wants to talk about things she was there for him. Carlito says that he has not been honest about his feelings for Trish. He says that sometimes it is hard for a man to express his feelings. Torrie wants to know if Carlito wants to meet him after the show. Carlito suggests getting something to eat and she can give him some advice. Carlito says that he needs to shower and gather himself. Carlito says that this means so much to him. Carlito has a devious look on his face as we go to commercial.

Mickie James comes to the ring and we will get to decide the stipulation for the Finals on Sunday. The options are No Disqualification, Diva Lumberjacks, or Submission Match.

Semi-Final Match in the Women’s Title Tournament
Lita vs Maria

Lita gets distracted by Mickie and that allows Maria to get a few near falls. Lita with a clothesline and side Russian leg sweep for a two count. Lita with a back breaker for a two count. Lita with punches and forearms to Maria and then she slams Maria’s head into the turnbuckles. Lita throws Maria to the mat followed by an Irish whip into the corner. Lita charges into a boot from Maria. Maria with a bulldog followed by a bronco buster. Lita uses the ropes for a cover, but the referee stops the count. Lita with a kick to Maria followed by a DDT for the three count.

Winner: Lita

After the match
Lita comes to the announce table and she gets in Mickie’s face. Lita says that she will be the next Women’s champion and then she leaves.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a video package about the fight scenes from The Marine.

Big Show is in the locker room getting ready for his possible match tonight.

Edge comes out to the ring as the guest referee for the match between Randy Orton and Triple H.

Triple H comes down next and he asks if we are ready. However, it was addressed to Edge and before Randy Orton comes to the ring, Triple H gives Edge a Pedigree and Edge is out in the center of the ring. Hunter says that Edge apparently was not ready.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Triple H is in the ring waiting for Randy Orton and we have a new referee.

Randy Orton vs Triple H

Orton and Hunter exchange punches as the match starts. Hunter with a kick and he tries for the Pedigree, but Orton gets out of the ring. Orton throws a tantrum before returning to the ring. Hunter punches Orton and then he clotheslines Orton over the top rope to the floor. Orton throws another tantrum on the floor. Orton pulls Hunter out of the ring and he connects with a European uppercut and forearms to the back. Orton slams Hunter’s head into the ring steps and he tries to do the same to the announce table, but Hunter blocks it and he slams Orton’s head into the announce table. Orton is rolled back in. Orton punches Hunter in the back. Orton punches Hunter in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Hunter clips Orton in the knee and then he wrings Orton’s knee into the ring post. The action returns to the ring and Hunter with another clip to Orton’s knee. Hunter slams Orton’s knee into the mat and Orton writhes in pain. Hunter continues to work on the leg with an elbow drop. Hunter puts Orton’s leg on the rope and then he drops an elbow on the leg. Hunter mocks Orton’s pose and then he does a crotch chop. Hunter sets for a figure four leg lock but Orton kicks Hunter off and Orton with a back breaker. Orton with a DDT to Hunter and he gets a two count. Orton punches Hunter in the head and then he poses for the fans. Orton with a knee drop but he feels it almost as much as Triple H. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Hunter followed by a leg drop for a two count. Orton with a rear chin lock. Hunter tries to get out of the hold, but Orton pulls Hunter by the hair. Hunter with a kick to Orton but Orton punches Hunter. Hunter and Orton exchange punches with Orton getting the advantage. Hunter with a facebuster followed by punches. Edge comes into the ring and he spears Hunter.

Winner: Triple H (by disqualification)

Edge punches Hunter and then he picks up Hunter for Orton to punch him. Orton with a series of punches to Hunter’s head and then Edge slams Hunter’s head into the mat. Edge takes a chair from ringside and he brings it into the ring. Hunter punches Edge and Orton and he tries to fight off both men, but Edge hits Hunter in the back with the chair and then Edge hits him again. Orton grabs the chair and he places in the center of the ring and he tries for the RKO on the chair, but Hunter blocks it and Orton lands on the chair. Edge spears Hunter and then he grabs the chair. Hunter leaves the ring and he brings in the GameHammer. Hunter hits Edge’s chair and then he hits Orton in the abdomen with the GameHammer. Edge and Orton leave the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and King Booker is getting ready for his potential match against John Cena.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan and Eugene vs Umaga

Eugene cowers in the corner while Duggan punches Umaga. Umaga throws Duggan to the side. Duggan tries to attack Umaga from behind, but Umaga shakes it off. Eugene hides behind Lillian Garcia while Umaga punches Duggan. Umaga goes to the second turnbuckle for a diving headbutt on Duggan. Estrada signals to Umaga and Umaga hits the Samoan Spike for the three count.

Winner: Umaga

Coach is in the back getting ready for his potential match. Coach says that he has never been so ready. Eric tells Coach that he better be careful of Cena. Coach says that the new Coach is not afraid of Cena. He says that he will beat down the next person to walk into the door. That person is Ron Simmons. Coach runs like a little girl and Simmons looks at Bischoff and says ‘DAMN’.

We go to commercial.

We are back with another video package about The Marine talking about some of the challenges filming the movie.

Ric Flair comes out and he has something to say. Flair woooos for the crowd and then he talks about Cyber Sunday when he gets a chance to make tag team history when they face the Spirit Squad. Who will be Flair’s partner and it is up to the fans. Flair says that all three men who can be his partner are not only legends, they are the elite and they have a history with the Nature Boy. Flair brings out Sergeant Slaughter, Roddy Piper, and Dusty Rhodes. Flair says that this is big time stuff.

Slaughter addresses the crowd and he says that he wants the fans to choose him to be Flair’s partner to go into battle against those scums, those slimes, those maggots, the Puke Squad. Slaughter says that they do not take prisoners and if he is Flair’s partner on Sunday, it will be total annihilation.

Piper is next and he says that he refuses to lose. He says not to underestimate your partner or your opponent. They call the Spirit Squad a lean, green, fighting machine. While Flair, Slaughter, and Rhodes are former champions, he is not. If they choose him, he will make the Spirit Squad suffer.

Rhodes is the last to speak. It is an opportunity for the WWE fans to lift their voices high. For him, it is about respect and passion for the industry. The Spirit Squad are chasing the old bulls around. You can do what nobody has ever done and that is put The American Dream in the ring with the Nature Boy.

Flair takes off his jacket and he says that the fans will have to pick one of three great ones. He tells the Spirit Squad to expect to get their green asses kicked. Flair woooos and struts as we go to commercial.

We are back and Todd Grisham is with Cryme Tyme. Shad gives a shout out to his boys. JTG talks to Todd about how Cryme Tyme is going to hit the ring while Shad takes the monitor.

Cryme Tyme versus Viscera and Charlie Haas

Haas and JTG start things off. Haas with a kick and forearm to JTG and then he runs his laces across JTG’s face. JTG with a kick to Haas followed by shoulders in the corner. JTG with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow from Haas. Haas with kicks to JTG and an Irish whip. Haas with a butterfly suplex to JTG followed by a kick to the back. Viscera is tagged in and Haas with a drop toe hold and Viscera with a leg drop for a two count. Viscera with a slam to JTG followed by a bear hug. JTG punches Viscera but Viscera backs JTG into the corner. Viscera misses a charge into the corner and Haas tags in. Haas tries for a belly-to-back suplex, but JTG is able to get out of the hold and he makes the tag. Shad with clotheslines and then he presses Haas over his head and drops Haas on his chest. Shad punches Viscera and then he clotheslines Viscera but Viscera stays up. Shad and JTG take Viscera down. Haas sends JTG over the top rope. Haas with a kick to Shad but JTG takes Haas down. Cryme Tyme with a neck breaker/Samoan Drop combination for the three count.

Winners: Cryme Tyme

After the match
Cryme Tyme watch the replay on the monitor they borrowed from the back with Jerry Lawler.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Todd Grisham is waiting for Triple H. Triple H says that he does not care who the guest referee is at Cyber Sunday. It is not going to matter because you can see how he gets along with special guest referees. Edge and Orton can bring whoever and whatever they want. They are not just stepping into the ring with Shawn Michaels and Triple H, they are stepping into the ring with Degeneration X and there is no stopping them. They need to understand the truth. If they bring it, he will bring it bigger.

Jonathan Coachman in the back and he is figuring out who to vote for and King Booker enters with Queen Sharmell. King Booker tells Coach he better get ready for his match because his subjects will not vote for him. Big Show enters and Show tells Booker that he should be wrestling Cena tonight. Show and Booker argue and then they look at Coach and they both says that Coach should be facing John Cena tonight.

We go to commercial.

We are back and King Booker walks to the ring with Queen Sharmell in all of their royal splendor.

Big Show is out next and we hear Todd Grisham go over the three options for John Cena’s opponent for tonight.

Jonathan Coachman comes out last and he joins Booker and Show in the ring.

Todd Grisham takes a poll of the fans in the arena for who they voted for. If the fans in the building are any indication, it will be Coach. The results are: Big Show 12%, King Booker 14%, Coach 74%. Show and Booker chuckle at the results while they leave the ring.

Jonathan Coachman vs John Cena

Coach tries to run to the back but Cena stops him and Cena rolls Coach into the ring. Show with a spear to Cena and then Booker kicks Cena. Booker sends Cena into the ring steps. Booker punches Cena in the back then Show and Booker roll Cena into the ring. The bell rings and Coach tries for the quick victory, but Cena kicks out. Coach with a forearm to Cena’s back. Coach chokes Cena and then he connects with an elbow and chop in the corner. Cena is not a happy camper as Coach continues to punch and chop Cena. Cena with a double leg take down and Cena punches Coach followed by a running elbow into the corner. Cena goes up for the punches of ten in the corner and then he hits the Blue Thunder Driver. Cena with the five knuckle shuffle and then it is time for the FU and the STFU as Coach taps. We go to credits.

Winner: John Cena

11-01-2006, 04:32 PM
hmmm setting Lita up for a fantastic finish?

11-01-2006, 06:04 PM
this raw sounds pretty bad. :tumble: